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La Morte Nera By AydenMorgen
La Morte Nera: Part One
Memphis, 2010 -
The half moon shone through the shattered window, glinting off of the few glass
shards that still littered the floor and casting odd beams of light upward. They
danced in shadowed prisms along the baseboards; little distortions of light in
pitch black. It wasn't enough to make anything visible, but then again, Edward
had no need of the light anyway. He could see his prey slinking across the
decaying, musty room as well as if it had been midday.
The wolf's yellow eyes were closed to mere slits, his upper lip curled in a
soundless snarl as saliva dripped from yellowed fangs. Grey fur nearly stood on
end along his back and the white, matted fur of his chest seemed to shine in the
darkness. His claws clicked quietly on the rotted wood of the floor as he backed
away. His head swung from side to side as if looking for an escape route, any
escape route.
There wasn't one, of course.
Edward had made damn sure of that, backing the animal toward the corner with
the skill of one born and bred to hunt. Jasper and Emmett flanked him, spread
out into a spear point to ensure that the wolf went nowhere.
Fury rolled from it in waves; stinging at Edward until his eyes and nose burned
with the sharp, acrid scent of the diseased blood running through its veins. He
wanted to gag at the rancid smell, but refused to let himself even consider it. If
he lost his focus now, even for a minute, all hell would break loose. And he'd
tracked the bastard too far to let him go now.
The wolf glanced briefly between him and Jasper to his left. Edward could feel the
thing hesitate over the foot of empty space between them and then on the gaping
window beyond. It lifted one massive paw and leaned forward.
Edward reacted instantly, stepping toward the animal and sending the object in
his hands whirling. Blue sparks shot from both ends like a firecracker, piercing
the darkness. The wolf howled in fury and raced forward, leaning low to the
ground and zagging across the rotting floor.
"Dammit!" Edward dove to his left to cut him off. He kept the rigged flare twirling
expertly in his hands, hoping it would slow the thing down.
It didn't.
The wolf screamed as those blue sparks arced toward him again. The sound sent
chills racing up Edward's spine. He gritted his teeth, sparks from the flare stinging
like embers at his hands.
The wolf changed his flight path as those sparks swirled in loose circles and
rained down. The sharp scent of singed fur wafted toward Edward, joining the
disgusting cacophony already clogging his nose. His stomach threatened to roil
The crazed animal twisted its massive frame in mid-air, more frantic than before.
Edward spun in mid-dive, equally as desperate. The wolf could not be allowed to
escape out the window and into the unsuspecting neighborhood beyond. It would
be a disaster. Even with his supernatural speed though, Edward knew that he
would never get close in time to stop it.
The damned thing was too quick; far quicker than he'd anticipated it would be
now. Already it was racing past him, its tail swinging wildly back and forth. It
curled in upon itself for an instant, getting ready to spring. Edward tossed the
flare aside and leaped forward, jerking a pair of throwing knives from their
The wolf bounded upward, nearly to the window now. There was no way Edward
was going to get the knives out before the wolf completed that desperate dive,
but he ripped them from their sheaths and threw anyway.
With a roar, Emmett loomed up in front of the window, his sword still strapped to
his back and his thick arms outstretched. The wolf caught sight of him and
howled again, trying to turn himself in midair. Edward shouted a wordless
warning, watching in silent frustration as the wolf managed to crouch in upon
itself in midair and twist to the side.
The knives whistled harmlessly past.
Emmett didn't even flinch as first one and then the other diamond studded blade
sank into his flesh, cutting deep from the force of the throw. He paid them no
attention at all, in fact, instead grabbing the rabid animal by the scruff of the
neck and slamming it to the floor as if the knives were not even there.
The momentum of that body slam drove him to the floor right alongside the wolf.
He cursed savagely as the impact rocked the decayed building.
Edward staggered and fell hard.
The second flare slipped from his belt and bounced once before clattering
harmlessly to the floor beside him.
The wolf roared from halfway across the room.
Edward ignored the animalistic screams and dragged himself to his knees just in
time to see the animal buck against the floor, his fangs snapping at the air.
Emmett cursed and fell backward, his hand still holding tightly to the scruff of the
creature's neck. That grip dragged the snarling animal half on top of him.
"Hell." Edward bounded to his feet to help before the situation got out of hand.
Wolf blood would burn his brother like acid and hurt like a motherfucker. And that
was before it infected him as surely as the wolf was now infected. There'd be no
saving his brother when that happened.
Edward might as well have stayed where he was though.
The creature kicked its back feet wildly as it fought to tear itself from Emmett's
grip. One giant paw smacked into Edward's knee; the other crunched beneath his
boot. With a curse, he went sprawling across the floor; his own legs tangling in
the mess of flailing vampire and animal limbs.
"Son of a bitch!" he roared, suddenly furious that nothing seemed to be going
exactly right. He and his brothers had done this too many times to count… and
not even their first hunts as vampires had been such a pathetic display as this
was shaping up to be!
He kicked himself free of the mess and leaped to his feet to drag the thing off of
Emmett. The animal thrashed its head back and forth like the possessed thing it
was, fangs bared and snapping. Drops of foam flew, wetting Edward, Emmett and
the surrounding floor.
Edward growled a litany of curses and jerked the animal's head back further,
pinning it in place. Jasper, seeming not at all concerned, strode forward from his
place a few feet beyond the window and kicked savagely. His booted foot
connected with the animal's side. Bone crunched.
The thing stopped thrashing and started howling, one pained cry after another.
Emmett rolled to his feet instantly, tearing the sword out of the scabbard across
his back. Edward stepped back, cringing at what was coming. No matter how
many times they did it, or what species their blades fell upon, it never got any
easier to watch.
In one blindingly fast move, Emmett hefted the sword high over his head and
with more force than was absolutely necessary, drove it into the wolf's neck. It
thrummed as it bit through the floorboard beneath, sending chunks of rotted
wood bouncing into the room below. The animal's head separated almost
completely from its body as Em jerked the sword out, the knives still embedded
deeply in his left arm.
Black blood spurted from the gaping hole in the animal's neck. Emmett leaped
backwards, narrowly missing being splattered. The diseased blood hit the floor
Wisps of smoke began to curl up immediately in those spots.
Edward gagged as the smell of smoking wood added to the stench already
permeating the room.
Christ, what he wouldn't give for a human sense of smell! He held his breath and
eyed the wolf, knowing that was a useless desire. He was no more human than
the wolf, and that was to say not at all anymore.
Its legs jerked a final time, almost as if it did not quite realize it was dead, and
then lay still. And who knew? Maybe it didn't realize it was dead.
This certainly wouldn't be the first time Edward helped kill something that didn't
die easy. He rather doubted it would be the last either. The virus infecting the
wolf had spread far already; savagely decimating the vampire and wolf
populations. Nothing short of a miracle would stop it now.
And miracles were in short supply.
Everyone from the werewolves hiding in Belize to the Volturi in Italy were
working to find a cure… and none were anywhere close to it. La Morte Nera was
unopposed in its deadly march forward, and damn near invincible too. It killed
every supernatural creature it touched… werewolf, shifter and vampire alike.
Silence hummed through the old building for a long moment as the wolf gurgled a
final time.
The knots in Edward's shoulders relaxed.
Emmett breathed a deep sigh of relief, drawing Edward's attention to him. He
winced as he caught sight of his knives again, still buried hilt deep in his brother's
flesh. His earlier fury simmered again.
How the hell did one infected shifter manage to cause such a fuss?
"Fucking wolves," Emmett spat, flopping down beneath the glassless window. He
grabbed the knives by the hilts and jerked them free before tossing them to the
floor in disgust.
Edward hauled himself to his feet again, ripping clean strips from his shirt to help
bandage the wounds. He sent up a silent prayer of thanks that none of the wolf's
saliva had gotten into the diamond-caused wounds yet. Better safe than sorry
though. "Did his saliva hit you?"
Emmett shook his head. "Just my legs. Wounds are clean."
Edward dropped to his knees beside his brother, makeshift bandage in had. "How
the hell did that happen?"
"Damned if I know." Jasper glanced back down at the wolf. "I've never seen one
of the infected fight like that to get free." Curiosity sparked in his amber eyes.
"Wonder what that was all about."
"Damned if I know," Emmett tossed Jasper's own phrasing back at him. He
sighed heavily; the noise almost aggrieved. "Half a million people in this city and
we're the only ones fool enough to wrestle wolves. Do neither of you find that
just the least bit insane?"
"I'm sure if you kindly inform the other half a million inhabitants that shifters are
real, they'd be happy to take over for you. Oh yeah," Jasper said, as unperturbed
as ever. He held up one finger. "You might first explain about werewolves and
vampires and the Volturi, too. I don't particularly want to be spitted by your
ignorant human replacement."
"Spitted?" Emmett snorted in disgust. "I've never spitted anyone!"
"I think that's his point, Em," Edward pointed out quietly, wrapping his makeshift
bandages around his brother's wounds.
"More or less," Jasper confirmed.
"Yeah, well- ah dammit!" Em held his grime covered shirt away from his body,
looking more pained than he had even when Edward's knives had found his flesh.
"I liked this shirt."
"I'll buy you a new one," Edward muttered. Leave it to Emmett to worry more
about his shirt than the jagged holes in his arm. Not that the jagged holes in his
arm really required worrying, anyway. Diamond might have cut through his stony
flesh like butter, but it'd take far more than two little holes to kill him. With the
wounds clean, he was in no danger of dying. Not tonight anyway.
"Damned right you will." Emmett's teeth gleamed in the dark. "You're the fucker
who stabbed me."
Jasper prodded the wolf carcass with a booted heel. "It's been a few weeks since
we've had to kill one of the shifters. This makes three in twenty-four hours."
"Mm," Em grunted. "Almost makes you wonder what's up, doesn't it?"
Edward could feel Jasper's eyes on him. "I don't know," he answered without
looking up. "The virus affects the shifters differently. They're -"
"Humans unaffected by the lycanthropy virus," Emmett cut in airily. "Big
difference. Not the same. Yadda, yadda, yadda."
Tell us something we don't know, he finished silently.
Edward pulled the bandage tighter than necessary.
"Ouch." Emmett glared at him. "I'm just saying; we get it. No lecture necessary.
But still… it would be nice to know what the hell it was doing." He pointed to the
window with his good arm, oddly serious. "He was damned intent on getting out
of here. And the other two weren't much more willing to stick around and fight.
That's not exactly normal infected behavior."
"No kidding." Jasper slung his pack to the floor and jerked a black tarp from it. He
tossed it down beside the dead wolf and reached into the pack again. "What the
hell are they after out there?" A length of thick rope joined the tarp.
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