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Test 5

SHORT TEST 14 B              Unit 14                                                       

1              Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There are more words than you need.


politicians     anthem     trade     homeless     coal     peaceful     harmful     parliament     relatives     abroad     vote


0              Some     politicians    in our country are against the idea of ‘a United Europe’.

1              How are you going to ______________ in the September referendum?

2              Isn’t the European ______________ Ode to Joy by Mozart?

3              Students have more chances to study ______________ now. They can go to Berlin, Vienna or any other European city.

4              The demonstration was very ______________ and nobody was hurt.

5              Our local government is trying to help the situation of ______________ people.

6              His ______________ live in Spain and he visits them during holiday.

7              The ______________ between the EU countries is easier now than it used to be.




2              Complete the sentences with the missing words. You can see the first letter each word.

0              In the long  term       the situation is better for secondary school students.

1              This country is going to j______________ the EU soon.

2              6,000,000 (six m______________) viewers watched the Eurovision Song Contest last weekend.

3              Our new Minister of Education has m______________ a powerful speech today.

4              Last Friday the government p______________ a new law against smoking in public places.

5              When was the euro i______________ in the European Union?

6              Please find e______________ the information about our visit to your school.

7              All workers have the r ______________ to a holiday.




3              Complete the sentences with the correct question tag.

0              You don’t know the answer to question four,     do you    ?

1              She copied his song, ___________________?

2              The politicians won’t help us, ___________________?

3              You’ve done the quiz, ___________________?

4              Nobody won anything, ___________________?

5              I’m on the list, ___________________?

6              Everybody’s going to be there, _______________?





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