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“I am Scale-Breaker.
Wyrm-Slayer. Teeth close about
me, and I do not bleed. I stand
in the fire, and do not burn.
I will die one day at the claws
of a dragon, but that day is not
this, and that wyrm is not you.
Turn, Beast, and face me.”
offers DMs a vast array of tricks and
tools to make their dragons more
challenging, more potent, more interesting,
and more exciting. But what about those
adventurers who must face said dragons? What
about those characters who, like the heroes of
myth, have devoted themselves to combating
or studying these deadly and fierce creatures?
This article has your answers. Presented
here are new paragon paths for each of the
classes from the Player’s Handbook . These paths
are designed specifically for dragon-focused
characters, be they dragon slayers or dragon
servants (though some are more thematically
suited to one or the other). Mechanically, they
follow all the standard paragon path rules
from the Player’s Handbook .
So have at, and good luck. Even with these
new options, you’re going to need it.
D RAGON S LAYERS by Ari Marmell
illustrations by Jason A. Engle and John Stanko
TM & © 2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All rights reserved.
November 2008 | Dragon 369
T he Draconomicon: Chromatic Dragons
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Prerequisite: Cleric
Draconic anathema (11th level): You
gain a new special power you can use with your
Channel Divinity class feature, allowing you power
over dragons similar to that which other clerics
have over undead. You are still limited to one use
of Channel Divinity per encounter.
Wyrm-Bane (16th level): Dragons take a –2
penalty to saving throws against conditions that
you create.
Many of the gods harbor a special hatred for dragons,
or at least those dragons who do not share their align-
ment and worldview. They have not forgotten Io’s
arrogance, his refusal to work alongside them in their
battle against the Primordials. As such, when a cleric
devotes herself to battling these monstrous creatures,
many of the gods have provided ceremonies and rites
to imbue that cleric with extra powers. When you use
your Scourge of Io powers, your eyes brief ly take on
slitted pupils and a gleam of inner power.
Wrath upon Dragons Scourge of Io Attack 11
A blast of pure force erupts from you in all directions,
ravaging your foes.
Encounter Divine, Force, Implement
Standard Action Close burst 5
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 1d12 + Wisdom modifier force damage, and the
target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls until the end
of your next turn. If the target is a dragon, it is instead
dazed and takes a –4 penalty to attack rolls until the
end of your next turn.
Miss: Half damage. If target is a dragon, it also takes
a –4 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your
next turn.
Channel Divinity: Draconic Anathema Cleric Class Feature
You channel the wrath of your god through your holy
symbol, striking the foul wyrm with divine power.
Encounter Divine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Close burst 5
Target: Each creature with the dragon keyword in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage, and the
target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.
Increase the damage to 3d10 at 21st level.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Each ally in the burst gains resist 10 to one of
the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning,
necrotic, poison, or thunder. This resist lasts until the
end of your next turn.
Increase the resistance to 15 at 21st level.
Dragon-Slayer’s action (11th level): You can
spend an action point to reroll an attack roll against a
dragon, or to end a condition currently affecting you
that originated from a dragon, and that a save can
end. Using this feature replaces the normal action
point benefit of taking an extra action.
Primal Bottle Scourge of Io Utility 12
Even as the dragon’s flames dance around you, you raise
your holy symbol and command them to fall back.
Daily Divine
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: A creature makes a close attack that
includes you
Effect: You gain a +5 power bonus to all defenses
against close attacks until the end of your next turn.
You take no damage if the attack misses.
November 2008 | Dragon 369
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Fire with Fire Scourge of Io Attack 20
As though stealing power from the dragon itself, you
breathe a blast of destructive energy and take to the air,
sprouting great draconic wings.
Daily Divine, Implement; Acid, Cold, Fire,
Lightning, Poison, or Thunder
Standard Action Close blast 5
Target: Each creature in blast
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d10 + Wis modifier acid, cold, fire, lightning,
poison, or thunder damage.
Effect: You gain draconic wings that provide you with
fly 5 (hover) until the end of the encounter.
Prerequisite: Paladin
Grounding Strike Scale-Breaker Attack 11
Your strikes ensure that your foe can’t escape into the skies.
Encounter Martial, Weapon
Standard Action
Melee weapon
As protectors of civilization and the innocents who
dwell therein, many paladins focus their efforts
against one particular type of threat, standing fast
even when all others run or fall. As a Knight of the
Unyielding Bastion, you have been trained in tactics,
techniques, and mystical prayers that augment your
abilities against dragons.
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. You can also
deal +1[W], or the target cannot fly until the end of
your next turn. If the target is flying when it loses the
ability to fly, it falls.
Prerequisite: Fighter
Bear the Brunt Scale-Breaker Utility 12
You leap upon your ally, protecting him from the searing
acid that washes over your back.
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: An adjacent ally is hit by a close or area attack
Effect: You are hit by the attack instead, and your ally is
unaffected by the attack.
Dragon’s Challenge (11th level): When you
use divine challenge to mark a dragon, it takes a –4
penalty to any attack that does not include you as a
target, instead of –2. When a dragon takes damage
from your divine challenge, it takes additional
damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Dragon-Slayer’s action (11th level): You can
spend an action point to reroll an attack roll against
a dragon, or to end a condition currently affecting
you that originated from a dragon, and that a save can
end. Using this feature replaces the normal action
point benefit of taking an extra action.
Partake of My Strength (16th level): You
can use your lay on hands power on an ally as an
immediate interrupt when you and an ally are both
targeted by a close or area attack.
The lone warrior raising sword and shield against a
fearsome wyrm is one of the most iconic images of
dragon-slaying. You have trained long and hard to
serve as that warrior, though with the intent of facing
dragons alongside allies, not alone. Your martial
tactics and techniques are such that even the
deadliest dragons would do well to fear you.
Scale-Shattering Strike Scale-Breaker Attack 20
With a mighty shout, you deliver a blow that sends cracks
running through the dragon’s scales, as though they were
little more than glass.
Daily Martial, Reliable, Weapon
Standard Action
guardian ally (11th level): Each ally adjacent to
you gains a +2 shield bonus to Ref lex defense against
close and area attacks while you wield a shield.
Dragon-Slayer’s action (11th level): You can
spend an action point to reroll an attack roll against a
dragon, or to end a condition currently affecting you
that originated from a dragon, and that a save can
end. Using this feature replaces the normal action
point benefit of taking an extra action.
Dragon Hammer (16th level): When you hit
an enemy, that enemy takes a –1 penalty to Fortitude
defense until the end of your next turn. If that enemy
is a dragon, it also takes a –1 penalty to AC until the
end of your next turn.
Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. The target
takes a –4 penalty to AC and gains vulnerable 5 all
(save ends both).
Aftereffect: If the target is a dragon, it takes a –4
penalty to AC and gains vulnerable 5 all until the
end of its next turn.
November 2008 | Dragon 369
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Beast-Punishing Strike
Attack 20
Knight of the Unyielding Bastion
Your weapon not only crushes bone and parts flesh,
but delivers a tiny seed of energy that takes root within
your enemy’s soul.
Daily Divine, Weapon
Standard Action
Divine Deflection
Attack 11
Knight of the Unyielding Bastion
Your sword disrupts the dragon’s breath, sending it
everywhere but at your friends.
Encounter Divine, Radiant
Immediate Interrupt Melee weapon
Trigger: An enemy within reach makes a close attack
that includes at least one ally
Target: The triggering enemy
Attack: Strength vs. Reflex
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and each ally
in the target’s close attack gains a power bonus to
all defenses against the attack equal to 2 + your
Wisdom modifier.
Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage. The target
cannot recharge powers (save ends).
Prerequisite: Ranger
Dragons are among the most dangerous game, yet
some are courageous enough to hunt them. You might
do so to protect others from their depredations, you
might do so for payment, or you might simply enjoy
the thrill of hunting something so powerful. What-
ever your motivations, you have learned all you can
about stalking and killing these horrific beasts.
Dragon Flame Sacrifice
Utility 12
Knight of the Unyielding Bastion
You shield your ally from the searing flames of the
dragon’s breath.
Encounter Divine, Teleportation
Immediate Interrupt Close burst 5
Trigger: An ally within the burst is targeted by a close
burst attack that does not include you
Target: That ally
Effect: You and the target exchange spaces. You gain a
+2 power bonus to defenses against the attack.
Dragon Stalker (11th level): When you deal
your Hunter’s Quarry damage to a dragon, you deal
an additional +2 damage for each die rolled.
In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on monster
knowledge checks regarding dragons and on
Perception checks to track dragons.
November 2008 | Dragon 369
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Dragon-Slayer’s action (11th level): You can
spend an action point to reroll an attack roll against a
dragon, or to end a condition currently affecting you
that originated from a dragon, and that a save can
end. Using this feature replaces the normal action
point benefit of taking an extra action.
Draconic resolution (16th level): When a
dragon reduces an ally that you can see to 0 hit points
or fewer, you can spend a healing surge.
Deadly Aim Wyrm-Hunter Attack 20
The dragon shrieks in pain, unaware that this was merely
a ranging shot for a far deadlier attack to come.
Daily Martial, Weapon
Standard Action
Melee or Range weapon
Dodging Strike Hoard Raider Attack 11
You strike quickly and keep moving to avoid the
dragon’s breath.
Encounter Martial, Weapon
Standard Action
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC (melee) or Dexterity
vs. AC (ranged)
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage (melee) or
3[W] + Dexterity modifier (ranged). In addition, your
next attack that hits the target, if it occurs before the
end of your next turn, deals +3[W] damage.
Melee or Range weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage, and you gain a
+4 power bonus to your Reflex defense until the end
of your next turn. If the target is a dragon, you deal an
additional +1[W] damage.
Grounding Attack Wyrm-Hunter Attack 11
Taking careful aim, you deliver a swift blow to the dragon’s
wing, sending the great beast crashing down.
Encounter Martial
Standard Action
Prerequisite: Rogue
Blinding Glare Hoard Raider Utility 12
You duck down into the dragon’s howling breath,
disappearing from sight.
Encounter Martial
Immediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: You are targeted by a close or area attack
Prerequisite: You must be trained in Stealth.
Effect: You become invisible to the attacking enemy
until the end of your next turn.
Melee or Range weapon
The world contains few sources of wealth greater than
a dragon’s hoard. While most consider it suicide to
target a hoard for theft, some rogues consider these
targets the ultimate challenge. You count yourself
among these thrillseekers, “liberating” gold and
magic items from the lairs of great dragons, and
possibly leaving a dead dragon in your wake as well.
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude (melee) or Dexterity
vs. AC (ranged)
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage (melee) or
2[W] + Dexterity modifier (ranged). You can also deal
+1[W], or the target cannot fly until the end of your
next turn. If the target is flying when it loses the
ability to fly, it falls.
Killing Thrust Hoard Raider Attack 20
Your attack reveals your enemy’s weak point to
your friends.
Daily Martial, Weapon
Standard Action
gap in the armor (11th level): When you score
a critical hit against a creature you have combat
advantage against, you deal an additional 1d6
damage. If this creature is a dragon, you instead deal
an additional 2d6 damage.
Dragon-Slayer’s action (11th level): You can
spend an action point to reroll an attack roll against a
dragon, or to end a condition currently affecting you
that originated from a dragon, and that a save can
end. Using this feature replaces the normal action
point benefit of taking an extra action.
Flank the Beast: While you are f lanking an
enemy, you gain a +1 bonus to AC against that
creature’s attacks. If that enemy is a dragon, you
instead gain a +2 bonus to AC and Ref lex against that
creature’s attacks.
Into the Fire Wyrm-Hunter Utility 12
Even as the flames crackle around you, burning your flesh,
you take advantage of the distraction they provide to move
in on your foe.
Immediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: An enemy targets you with a close or
area attack.
Effect: You shift a number of squares equal to
your speed.
Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 4[W] + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target
grants you combat advantage until you end your turn
in a square not adjacent to it. If the target is a dragon,
it also grants all your allies combat advantage for the
same duration.
Miss: Half damage and the target grants you combat
advantage until the end of your next turn. If the target
is a dragon, it grants you and all your allies combat
advantage until the end of your next turn.
November 2008 | Dragon 369
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