1. children’s room 4. living room 7. study
2. bedroom 5. kitchen 8. laundry room
3. bathroom 6. dining room 9. garage
Write the words in the correct column:
an armchair a fridge a television a table a shelf a plant
a DVD player a dishwasher a sink a cooker a washing machine
a cupboard a sofa a mirror a fireplace a rug
cushions a coffee table curtains a towel a waste bin
a microwave oven a washbasin a bath tub a drawer a chair
an ironing board
kitchen living room bathroom bedroom
Odd one out:
1. a table / an armchair / a sofa / a washbasin
2. a bathroom / a shower / a bedroom / a kitchen
3. a plane / a cottage / a flat / a house
4. a fridge / a cooker / a microwave oven / a chair
5. a table / a plant / a DVD player / cushions
In my ideal house…
there is…
there are…
Present continuous