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Helping Teachers Develop
Sara Bubb is the UK’s leading induction expert and has vast expertise in the
CPD field. She runs many courses for different levels of school staff, assesses
trainee and advanced skills teachers and is the new teacher expert for the
Times Educational Supplement .
Sara has been seconded from the Institute of Education to the DfES as the
consultant for the Chartered London Teacher initiative. She is the co-author,
with Peter Earley, of Leading and Managing Continuing Professional
Development and Managing Teacher Workload .
Helping Teachers
Sara Bubb
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Sara Bubb 2005
First published 2005
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2004093825
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ISBN 1 4129 1898 7
ISBN 1 4129 1899 5 (pbk)
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Printed in Great Britain by Cromwell Press, Trowbridge, Wiltshire
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