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Introduction to shuriken , and a short History of the Art
There are two basic types of shuriken, bo shuriken , or long thin blades, and hira
shuriken (also called shaken ), or flat, star-shaped or lozenge-shaped blades.
The basic method of throwing of the shuriken varies little between schools, the main
differences being the shape of the blades and their use.
The earliest mention of throwing blades comes from Ganritsu Ryu, founded by
Matsubayashi Henyasai, a professional swordsman in service of the 18th lord of
Matsuhiro in Kanei, around 1624. This school gave rise to Katono, or Izu Ryu, founded
by a samurai of Sendai, called Fujita Hirohide of Katono, also known as Katono Izu,
who was a student of Mastubayashi. He pioneered the use of a throwing needle, about
10cm in length and weighing about 20gm, several of which he wore in his hair. The
needle was held between the middle and forefinger, and thrown like a modern dart into
the eyes of an attacker. It was said that he could throw two needles at a time at a
picture of a horse, hitting each hoof in turn.
Enmei Ryu
The famous swordsman Miyamoto Musashi was reportedly the founder of this school,
which involves throwing a 40cm blade, probably a tanto , or knife. There is a story of a
duel between Musashi and Shishido, an expert of the kusari-gama , a sickle and chain
developed specifically to defeat the samurai's sword. As Shishido pulled out his chain,
Musashi threw a dagger and struck him in the chest, killing him.
Shirai Ryu
Shirai Ryu was founded by Shirai Toru Yoshikane, born 1783 in Okayama. At the age of
8 he began to learn swordsmanship under Ida Shimpachiro of Kiji-ryu, and at 14 moved
to Tokyo and trained daily under the Nakanishi school of Itto Ryu sword, and began
teaching in Okayama at 23. Over 9 years his fame spread and he had over 300
students, but he continued to doubt his ability. In the subsequent years he returned to
Edo a number of times to train with his seniors, until eventually he achieved some sort
of major revelation and found peace with his technique. After this revelation, he added
the word Tenshin to the name of his art, thus known as Tenshin Itto Ryu. The style of
blade and throwing method he taught became known as Shirai Ryu.
The blade of Shirai Ryu is a metal rod 15cm to 25 cm in length and about 5-6mm in
diameter. It is sharpened at one end and rounded at the other.(see fig. 2 )
Figure 2. Shuriken of the Shirai Ryu
It is held in the hand by forming a guide with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd fingers. The little
finger gives extra support and the thumb holds the blade in place. The feeling of the
hand when holding and throwing is said to be gentle, like holding a swallows egg so as
not to break it. (see fig. 3 ). Depending upon the distance to be thrown, the blade is held
with the point outwards towards the target, or inwards to the palm.
Figure 3. Holding the shuriken of the Shirai Ryu
Fig 4. A variation in the hold of Shirai Ryu, for long blades.
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Negishi Ryu
Negishi Ryu was founded by Negishi Nobunori Shorei, a retainer of Joshu Annaka
during the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate. Negishi became a student of Kaiho
Hanpei, the second master of Hokushin Itto Ryu sword, after showing promise with the
use of a shinai as a child. He studied other schools such as Araki Ryu and spear of
Oshima Ryu, eventually becoming the head of the Kaiho Ryu, and later taught for
several years. When the Meiji Restoration ordered the abolition of swords, he became a
farmer, and passed away in 1904.
The basic blade shape of the Negishi Ryu is a projectile shaped pen that has an
enlarged head and tail, like a slender bomb. (see fig.5 ) They weigh around 50gm, and
sometimes have a tassel of hair or cotton attached to the tail to assist straight flight.
Figure 5. Shuriken of the Negishi Ryu
Much like the method of Shirai Ryu, it is held in the hand with the fingers acting as a
guide, and the thumb locks it in place.(see fig. 6)
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Figure 6. Holding the shuriken of the Negishi Ryu
Jikishin Ryu
Not much is known about Jikishin Ryu, and it is suspected that this is a variation in style
of a precursor to Shirai or Negishi Ryu, though I suspect it may be from Kashima Shinto
Ryu, as this method of holding is best thrown as one steps forward with the right foot.
The major difference is in the way the blade is held ( see fig 7 ). The 3 smaller fingers are
curled, while the index finger points out straight, as though making a gun shape with the
hand. The blade sits with its butt in the palm and the thumb applies slight pressure from
above, downwards, holding it in place on the side of the curled middle finger, and
holding the tail down as it leaves the hand. The index finger then rests on the side of the
blade, providing support. The throw is a simple raising and lowering of the arm from the
side as a step is taken forward, the arm cuts down as if it were a sword.
Figure 7. Holding the shuriken of the Jikishin Ryu
Other styles and types of shuriken
There are other less well known styles of shuriken, and a huge variety of blade shapes.
Here are some more examples.
Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto-Ryu
This style is one of the most famous martial arts of Japan, with a long and distinguished
history. It is a composite art consisting of many weapons, sword and shuriken included.
As with many other schools, the shuriken was taught as part of the techniques for
sword. There are descriptions of two different blades. One is hashi , or chopstick
shaped, where it is a square stick, sharp at one end and thick at the other ( see Fig. 9 ).
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