Miscellaneous Theological Works by Emanuel Swedenborg tr from the Original Latin by John Whitehead (2009).pdf

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Miscellaneous Theological Works
Translated from the Original Latin by
John Whitehead
West Chester, Pennsylvania
© 2009 Swedenborg Foundation
This version was compiled from electronic files of the
Standard Edition of the Works of Emanuel Swedenborg as
further edited by William Ross Woofenden. Pagination of
this PDF document does not match that of the
corresponding printed volumes, and any page references
within this text may not be accurate. However, most if not
all of the numerical references herein are not to page
numbers but to Swedenborg’s section numbers, which are
not affected by changes in pagination. If this work appears
both separately and as part of a larger volume file, its
pagination follows that of the larger volume in both cases.
This version has not been proofed against the original, and
occasional errors in conversion may remain. To purchase the
full set of the Redesigned Standard Edition of Emanuel
Swedenborg’s works, or the available volumes of the latest
translation (the New Century Edition of the Works of
Emanuel Swedenborg), contact the Swedenborg Foundation
at 1-800-355-3222, www.swedenborg.com , or 320 North
Church Street, West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380.
Editor’s Preface
New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine
Brief Exposition of the Doctrine of the New Church
Interaction of Soul and Body
The White Horse
Appendix to the White Horse
Earths in the Universe
Last Judgment and Babylon Destroyed
Continuation on the Last Judgment
Editor’s Preface
This volume, Miscellaneous Theological Works, comprising eight
of Swedenborg’s shorter published works, was first issued in 1913.
It was translated from the original Latin by John Whitehead. No
explanation was given in the first printing for the order in which
the texts appeared. However, because this order has become
familiar to many readers, it has been retained in this redesigned
The first work in this volume, New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly
Doctrine, was the fourth of five books published in 1758 by
Swedenborg. It was drawn largely from his Arcana Coelestia
(1749–1756). Its topics range from a treatise on good and truth to
a final one on ecclesiastical and civil government.
Next is the late work (1769) Brief Exposition of the Doctrine of the
New Church. The title is somewhat misleading since it is primarily
a detailed comparison of the principal doctrines of Roman
Catholicism, Protestantism, and of the New Jerusalem Church, or
what Swedenborg here calls the faith of the new heaven and of the
new church. It also includes some narrative accounts of his other-
world experiences drawn from his Apocalypse Revealed (1766).
The third item, also published in 1769, is titled Interaction of
Soul and Body. It is subtitled, “which is believed to be either by
physical influx, or by spiritual influx, or by preestablished
harmony.” He attributes these theories, in turn, to Aristotle, René
Descartes, and Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz.
This is followed by two short documents, White Horse (named
after the symbolic creature mentioned in chapter 19 of Revelation),
published in 1758, and what has been traditionally called the
Appendix to the Treatise on the White Horse. This latter text was not
actually published by Swedenborg but was a memorandum he
wrote to Thomas Hartley in 1769, a copy of which Hartley sent to
Dr. Husband Messiter (an early believer of the new theology and
later close friend and supporter of Swedenborg). This appendix was
first published in an English translation by Charles Augustus Tulk.
The theme of both papers is the spiritual sense of the Bible. The
earlier paper contains a list of books of the Bible that Swedenborg
says contain a continuous inner sense. This list also appears in
Arcana Coelestia, n. 10325, and New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly
Doctrine, n. 266.
The sixth entry in this volume is popularly called Earths in the
Universe (Swedenborg referred to it by that name several times in
Heaven and Hell ). Its full title is Earths in our solar system which are
called planets, and earths in the starry heavens and their inhabitants;
also the spirits and angels there, from things heard and seen . This may
well be Swedenborg’s most controversial work. In it he describes
talking with spirits from other planets in our solar system,
including the Earth’s moon.
The last two works are titled Last Judgment and Babylon Destroyed
(1758) and Continuation on the Last Judgment and on the Spiritual
World (1763). The subtitle of the first book says that the last
judgment predicted in the book of Revelation occurred in the
spiritual world in the year 1757. The second text gives details about
the effect of this judgment at that time on several nationalities and
people of various religious affiliations.
Since most of the notes found in this volume are those of the
author, and since they often give immediately relevant information
about the text, the notes are all included as footnotes rather than
endnotes (as is also true of the redesigned edition of Heaven and
Hell ).
The text for this edition was electronically scanned from the
Foundation’s Standard Edition. This process has allowed the book
to be completely redesigned and set in a new and more readable
typeface. Certain stylistic changes have also been introduced. These
include modernized spelling and punctuation as well as substituting
new words for terms whose meanings have become obscure or have
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