The making of a hero 94 95 u4.docx

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The making of a hero 94 95 u4


Intimidated/ɪnˈtɪm.ɪ.deɪ.tɪd/-zastraszony, zahukany, onieśmielony- feeling frightened and not confident in a particular situation

Abduction/æbˈdʌk.ʃən/-porwanie, uprowadzenie- to take sb away illegally, especially using force

Marathonmær.ə.θən/ -- a long running race of about 42 kilometres or 26 miles; an activity or a piece of work that lasts a long time and requires a lot of effort and patience

Lowerləʊ.ər/ --

Refreshing /rɪˈfreʃ.ɪŋ/ -- pleasantly new or different

Down to earth /ɜːθ/ -- sensible and practical, in a way that is helpful and friendly

Initial /ɪˈnɪʃ.əl/ -- happening at the beginning; first

Appointment /əˈpɔɪnt.mənt/ -- a formal arrangement to meet or visit sb at a particular time, especially for a reason connected with their work

Proving --

Superherosuː.pəˌhɪə.rəʊ/ -- a character in a story, film / movie, etc. who has unusual strength or power and uses it to help people; a real person who has done sth unusually brave to help sb

Appropriate /əˈprəʊ.pri.ət/ -- suitable, acceptable or correct for the particular circumstances

Titletaɪ.tl ̩/ --

Evangelicaliː.vænˈdʒel.ɪ.kəl/ -entuzjastyczny- reat energy or enthusiasm connected with sth that you feel strongly about

Zeal /ziːl/ -entuzjazm, zapał- reat energy or enthusiasm connected with sth that you feel strongly about

Desire /dɪˈzaɪər / -- a strong wish to have or do sth

Empower /ɪmˈpaʊər / -zainspirować, dać siłę do działania- to give sb the power or authority to do sth

Grim /grɪm/ -ponury- unpleasant and depressing

Involvement (in / with sth) /ɪnˈvɒlv.mənt/ -- the act of taking part in sth; the act of giving a lot of time and attention to sth you care about

Potential /ʊ ˈten.tʃəl/ -- that can develop into sth or be developed in the future

Make a difference -- to have an effect on sb/sth

Join the army --

Graduate fromgrædʒ.u.eɪt/ -- to get a degree, especially your first degree, from a university or college

Was commissioned into /kəˈmɪʃ.ən/ --

Infantryɪn.fən.tri/ -piechota- soldiers who fight on foot

Unitsjuː.nɪt/ --

Kidnapkɪd.næp/ --to take sb away illegally and keep them as a prisoner, especially in order to get money or sth else for returning them

Victimvɪk.tɪm/ -- a person who has been attacked, injured or killed as the result of a crime, a disease, an accident, etc.

Assume /əˈsjuːm/ -- to think or accept that sth is true but without having proof of it

Give up --

Inactivity ɪn.ækˈtɪv.ɪ.ti/ -bezczynność, bierność- not doing anything; not active

Pursue /pəˈsjuː/ -dążyć do czegoś, kontynuować- to do sth or try to achieve sth over a period of time

Logic -- a way of thinking or explaining sth

Reason -- a cause or an explanation for sth that has happened or that sb has done

Driving force -- a person who has a lot of power and influence and should therefore be treated seriously; the person with the strongest influence

Break --

Shortly -- a short time; not long

Opportunity toɒp.əˈtjuː.nə.ti/ -- a time when a particular situation makes it possible to do or achieve sth

A masters degree in security management /sɪˈkjʊə.rɪ.ti/ --

Risk -- the possibility of sth bad happening at some time in the future; a situation that could be dangerous or have a bad result

Managementmæn.ɪdʒ.mənt/ -- the act of running and controlling a business or similar organization

Surveysɜː.veɪ/ -- an investigation of the opinions, behaviour, etc. of a particular group of people, which is usually done by asking them questions

Leadershipliː.də.ʃɪp/ -- the state or position of being a leader

Deal with sth -- to solve a problem, perform a task, etc.

Achievement /əˈtʃiːv.mənt/ -- a thing that sb has done successfully, especially using their own effort and skill

Aim -- the purpose of doing sth; what sb is trying to achieve

Performance /pəˈfɔː.mənt s/ --

Enhancer /ɪnˈhɑːnt .r / -dosł. Polepszacz, tu: osoba pozytywnie wpływająca na ludzi lub sytuacje- a substance or device that is designed to improve sth

Motivational (motivate)məʊ.tɪˈveɪ.ʃən.əl/ -- to make sb want to do sth, especially sth that involves hard work and effort

Privilegeprɪv.əl.ɪdʒ/ -- a special right or advantage that a particular person or group of people has

Running his own business --

Dairydeə.ri/ -nabiałowy, mleczarski- made from milk

set up -- a way of organizing sth; a system

Obviouslyɒə.sli/ -- used when giving information that you expect other people to know already or agree with;

used to say that a particular situation or fact is easy to see or understand

Completing /kəmˈpliːt/ -- 

Plenty of --

Job offers --

Focus onfəʊ.kəs/ --

Charitytʃær.ɪ.ti/ -- an organization for helping people in need

Employee /ɪmˈplɔɪ.iː/ -- a person who is paid to work for sb

Specializes (in sth)speʃ.əl.aɪz/ -- to become an expert in a particular area of work, study or business; to spend more time on one area of work, etc. than on others

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