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Question number: 1


Question number: 1

The stages of aqusition through which a learner passes in aquiring specific grammatical features such as negatives or interrogatives are referred to as:


sequence of development


Question number: 2

Which of the following ia likely to appear first in the acqusition of L1 english negatives?


not a teddy bear


Question number: 3

Which is likely to appear last in the aquistion of L1 english? (not possesive 's, articles)


past regular


Question number: 4

Which morphem is most likely to appear first in the natural order proposed by Krashen for L2 aqusition of English?



articles a/the


Question number: 5

According to critical period Hypothesis L2 competence can only be achieved if learning...


commences before puberty


Question number: 6

Corder (1974) distinguishes three types of errors. Systematic errors occur when the learner....


discovered a wrong rule

has discovered a wrong rule


Question number: 7

1 of the psycholinguistic sources of performance errors which leads to mistakes can be:


communication strategies


Question number: 8

According to Richards (1971) development errors occur when the learner...


attempts to build up hypothesis about the L2


Question number: 9

Krashen (1981) claims that "acquired knowledge) can only be deveolped when the learner...


focuses on message conveyance


Question number: 10

According to most studies of learners' errors, transfer errors are more common in adult learners than in child learners. True, False?




Question number: 11

According to most studies of learners' errors, transfer errors are more common at the lexical level of L2 than at the

grammatical level. True, False?




Question number: 12

Selinker (1972) identified 5 principal cognitive processes responsible for L2 aquisition. Which of the following is not one of those processes?




Question number: 13

(Selinker) List 1 cognitive process involved in 2nd lg learning (not transfer of training, strategies of 2nd lg learning and communication, overgeneralisation)


lg transfer


Question number: 14

(Selinker) List 1 cognitive process involved in 2nd lg learning (not lg transfer, strategies of 2nd lg learning and communication, overgeneralisation)


transfer of training


Question number: 15

(Selinker) List 1 cognitive process involved in 2nd lg learning (not lg transfer, transfer of training, overgeneralisation)


strategies of 2nd lg learning and communication


Question number: 16

(Selinker) List 1 cognitive process involved in 2nd lg learning (not lg transfer, transfer of training strategies of 2nd lg learning and communication)




Question number: 17

Which theory of SLA focuses mainly on relationship between input and L2 knowledge?


operating principles model


Question number: 18

According to Bialystok's view of L learning impicit knowledge is developed through exposure to communicative lg use and is facilitated by the strategy of...


functional practising


Question number: 19

Central to this model is the idea of form-functioning mapping. Any one form may realise a number of functions. The learner's task is to discover the mapping.


competition model

the competition model





Question number: 20

Conscious application of rules in order to understand or produce the 2nd lg is described as the strategy of (cognitive strategy)...




Question number: 21

"The boing 747 or jumbo, as it is called, is a very large jet, made  by an american company, a firm in USA" This sentence is the process of foreigner talk...




Question number: 22

directed talk and simplifying the learner's task of processing is called...




Question number: 23

English is primarily the right-branching lg (nouns post-modified) while chinese is...




Question number: 24

Accroding to Schahcter (1974) Chinese learner of L2 English may...


avoid using relative structures and overproduce simple sentences


Question number: 25

In the hierarchy of learning difficulties (Stockwell) the greatest diffiuclty is predicted to arise in case of which forms in L1 and L2?




Question number: 26

Formal institution can promote lg acquisition if the interlg is close to the point when the structure to be taught is acquired in the natural setting. Theory?


the teachability hypothesis


Question number: 27

According to which theory instruction doesn't enable learners to fully  acquire what is taught but prepares the way for its subsequent acquisition


selective attention hypothesis


Question number: 28

The use of rule belonging to an earlier stage of development is referred to as




Question number: 29

chunks of lg that are stored as complete or partially analysed units are called



Question number: 30

the process by which learners utilise discourse to help them construct structures that lie outside their competence  is described as...(to check)


hypothesis testing


Question number: 31

Which theory of lg acquisition accepts the notion of poverty of stimulus?




Question number: 32

Chomsky was a ...




Question number: 33

Consciousness raising is a type of formal instruction designed to make a learner aware of...


specific linguistic features


Question number: 34

hypothesis formation consists basically of the 2 procedures:


simplification and inferencing


Question number: 35

Which theory explains SLA in terms of the degree of social and psychological distance between learner and the target lg group?


accomodation model


Question number: 36

Studies of variability of interlg are focused on the role of...


linguistic and situational context


Question number: 37

Studies of variability of interlg are based on...


homogenous competence


Question number: 38

The term interlanguage is also described as...


traditional competence


Question number: 39

In this process learners replace their native lg with L2, fail to develop full competence in L1 or lose what they have acquired in L1. This bilingualism is...




Question number: 40

The process by which speakers make their speech similar to the interlocutor's speech is referred to as...





Question number: 41

Which distinction refers to two kinds of learning ability?



bics and calp


Question number: 42

According to Oller (1978) the general factor of lg proficiency is identical with...




Question number: 43

Errors that arise in learner lg due to the nature of formal instruction are called....


induced errors


Question number: 44

Learners use communication strategies in order to...


compensate for inadequate L2 knowledge


Question number: 45

The process of carrying over previous knowledge of performance to subsequent learning situation is described as...




Question number: 46

The vernacular is the style in which...


minimum attention is given to monitoring speech


Question number: 47

Lg used by native speakers while communicating with other L2 learner is reffered to as...


foreigner talk


Question number: 48

Lg used by non-native speakers while communicating with other L2 learners in a FL classroom is reffered to as


peer talk


Question number: 49

formulaic speech utterances that are partly unanalaysed and have open slots are called...




Question number: 50

Learners who feel disconnected from their own speech group and the L2 group experience...




Question number: 51

The core grammar of every lg consists of rules that ...


are constrained by UG




Question number: 52

Learners that rely on others, need the T's directions and explenations, like structural learning environment (willing 1987) are said to prefer..


authority-oriented learning style


Question number: 53

Learners who prefer Fl teaching methods based on active experience e.g. hands-on learning as in builiding models are said to be...


tactile learners


Question number: 54

Motivation that derives from the learner's inherent interest in the learning task is called.



intrinsic motivation


Question number: 55

In the study of individual learner differences a permanenr predisposition to be anxious is defined as...


trait anxiety


Question number: 56

Ellis, claims that learn-centred formal instruction concentrates mainly on:


learner-instruction matching


Question number: 57

Focus on forms refers to instruction that...


isolates linguistic forms to teach them one at a time


Question number: 58

The "zero option" advocates...

abandoning any type of formal teaching presented in a


deductive inductive or functional way


Question number: 59

In which type of production formal instruction has effect on accuracy?




Question number: 60

Grammar instruction enables learners to progress along the natural order more rapidly. T or F?




Question number: 61

Grammar instruction changes the natural sequence of aquisition. T or F?




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