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[7][28]Previously on survivor...
[35][88]People that don't play this game even|half as bold as me pisses me off.
[88][111]Coach thought he was in|the driver's seat.
[118][132]Taj has to go next.
[176][199]But debbie turned|on her old ally.
[200][232]It is not good for me to be attached|to coach. People are tired of him.
[232][260]Okay, so he's going to think|we're voting on taj.
[261][286]I think we need to go ahead and get coach out but
[286][311]it has to be every single one of us writing down.
[311][336]So the jalapao three and erinn decided
[336][362]debbie was too dangerous it keep around.
[387][399]Yeah, she goes.
[409][453]Coach was clueless as he watched|his longtime ally go home.
[455][473]Debbie, the tribe has spoken.
[489][510]Can coach regain control?
[513][544]Five are left, who will|be voted out tonight?
[719][730]I'm in shock.
[732][758]Tonight at tribal, I thought I was the|one going home when I saw my name.
[772][792]And then it was debbie, debbie, debbie.
[797][811]- Coach. - Yes, sir?
[906][921]That's why she wrote|your name down.
[928][946]I can't grasp that.
[947][1009]I'm like the lamb led to the|legislaturehouse around he.
[1009][1025]Oh, my goodness.
[1073][1111]I was|like, wow, j. t., erinn, and taj
[1111][1160]and stephen mounted a counter-Attack|against debbie to save me.
[1161][1179]It would be very easy|to vote me out.
[1179][1204]You know, I know I'm a dangerous player in
[1204][1228]this game, and so I'm-- I'm just shocked.
[1245][1260]Thanks for protecting me.
[1270][1287]Holy cow!
[1288][1301]So it's a lesson in this.
[1301][1330]I think the game is still|being played with truth.
[1337][1360]I think the game is still|being played with honesty.
[1371][1406]I think this is the|first time in this game
[1419][1463]that I'm almost speechless. Almost.
[1470][1490]Sorry to lay that|one on you. *****
[1509][1547]No I just want to talk to j. t. and stephen|and just ask them when am I going?
[1547][1559]Just tell me when I'm going?
[1559][1593]Obviously, coach is no longer in control of this
[1593][1629]game, and I don't know what's going to happen next.
[1653][1669]I'm sorry I'm sorry.
[1717][1824]<font color=#38B0DE>-=www. ydy. com/bbs=-Proudly|Presents</font>
[1901][2009]<font color=#38B0DE>-=www. ydy. com/bbs=-Sync:|YTET-Ring</font>
[2074][2139]<font color=#38B0DE>Survivor|Season 18 Episode 13</font>
[2335][2353]I've got a question *****
[2406][2437]I just want to be in agreement with|you guys on what you want to do.
[2472][2480]I know.
[2481][2496]Man, may lung's feel like--
[2498][2507]Are you all right.
[2510][2534]You looked are youib|ruined yesterday.
[2539][2564]I feel like I scarred|my lungs yesterday.
[2596][2646]My lungs felt like I smoked 20|cigars and inhaled all of them.
[2653][2685]For me, it's whatever|you guys want.
[2688][2709]I was talking to the|guysabout exile.
[2717][2742]I don't want to go to exile. Nobody|wants to go to exile at this point.
[2743][2778]I hope my asthma doesn't|flare up. ******
[2824][2855]This asthma is kicking my ass. My|back is killing me every day.
[2864][2882]How do I handle|that adversity?
[2912][2957]You know what I think, the noble|thing is we send j. t. or myself.
[2960][3019]Lut the been-- But the|cold, calculating, competitor in me
[3034][3054]wants to send taj or erinn.
[3058][3076]It's really up to you guys what you think. I
[3076][3091]just want to all be on the same page.
[3114][3154]Oh, god! I mean, j. t. and I are|eager to send coach to exile.
[3154][3169]He has been so|skittish about it.
[3169][3206]He has been selling out everyone trying|to get them to go to exile before him.
[3209][3254]You know, coach has mentioned ailments, you|know, a back problem, asthma burkts
[3254][3282]it never seemed to really|affect his performance.
[3286][3324]I'm not entirely sure coach can build|a fire or cook the food by himself.
[3337][3354]I don't know. I|think he's scared.
[3379][3400]Do you want to just tell him|we're sending him to exile?
[3455][3462]Doesn't matter.
[3480][3501]Coach, he's just so|scared to go to exile.
[3501][3540]He's such an adventurous coach he|shouldn't be ready to go to exile.
[3550][3577]I'm ready to test him and we plan to send
[3577][3603]him home at the next immunity challenge so.
[3715][3725]Come on in, guys!
[3804][3816]What's up, finalify?
[3821][3829]How you doing, jeff?
[3857][3874]You guys ready to get|to today's challenge?
[3882][3915]For today's challenge, you|will race through a maze.
[3923][3965]You must then build a pole long|enough to retrieve a sandbag.
[3967][4015]You'll swing the sandbag in an|attempt to knock over three targets,
[4016][4029]raising a flag.
[4035][4065]First person to raise|their flag wins.
[4067][4084]One more element to|this challenge--
[4085][4122]You will run the entire challenge|with your feet shackled together.
[4135][4146]Nt to know what|you're playing for?
[4154][4199]The winner of this challenge will|be taken on an overnight reward.
[4202][4214]You will leave camp.
[4215][4237]You will be taken to the|governor's retreat.
[4238][4297]Where you will enjoy a|bed, a shower, a feast.
[4305][4338]In addition, the winner will send|one person to exile isld.
[4338][4348]Worth playing for?
[4354][4375]I know it is. We'll draw for|spots, we'll get started.
[4444][4461]Here we go, for reward.
[4462][4471]Survivors ready?
[4557][4571]J. T. in the lead.
[4580][4611]Is he right? Everybody|following j. t. except taj.
[4611][4624]She's going her own way.
[4625][4646]Somebody's going to be|right. Sobody's going to be wrong.
[4648][4662]Stephen hits a dead end.
[4685][4700]Taj hits a dead end.
[4702][4718]J. T.'s on the right course.
[4718][4731]Coach right behind.
[4772][4820]Coach taking the smart strategy. He's just|going to follow j. t., let him lead.
[4822][4858]Erinn going to follow coach|and j. t. follow the leader.
[4915][4948]J. T. and coach through the|second section of the maze.
[4968][4978]Erinn right in it.
[4985][5008]Taj and stephen|falling out of it.
[5030][5062]J. T. having no trouble|at all with this maze.
[5063][5082]Coach having no trouble|following him.
[5097][5130]J. T. and coach entering the|final section of the maze.
[5160][5190]J. T. is through the maze.
[5198][5229]Coach right behind. Now you've got|to start working on that pole.
[5280][5290]You guys help me out here.
[5290][5324]Erinn, stephen, taj, now|very far behind.
[5327][5362]Right now this challenge is|between j. t. and coach.
[5362][5393]Come on, j. t. Coach would|love to win a reward.
[5393][5406]Damn right about that.
[5416][5429]Back, back, back.
[5451][5471]J. T. already working|on his pole.
[5473][5493]Coach still untying|his pieces.
[5500][5515]Taj through the maze.
[5529][5543]Erinn through the maze.
[5543][5556]Stephen through the maze.
[5556][5576]Everybody's now working|on their pole.
[5668][5687]J. T. has a nice pole|coming along.
[5690][5706]Coach picking up the pace.
[5708][5724]J. T. with a bit of a lead.
[5759][5784]J. T. now has four pies|of pole together.
[5791][5812]Once you think your|pole is long enough.
[5817][5831]Reach for that sandbag.
[5848][5876]J. T. has his pole together, and|has reached for his bag.
[5881][5894]Coach needs to pick it up.
[5915][5936]J. T. knocks over|his first target.
[5936][5943]Nice job.
[5944][5967]A total of three targets|you have to hit.
[5981][6003]J. t.'s knocked over|his second target.
[6005][6027]One target left|for a big reward.
[6028][6041]Coach now in on it.
[6051][6067]Will his pole reach?
[6101][6128]J. T. wins reward!
[6209][6223]J. T., come on over.
[6249][6290]First order of business, sending|one person to exile island.
[6301][6329]They will not go on the reward. They|will not go back to camp.
[6331][6369]They will have another|hot, probably wet stay away from
[6369][6410]all of the politics of what is|going on these last few days.
[6413][6450]Exile is the one place|you do not want to be.
[6453][6466]On day 34.
[6471][6482]Any volunteers?
[6529][6542]Let's be noble, coach.
[6554][6561]Let's do this.
[6568][6585]Me and you is the only two|that hasn't been there.
[6586][6595]Thank you, J. T.
[6598][6613]Coach how do you feel about|going to exile island.
[6613][6629]I'm going to take the|monastic approach.
[6668][6691]He's going to take the martyr approach so
[6691][6715]when he comes back he can not have eaten,
[6715][6761]not have slept, not have had any|water, miniming the experiences of some,
[6761][6804]I feel like, and have an excuse when he|doesn't win immunity when he gets back.
[6807][6817]That's pretty harsh.
[6823][6834]Kind of how I feel. Sorry.
[6834][6869]Is there something about what erinn said|maybe trying to put yourself in the position
[6869][6899]so you have the worst|experience at exile.
[6900][6929]I want it to be tough on|me, that's for sure.
[6929][6967]I'm not going to minimize everybody's|experience. I'm disappointed erinn would say that.
[6969][7004]Since the beginning of the game she|wanted to talk me down a little bit
[7004][7030]and sometimes when people do|that they want to vault over.
[7030][7065]I think she wants to leave here with|the toughest exile experience.
[7065][7081]I don't want to take|that away from her.
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