Using_ArcReader_Tutorial 784.pdf

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Tutorial: Using ArcReader
ArcGIS ® 9
Using ArcReader
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Quick-start tutorial
The best way to learn ArcReader is to try it yourself. This tutorial guides
you through some basic ArcReader skills as you explore a map of Canada.
Exercise 1 introduces various ways that you can view a map in ArcReader.
Exercise 2 shows you how to query a map in ArcReader to get the most
information possible from it.
Exercise 3 walks you through printing a map from ArcReader.
Each exercise in this tutorial takes between 15 and 20 minutes to complete.
You can either work through the entire tutorial at once or complete each
exercise one at a time.
Before you begin the exercises in this tutorial, install the ArcReader tutorial
data. To install the data, run the Tutorial setup during the ArcReader
installation. You also have the option of running the Tutorial setup
independently of the ArcReader installation.
• Exercise 1: Viewing a map
• Exercise 2: Querying a map
• Exercise 3: Printing a map
Exercise 1: Viewing a map
In this exercise, you will open and explore a published map
with ArcReader. You will also use ArcReader to query data
on the map.
Starting ArcReader
1. Click Start on the Windows taskbar.
2. Click Programs, point to ArcGIS, and click ArcReader.
ArcReader opens.
2. Click the Look in dropdown arrow and navigate to the
map folder on the local drive where you installed the
tutorial. (C:\arcgis\arcexe82\ArcTutor is the default
Opening an existing published map
1. Click File and click Open.
3. Double-click Gulf of St. Lawrence.pmf.
ArcReader opens the map.
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ArcReader can open published map files (.pmf) that have
been created in ArcMap using Publisher. These published
maps do not actually store the data shown on the map, but
rather reference the data, which may be stored on a local
disk, on another computer, or on the Internet. The map
document stores map elements, such as titles, scalebars,
and North arrows.
This particular map contains the following layers in a data
frame named Gulf of St. Lawrence:
Layers What layers contain
Links to Web Sites Internet addresses
Cities Locations of population centers
Major Roads Locations of expressways and
primary highways
Base Map Land and coastline layers
A data frame is a frame on the map that displays layers in
the same geographic area.
The map portrays the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the
surrounding region. Notice that there are check boxes next
to each layer name in the table of contents. All layers that
are checked are drawn in the map display area.
Table of
Data toolbar
Map display
Moving around a map
The Data toolbar has tools to move around the map and
query features on the map. Point to each icon, without
clicking, to see the name of each tool displayed in a ToolTip.
This tutorial will use these names to refer to specific
buttons and tools. When you interact with the map, one of
these tools will be active and the pointer will change to the
active tool when moved over the map.
This is an example of a .pmf—the Gulf of St. Lawrence.pmf.
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