Egzamin gimnazjalny 2011 - odpowiedzi do testu z języka angielskiego.pdf

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ZAD. 1
The girl is talking about her
C. plans for the future.
Which shop are the speakers in?
Where will Emma find the car keys?
How are the speakers going to travel to Spain?
ZAD. 2
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę pomiędzy nauczycielami. Zaznacz w tabeli znakiem X,które ze
zdań 2.1.-2.3. są zgodne z treścią nagrania (T - True), a które nie (F - False).
2.1 T
2.2 F
2.3 F
ZAD. 3
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy wypowiedzi na temat Internetu. Na podstawie informacjizawartych w
nagraniu dopasuj do każdej wypowiedzi 3.1.-3.3. odpowiadające jej zdanieA-D. Wpisz rozwiązania
do tabeli.Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
This speaker A. believes that using the Internet is a waste of time.B. is happy to talk with friends
without leaving home.C. meets people less often now than in the past.D. thinks that the Internet
helps to save time.
3.1. D
3.2 C
3.3 B
ZAD. 4
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi 4.1.-4.4. Dla każdej z nich wybierz właściwąreakcję.
Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.
A. They're 12 pounds each.
C. Yes, I'll have chicken with rice.
B. It's just round the corner.
B. Yes, I've just started reading a book.
ZAD. 5
5.1. How old is your brother?
E. One year younger than me
5.2. What's your brother like?
C. Rather shy but friendly.
5.3. Where's your brother at the moment?
A. He's at the swimming pool.
5.4. What does your brother do?
D. He's a swimming instructor.
ZAD. 6
6.1. Znajomi dziękują Ci za pomoc. Co im odpowiesz?
A. You're welcome.
6.2. Kolega proponuje wspólne wyjście do kina. Co odpowiesz?
C. I'd love to, but I'm busy.
6.3. Jak wyjaśnisz nauczycielowi, dlaczego nie odrobiłeś/aś pracy domowej?
B. I didn't know how to do my homework.
6.4. Jesteś w sklepie. Jak zapytasz o możliwość przymierzenia spodni?
C. Can I try them on?
ZAD. 7
C arrived
B hotter
A staying
B do
ZAD. 8
C. a tie
B. their
A. between
B. bread
ZAD. 9
9.1. You can see this sign in front of
C. a hospital.
9.2. Helen wrote the message to
C. thank Rob for something.
9.3. The text informs you that
A. there are no tickets for tonight.
9.4. Which is true about the offer?
B. It's possible to choose a course at any level.
ZAD. 10
D. What kind of film should I make?
Making a film about something you know is a good way to start. If you are interestedin a particular
subject, e.g. sports, make a film on this subject. If you like ghost stories, makea horror movie. Your
film will then be more authentic.
A. How do I create the atmosphere?
Add sound effects and music. For a better effect, they should be connected with the story.These
elements are important because they give the film a special character and feeling.
C. Where should I look for the actors?
Finding the cast for your film is not that difficult. Usually people will take part just for fun,but also
you can prepare an audition at school. Of course, it would be great to havea well-known name
starring in your movie, but don't hope for that!
E. Where should I make the film?
Find an interesting place and decide on a time to shoot the film. If you can't find the rightplace,
create it at school - ask your actors for help. Remember that you can always goto a park, shopping
centre or a football pitch to shoot.
ZAD. 11
C. Now we live in a block of flats in the city centre
A. This means I have to get up much earlier.
D. So there is a lot of entertainment and it's impossible to get bored.
ZAD. 12
12.1. D
12.2. E
12.3. A
12.4. B
ZAD. 13
A. stopped going to school.
B. invite fans to take part in the shows.
C. teenagers who are in some ways different.
B. It's not difficult to learn to sing them.
13.5. The text comes from
B. a magazine.
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