Zadania na obserwacje 4.doc

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1. Lesson parts :Pay attention to the sequence of tasks included.

How is the lesson started? Do Ss have enough time to solve tasks? Are Ss involved in the tasks? Does the lesson finish on time? Is there a clear ending in the lesson?


2. What language does the T use during the lesson? Does she/he use only English? How much polish is used during the lesson?


3. How would you describe learning environment? What’s the atmosphere? Is the T friendly?


4. Was the division between stages clear? How?


5. Class organization:Do Ss work in groups or pairs? How much time is devoted to lockstep and how much to pair/group work? What does the T do during pair/group work? Does he monitor? How?


6. Error correction : Are mistakes corrected immediately? How are they corrected? Does the T encourage self-correction? Does he praise Ss?


7. Pupils : Pay attention to Ss’ behavior. Do they listen to the T and follow the instructions? Are they involved in the lesson? Are they concentrated? Do they talk in Polish or English? How do they show their interest or boredom


8. Use of materials & aids : What materials are used during the lesson? Are they appropriate for the age and level of Ss? What quality are those materials? Do they stimulate Ss or not? Why?


9. Instructions and explanations : Note down T’s instructions. Are they short and clear? Does the T have to rephrase them, repeat them? Do Ss ask additional questions? Why/not? Observe new ways of explaining new words or grammar structures.


10. Was the T successful in promoting and maintaining learner interest? Did the T equally involve all the Ss? Did weaker or stronger Ss tend to “disappear” ?


11. Which activities in the lesson do you consider were the most valuable for the Ss? Why were they valuable?


12. How disciplined was the class in your opinion on a scale 1 to 10? Which Ss’ behaviour that you saw would you consider as lack of discipline or even discipline problem? Why do you think the discipline problem occurred? Why did the problem occurred at a specific stage of the lesson and not at some other point? How did the T respond to these behaviours?

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