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As you progress through the Tower of Terror, you are likely to
encounter various traps, or face monsters. You will also get
information, or find certain items which will be of help to you in
your quest. You should record these in your quest sheet as well as
keeping an account of how many rations you have left, and which
Potions you have. As you use up rations, or take Potions,
remember to cross them off in your quest sheet.
It is important that you build up a map of the way to the very
top of the Tower. You may not succeed at your first attempt,
but each new journey will give you more information –
until you are at last successful in your quest.
If you try to read the magazine in numerical order,
it will make no sense. You must choose, when you are
given the choice, which section to turn to, and which
traps, puzzles, or monsters to face. Good luck !
ICE and a pencil are all you need to begin this adventure – then
you decide which route to take, which dangers to brave.
IN THIS ADVENTURE, you are at the
Academy of the Grand Wizard Eleutheria.
creature will have its own Dexterity and
Strength score, given in the text. Make a note
of these when you meet the creature.
he has taught you a great deal about the
martial arts, the use of magic, and the power
of reason, he tells you that you have not yet
learnt enough.
But you long to be free of the stifling, safe
Academy; to try out for yourself the skills you
have learned. Your restlessness increases; you
wish to make your own way in the world. You
think about leaving, walking the dark lanes,
challenging anyone who threatens you. You
will be alone. There will be no-one to guide
In this adventure, only your own Dexterity,
Strength, and Courage may see you through.
Below, you will discover – with a little luck –
how swift, strong and brave you are.
You will need two dice, a pencil, and several
sheets of paper. Use the pencil and paper to
draw a map of your progress through the
Tower of Terror – you may not succeed at your
first attempt, and the map will be useful in
future attempts.
To resolve a battle:
1. Roll two dice, and add the creature’s
current Dexterity score. This is its Fighting
2. Roll two dice, and add your own current
Dexterity score. This is your Fighting Power.
3. If your Fighting Power is greater than the
creature’s, you have scored a blow with your
sword and wounded it. Subtract two Strength
points from its Strength score at that moment.
If the creature’s Fighting Power is greater than
yours in this round, it has wounded you.
Subtract two points from your current
Strength score.
If both scores are the same, you have
parried each other’s blows, and neither of you
lose any points.
The next round in the battle is done in just
the same way. You repeat 1, 2, and 3 above.
When either your or the creature’s Strength
score is reduced to zero, the battle is over. A
zero Strength score means death.
Dexterity, Strength, and Courage
Roll one dice. Add 8 to this number, and make
a note of it on your Quest Sheet. This is your
Dexterity score: a measure of your swordsman-
ship and agility.
Roll two dice. Add 15 to this number. This is
your Strength score. Make a note of it on your
Quest Sheet. This is a measure of your fitness,
stamina, and prowess in battle.
Roll one dice. Add 6. This is your Courage
score – make a record of it on your Quest
Sheet. It is a measure, as the name suggests,
of your bravery in the face of danger.
These Initial scores may never be exceeded.
They will change during the course of an
adventure – sometimes you will lose points,
sometimes win them – but the Initial levels,
determined by the dice rolls, are the maximum
allowed for any particular adventure.
Losing and gaining points.
In some sections, you will be awarded extra
points. (For example, you may read, “Gain 2
Strength and 2 Courage points.”) You add
these to your current Strength and Courage
scores: but remember, these scores may never
exceed their Initial values. When you lose
points (for example, “Lose 1 Dexterity point
and 2 Courage points.”), you simply deduct
these from your current scores.
Replenishing your Strength
You take with you enough food and drink for
five meals. Make a note of these rations on
your Quest Sheet. You may stop for a meal at
any time during your adventure, except during
a battle. Eating a meal restores 5 Strength
When you stop for a meal, add 5 points to
your current Strength score and deduct one
from the number of rations remaining to you.
Rules for fighting
As you progress in your quest, you will often
have to fight creatures of some sort. Each
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