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The Strongholds
Moderan is a world where computer-directed wars are the pastime, the purpose in being, the religion,
and the sport. When human feelings enter such a world, confusion and consternation are the result...
David R. Bunch's "Moderan" stories comprise one of the most distinctive and celebrated bodies of work
in all of science fiction.
David R. Bunch
Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following publications where much of the material in this book
first appeared in different form:
Fantastic Stories© 1959, 1960, 1963, 1964, 1965, by Ziff-Davis Publishing Company. © 1970 by
Ultimate Publishing Company, Inc.
The Little Magazine© 1970 by The Little Magazine.
Amazing Stories© 1959, 1960, 1961, 1964, 1965 by Ziff-Davis Publishing Company. © 1968 by
Ultimate Publishing Company, Inc.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction© 1959 by Mercury Press, Inc.
descant© 1962 byTexasChristianUniversity .
Shenandoah© 1961 by Shenandoah.
The Smith© 1966 by The Smith.
DANGEROUS VISIONS© 1967 by Harlan Ellison.
renaissance© 1962 by renaissance publications.
A division of The Hearst Corporation
959 Eighth Avenue
New York,New York10019
Copyright © 1971 byAvon Books.
Published by arrangement with Virginia Kidd, Literary Agent.
All rights reserved, which includes the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form
whatsoever. For information address Virginia Kidd, Literary Agent,Box 278,Milford ,Pa.18337
FirstAvon Printing, May, 1971
Printed in theU.S.A.
Introduction 7
Thinking Back (Our God Is a Helpful God!) 21
No Cracks or Sagging 25
The Butterflies Were Eagle-Big that Day 35
New Kings Are Not for Laughing 41
One Time, a Red Carpet... 47
Battle Won 52
Head Thumping the Troops 56
New-Metal Mistress Time 59
And So White Witch Valley 62
The Bird Man of Moderan 65
Bubble-Dome Homes 71
One False Step 75
Survival Packages 80
New-Metal 85
Of Hammers and Men 87
The Stronghold 91
2064, or Thereabouts 92
Penance Day in Moderan 98
Strange Shape in the Stronghold 102
Getting Regular 108
The Walking, Talking I-Don't-Care Man 115
To Face Eternity 123
In the Innermost Room of Authority 124
The Problem 127
Playmate 130
A Husband's Share 133
The Complete Father 137
Was She Horrid? 142
A Glance at the Past 147
Educational 151
It Was in Black Cat Weather 155
Sometimes I Get So Happy 159
Remembering 162
A Little Girl's Xmas in Moderan 166
The Flesh-Man from Far Wide 172
The One from Camelot Moderan 179
Reunion 184
The Warning 189
Has Anyone Seen this Horseman? 194
Interruption in Carnage 198
The Miracle of the Flowers 206
Incident in Moderan 215
The Final Decision 220
Will-Hung and Waiting 228
How They Took Care of Soul in a Last Day for a Non-Beginning 229
How It Ended 233
Quaint they were, these records, strange and ancient, washed to shore when the Moderan seas finally
unthawed. Played in the old-fashioned machine way we, the beam people, the Essenceland Dream
people, easily divined, they told of a very different world, a transition world, if you will, between what we
are now and the death and defeat these people hoped to overcome. New metal man! It does have a ring.
MODERAN! It did seem pretty great in concept, I'm sure, and, who knows, perhaps it had a reasonable
chance for success. But all societies, all civilizations, all aspirations it seems must fail the unremitting tugs
of shroudy time, finally, leaving only little bones, fossils, a shoe turned to stone maybe, a bone button in
the sea perhaps, a jeweled memento of an old old love. In this case, tapes were left, wherein a great
"King" had set down his story of hopes, fears, wars - yes, WARS! Perhaps this "King" was a writer of
some skill, a kind of doomed King James. His prose does have a flair, although sometimes it turns
tedious, I'm afraid; sometimes he belabors the obvious and becomes vague when he needs to elucidate;
sometimes he's fat when he should be lean, lean when fat would be better. Or at least it seems to me
these things are true. But then, I am the true machine efficiency, here as essence man, my perfections
against his human flaws - quite unfair!
Yes, we are the essence people, a long way up the world from the world that these tapes told of. We
truly have gained the immortality that these knaves could only dream of. CRUDE! Oh, yes, crude they
were, and yet they had a certain verve and élan, surely, as evinced by these things a "King" set down, a
kind of clown "King" certainly, but oh, so serious all the same. He was self-centered - who could doubt
it? He was running scared most of the time, scared of himself, scared of time, scared of his Enemies, all
other men; scared of the White Witch - scared scared. And yet there is, we have to say, the matter of the
very human redeeming grace in this shell of a man who could, so terribly encumbered, screw
braggadocio to the sticking point and go windily through the world, crowing, "I am greatest I Am
Greatest I AM GREATEST - and I'll prove it!" And "hearing" these tapes and setting these stories down
for you, I have become more than doubly convinced that this man, this "King," if you please, this
Stronghold #10, had somehow a concept of his own worth that at least equaled his arsenal of fears and
overcame them. And that would have to be quite a concept of worth, and quite an overcoming, for his
fears were truly great.
I have not given you all of the tapes, because, as most people before us have done, he tended to repeat
himself in hammering home his fears, his aspirations, his accomplishments, his failures. To be truthful with
you about what I have done, I have picked out the tapes that, while telling his "tale complete" made the
greatest impression on me. That's pretty human, isn't it?
And, have no doubt, I am human. I'll tell you briefly a little more about who I am, and then we'll get on
with the business of MODERAN. I am, as I said, essence-man, as almost all of us are now, with the
exception of those in a little landlocked and sea-starved country that - YES! still calls itself Olderrun. I
am from the big machines. I do not have to die. I and my kind are truly, if you will, the heirs of the
MODERAN dream, as set forth in these stories I am going to give you from the tapes (give them to you
essentially unaltered, although; certainly, I could improve upon them, for I am from the Machines! I am
efficient). To be brief, it was discovered for us, nay! not discovered, evolved, a way to save man from
the grave soil and the Eternal Dark. A real way to save him, not an abracadabra way of dreams or
religion or any other myth-fakery - nay, not even the way of MODERAN, which almost won the game.
This way we have is real and complete so long as those big machines keep rolling in the North to succor
our beams. And of course they WILL! We have machines watching and keeping up machines. We have
an entire hierarchy of spies and counterspies of the machines and the most complete machine-machine
repair service ever dreamed up by either mortal or immortal man. They'd endure. I KNOW THEY
WILL! (They just have to.)
When she and I, my dear love dream of the moment (we were paired by punched beams!) went on this
beam excursion, transported by those big transmitters in the North, who would have thought we would
come up with one of the rare literary finds of our, or any, generation? It was to have been just one of
those routine love trips of the essence people, you know, just riding out to a dream love-place picked by
the Love Dictator of Essenceland and having an essence time to break the monotony, a little petting of
the sex beams, could be, a lot of beamish talk, surely surely, and, in short, a love picnic in the beamish
essence times. And then I looked down at my beamish feet, and there it wasl washed up from the
thawed, once machine-frozen, Moderan sea, the tapes of this book. I whooped; I spilled my love and
her beams into the sea water as I dropped her fast for this unique thing. Good sport that she was and is,
she dried her beams and agreed with me that this possibly was more important than love. We gave the
signal to be beamed home again, the Love Dictator gave his consent and we stayed up all the beamish
night at her place; playing with this book, figuring out the tapes, marveling at the literary finesses of it. And
from such a crude age too! Well, one never knows, does one?
An early tape, "No Cracks or Sagging," is a rather long, leisurely thing, but it does cover a lot of ground!
It's a waggish tale, I fell in love with it - (those jammy-rams and their solemn mission so ridiculously
executed!) - and I believe it is a key and dominant chapter to set the stage for your initial good concept
and growing understanding of the Mighty Dream these Moderan people worked at. To coat the whole
solid earth with plastic - imagine! To freeze the very oceans solid - whew! To tamp, anywhere and
everywhere, all the soft places... And my beamish hat off to them, they did it! They truly, in their world,
one of the great great worlds in the long long history of man, had, for a time, "No Cracks or Sagging."
After "No Cracks or Sagging" came several tapes dealing with the "replacement" operations that set this
man "firmly on the road to the Moderan Dream." But this man was generally so hung up on his own
suffering and apprehensions through this period of his life that these stories came out to be generally in
very poor taste, indeed. There wasn't a fingernail pulled out or a bone sawed in two or a new-metal part
put in that this man didn't feel strongly about. Yet, he was no coward. Ah no, not this man who was
ultimately to become the great Stronghold #10, "one of the greatest Captains in all wide Moderan." I
believe he was set in the teeth with as much bravery and determination as any man who has ever lived.
After that dreary nine months in the hospital, during which time our man was repeatedly sawed, hacked
and "replaced," which he more or less summarizes in the gruesome tape "The Butterflies Were Eagle-Big
That Day" (in the name of all squeamishness, I've heavily cut and censored that one), we see him up and
out in the generally more hopeful one, "New Kings Are Not for Laughing" and claiming his fort in "One
Time a Red Carpet..." In these, understand, he has already become a man of Moderan, "the bulk of him
new-metal man now, his flesh-strips few and played-down, his organs ever-last engines, his brains
ingenious green fluids sloshing in pans."
Not long had he been out of the nine-months nightmare of the operations and fully ensconced in his fort
than, like true lust-man that he was, he set out to get it. What I mean is, with the wife-nuisance problem
due to be settled for him, as well as for all the Stronghold masters of Moderan, he went for his new-metal
doll, his "tin can mistress," if you will, his "Faithful Fun." It was his due, it was not as unseemly as it may
somehow seem, and he was not really a bad man and a dirt-head all-the-time, not by the standards of his
age. And we see, in the tapes, implications that he had suffered some reverses on the "field of love," long
before he became a new-metal man. So I for one am rather glad, I feel good in my beams, I mean, that
he could so love a tin can doll (a new-metal mistress, you know) that he could give all his Big-Joy-Time
to it if he so chose and never tire of it. And then, if he did tire, he did not have to explain. The OFF
switch would just place the night down in that sweet cog-wheeled brain of his sweet metal doll, and he
could be about more manly things then, such as blasting a neighbor's Wall down, say, or smearing a
whole continent away. CONVENIENT!
So "New-Metal Mistress Time" to you!
But lest you gain the false notion of universal new-metal mistress bliss and no sex-worry in Moderan, it
was, I must in fairness hasten to amend, not always quite that way. Our man it seems, being human, was
a walking welcome mat for many problems. However much he might try not to, wherever he went,
whatever much percentage of steel he might attain to (except 100%, I suppose, which sublime state he
never quite reached), he would, sooner or late, feel that cold hand clutch the shoulder and hear that hard
voice command, "Come with me, man, I have some human-type adversities for YOU to battle." So it
was with a new-metal mistress he became more than just a little unwisely fond of. Yes, in "Remembering"
we see him in the love-anguish wringer just as much as any all-flesh man might be. His new-metal
mistress of the current moment has run away. With a tin man? With another Stronghold master? With a
rival? With a stranger? Whom? whom? What? what? How? how? and why? why? It's a wry little thing,
really. I mean, truly it's something to think that a mighty Stronghold master could become so enamored of
a tin can woman that, upon betrayal, he'd spend long dormant months just thinking up punishments for
her. The more I think about this little sketch and certain other stated and implied attitudes that keep
cropping up in the other tapes, some of which I have set forth for you, some of which I have kept back
for one reason and another (considerations of personal likes and dislikes, mostly, because I'm so human
yet), the more I'm SURE that this man HAD suffered former great reverses on the "field of love." His
Armies of Amour had, I believe, been betrayed, tricked, surrounded for ignoble capture, sent flying in
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