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"Oh shit."

That simple profanity alerted Professor Snape that something was amiss more than usual. His students normally opted for something slightly more discreet, and if it was worth that blunt exclamation, it had to be disastrous. He walked behind the slender, black-haired student that had said it, becoming slightly alarmed at the fact that instead of the potion being a deep red and still, it was pink, and bubbling uncontrollably. The professor already knew what had gone wrong; they didn't just give out the title of Potions Master.

"Potter you idiot!" he roared, causing the boy to jump, and everyone else besides, also causing someone to scream in shock. "Did you add in the powdered mother-of-pearl?" The Potions Master's voice was dangerously low. Harry groaned. "Add it in now, before that thing explo—"

They were cut off by the sound of an actual explosion. Harry looked down at his cauldron, expecting to find it in pieces. His, however, was fine. He looked around and saw poor Neville looking like he had stuck his face into black paint, completely terrified, and Seamus looking rather irritated.

"Potter…" Snape growled, his desire to kill Harry all too evident. "You have two weeks of detention with me."

"What?" Harry yelped, shocked.

"And an essay on the importance of adding the correct ingredients so that the professor can concentrate on the more dangerous students." At this, the angry man glared at Neville and Seamus. "Two rolls, given to me within three days. If I see Miss Granger's handwriting anywhere on it, even in edits, it will be another two rolls on doing your own work, Potter."

"But why the detention?" Harry found himself asking before he could stop himself.

"For the damage you caused by keeping me from preventing the explosion in Longbottom's cauldron. Class dismissed. I've had enough of you." With that, the professor swept from the room, and Harry glared at his back.

"That's bullshit," Harry growled, picking up his equipment and packing it away. He was the last in the room; everyone else had sprinted out, lest Snape come back in his foul mood.

"Oh, hi Harry!" He turned to see a familiar blonde looking at him.

"Hi Luna," he said rather irritably. She looked him over.

"Whatever happened, it'll be alright," she assured him, her serene smile on her face. He laughed bitterly.

"No it won't. I have to write two scrolls on adding the right ingredients, and I have two weeks of detention!" he said vehemently, violently picking up his bag. "I'll see you." She waved at him happily as he walked away.


"Oh my dear boy," the breathy woman said, staring at him gravely. He rolled his eyes and glared at her.

"I know, I'm going to die a gruesome death tomorrow," he snapped. She looked taken aback.

"No need to get angry. I was going to say that you will become entangled with something you shouldn't. And yes, you will be mauled by wolves," she added, walking off to another table. Harry turned to Ron.

"I'm sick of hearing her predict my death," he said. "She's so full of it. Especially about becoming entangled with something? That's stupid." Ron shrugged, clearly unsure how to appease his angry friend.


Harry was walking back to his common room to put his books away. At the end of the hall, he caught a glimpse of a tall blonde walking away. He nearly screamed. Why did Lucius Malfoy have to show up today of all days? He could have dealt with it any other day, but today was the worst. That damn man seemed to make his mission in life to torment him with snide comments about his feats, and anger at the fact that Harry had landed him in Azkaban. Harry did suppose that he would be bitter towards anyone who had led to his imprisonment. But still, it was the worst day for the prat to show up.

Harry let out a roar of frustration, angrily throwing his wand down to his mattress. He yelled in surprise when sparks shot out the end and landed on the curtain, starting a small fire. With a quick spell, Harry put the flames out and let out another angry cry, throwing his robes off and putting on something more comfortable for dinner. He was a little late, he knew, but there would still be plenty of food. Besides, there was less of a chance of running into Malfoy if he were a little later.

He walked through the halls, looking down at the floor, hands shoved into pockets, muttering angrily. Some days were just horrible; if one thing went wrong, everything after that went wrong. Of course, by this philosophy, Harry knew he was bound to have to talk to Lucius at some point. He wasn't prepared, however, to walk right into the snake himself. Harry groaned; he'd hoped it would just be a simple passing in the hall, a few curt words, and then they'd be on their way. But no, he had to nearly knock him over. The elder Malfoy glared down at Harry.

"Watch where you're going, boy," he said in a silky tone that dripped malice. Harry rolled his eyes, just wanting to get out of the situation that was bound to make his day worse. Malfoy's eyes narrowed. "Why, you insolent brat!" he hissed. "I would have thought that the hero of the Wizarding world would have at least decent enough manners to apologize. I was minding my own, trying to make my way to that idiot headmaster's office, and you nearly cause me to fall in an undignified heap to the floor." The blonde man looked like he wanted nothing more than to put his hand to Harry's throat and squeeze.

Harry glared at him, his nails making crescent-shaped indents into the palms of his hands. "Fuck off, sir," he said with nasty emphasis. "First, I've been having a horrid day, and I don't need you to make it dismal. Second, I don't give a damn what the 'hero' should or shouldn't have. Third, you could have moved out of the way. Just because I wasn't watching where I was going because the halls are normally empty around this time, doesn't mean you can't move your ass out of my way, you fucker." He reeled back after the powerful slap that Lucius aimed at his face. Somehow, it felt strangely liberating to have said everything, even though it was uncharacteristic to be so… mean about it. It felt good, honestly.

"Don't you ever say that to me again," Lucius snarled, adjusting the black leather gloves he wore.

"What, tell you to fuck off? Or call you a fucker?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow. His smirk simply infuriated Lucius further. Lucius' glare cut like diamond, his eyes shining with a cruel determination.

"I'll teach you some manners, Potter," he spat, dragging Harry into a nearby, empty classroom. He began removing his cloak. He turned to Harry, whose glare would have stopped a slightly less determined man. He pushed the teen against the wall and roughly shoved his mouth on the younger boy's. For a moment, Harry simply stood there, frozen. He felt himself giving into Lucius' lips. It felt right to be kissing him, but it wasn't right at all. It was beyond wrong, he knew. Or at least, that's what he tried to tell himself. Harry's hands made their way to Lucius' back. His lips parted slightly and Lucius' tongue darted inside Harry's mouth. The sudden intrusion alerted Harry to exactly what was happening, and the moment he realized what he had done, he began to fight back, his nails raking the blonde's back through the suit he wore. Lucius recoiled with a sharp intake of breath. He was flushed, several strands of hair out of place. He looked pleased with himself, but unsatisfied. Smoothing back his hair, he took his cloak and turned on his heel. "Next time, Potter, I won't be so easy on you."

Harry watched the older man go and sank to the floor. What exactly had that been? He'd felt anger in Lucius' lips, but also lust. Somehow, they had felt wonderful. Not like Ginny's, or like Cho's. They were firm and controlling, not waiting for him to take the lead he never really wanted to take. Then, when his tongue had found its way into his mouth, it had startled him out of his reverie, though he sincerely wished he hadn't ended it. There was no denying that he had enjoyed the elder Malfoy's "discipline." Lucius' lips had tasted like fine wine, as if the man had been drinking before visiting Hogwarts. It tasted rather good, actually. The force, and the taste were rather arousing, his lips beginning to tingle. Harry found himself with the beginning of an erection at the mere memory of Lucius' kiss. He blushed fiercely, realizing exactly what it meant. However, he wasn't just going to leave it there. He walked over to the door and closed it softly, retreating back to a corner of the room where he could tend to the growing bulge in his pants.


Harry walked out of the room in a state of disbelief. Had he really just jerked himself off to the thought of Lucius Malfoy, the father of his rival, and twice his age? The man was beautiful, yes, but cruel and unmerciful. Harry had always pictured himself with someone who was the picture of kindness, who would truly care. But the idea of Lucius' "bad boy" image was alluring in an entirely different way. It was incredibly unusual. There was also the maturity Lucius undeniably had. His schoolmates were still children in his eyes. He knew he needed someone who could at least try to understand what he had been through, and hold an intelligent conversation. Harry knew Lucius was intelligent, as well as beautiful, and the sudden thought of actually sleeping with him made him know what he wanted. The fact that he had called Lucius' name when he came, imagining those smooth hands instead of his own calloused hands, was enough to leave him embarrassed and a little angry with himself. He needed to talk to Hermione.

He found Hermione in the Library after having gone to wash his hands. She looked up at him and a concerned look crossed her face.

"Harry… Your lips are bruised," she said, scrutinizing them. Harry blushed.

"'Mione, I need some help. I ran into Lucius Malfoy. No, don't say anything yet," he said when she opened her mouth to speak. He continued. "I was already having a bad fucking day with Snape and Trelawney, and then I nearly made him fall and he got pissed, so I told him to fuck off." Hermione gasped, a hand over her mouth. Harry grinned sheepishly. "Then, he… um… he took me into an abandoned classroom and kind of attacked me with his mouth. Then he just left."

"Harry, you need to tell McGonagall," Hermione whispered shrilly. She couldn't scream or Madame Pince would kick them out.

"Actually 'Mione, after he left, I kind of… well, the memory of him sexually aroused me," he admitted uncomfortably. Hermione stared at him as if she had been hit with a brick in the face.

"Please tell me you did not masturbate to LUCIUS MALFOY!" she hissed. Harry blanched and Hermione looked pleadingly to him. "Oh no, you did, didn't you?" Harry nodded. Hermione groaned and put her face in her hands. "Honestly Harry, this is a really bad way to come out to me. I mean, I'd figured it out already, but he's not the person that makes you want to figure it out."

"'Mione, I'd known I was gay for a while," he said slowly, raising an eyebrow. "I mean, I went out with Seamus secretly for a while. We'd meet in the Room of Requirement and we'd—"

"That's quite enough, thank you," Hermione said pointedly. Harry blushed, thinking about what he'd almost said. "But does Ron know? He may take it harshly, especially after that horrid book he bought you for your birthday about charming witches." She made a face that said that she clearly disliked it. Harry snorted.

"It was reading that book that made me figure out my sexuality," he laughed softly. Hermione giggled. "I think I might be attracted to him. I mean, definitely sexually. But I think maybe just in general. I'd always seen myself with someone who was really caring and everything, but I just find Lucius downright sexy, and the idea of the bad boy image is actually appealing. I guess I just like a little bit of adventure." He shrugged. "Well, I really should go raid the kitchens and get something to eat. I'm starved. I'm pretty sure dinner is over now."

Hermione leaned in and whispered, "I hear orgasming burns a lot of calories. He is pretty sexy, Harry." Harry blushed crimson at Hermione's rare shamelessness as he walked away.

It had been almost a month since the "incident" with Lucius Malfoy, as Harry thought of it. He was relieved that the man hadn't visited since. He never put too much stock in his luck, though; it would probably mean he would walk right into the man's bedroom or something. However, this time lapse hadn't lead to anything other than intense, erotic dreams where the elder Malfoy was seducing him. He'd wake up sweating, covered in sticky, white stuff. Who knew dreams could be that intense?

Harry sighed, staring into the chipped mirror in one of the boys' bathrooms. He was growing tired of the man haunting his dreams; he needed to face him. There was only one person who could arrange a meeting with that man, and it was the one person he felt the most uncomfortable asking anything from. Draco Malfoy.


Somehow, fate was with Harry today. He walked out of the bathroom to see a figure with long, silver hair walking away. He blushed, suddenly unsure of what he would say to the man. 'I have dreams about you fucking me' or 'Is your cock really as big as it is in my mind?' Yeah, right. That would go over well. He sighed, deciding it was in his best interests to not say anything. He stared at the floor, walking towards the Great Hall for lunch. Somehow, seeing Lucius made him want something strong to drink that he'd only ever had once, when Moody died. Firewhisky, or even the vodka his aunt and uncle used to keep. Lost totally in his own thought, he didn't notice that Malfoy senior had stopped and was watching him walk down the hallway.

As he was about to pass the slim man, a voice jolted him out of his thoughts. "Well, Mr. Potter. I see you've chosen to ignore me, you disrespectful brat," Lucius said coldly. Harry nearly jumped out of his skin and ran up the wall. He stared at the blond, eyes wide and cheeks rapidly turning a bright pink.

"I didn't see you," Harry said, his heart racing. That had been traumatic, especially when Lucius could have just used Legilimency on him and seen his thoughts. Thank God the man hadn't.

"Oh? That self-absorbed, are you?" Lucius asked snidely. Harry glared and Lucius just smirked at him. How the hell did this man manage to get him so desperate every night in his dreams? Sure wasn't his attitude. "Excuse me?" Lucius stared at him.

"What?" Harry asked, confused.

"Who is he and what doesn't his attitude do?" Lucius asked, raising an eyebrow. Harry blushed. He'd said that part out loud. He turned away and started walking, desperate to get out of the situation he had put himself in. A hand in an iron grip around his arm stopped him. "When I ask you a question, boy, I expect an answer."

Harry made a few sounds that sounded like the beginning of a sentence, but no coherent words came out. "Well, uh… he… umm… is somebody who did something that I didn't like!" he said in a rush, almost too fast for Lucius to catch. Almost. He raised an eyebrow and snorted, his lips twitching as if he were going to smile. "It's the truth!" Harry exclaimed indignantly, crossing his arms and huffing. Lucius actually did smile and Harry realized why the man was so influential. His smile could charm a Blast-Ended Skrewt. Lucius' smile faded when he noticed Harry staring at him with an almost dreamlike expression.

"Are you going to continue staring at my face, or am I going to have to resort to some unconventional method, Mr. Potter?" he asked. Upon receiving no reply, he rolled his eyes and sighed. "It's a shame you're actually pretty. Otherwise, I might feel the disdain I'm supposedly putting into this," he murmured, leaning down and kissing Harry. Harry sank into the kiss, instantly thinking this was all a daydream. Lucius' eyes widened in surprise as the boy leaned into him. So much for snapping him out of a reverie. This may have just put him farther in.

Lucius pulled away, his lips tingling a bit. Harry smiled stupidly for a moment before realizing that he hadn't imagined it all. His eyes widened and he looked at Lucius in horror for a moment, before running back to his Common Room, leaving a bemused Malfoy standing in the hallway.


The next morning, Hermione glanced at the headline of the Daily Prophet and did and double-take. She looked at Harry and handed him the paper. He was confused until he saw the picture and the headline. The picture was of him and Lucius kissing in the hallway. Golden Boy not so Golden After All.

Harry stared dumbly at the Daily Prophet until he heard a yell of confusion from the Slytherin table. He glanced up to see Draco Malfoy looking positively murderous. A few people began opening their Daily Prophets and, in turn, staring up at Harry. He turned a deep shade of crimson, stood up, and began to briskly walk out of the Great Hall.

"Oi, Potter! Where the bloody hell do you think you're going?" the younger Malfoy yelled, standing up to follow Harry. Harry groaned and stopped right outside the Hall. Malfoy caught up with him and shoved the newspaper under his nose.

"Malfoy, I've seen it already, thank you," he said softly, glaring at the paper as if it would burst into flame if he willed it hard enough.

"Care to explain?" Malfoy spat, grabbing the front of Harry's shirt.

"He kissed me!" Harry exclaimed, roughly pulling himself away from Draco. "Not that I minded," he added under his breath. Unfortunately, the blond boy caught it and his glare became even more deadly, if that was at all possible.

"You want to fuck my father? Is that it? Fucking queer," Draco snarled disgustedly. Harry stared at Draco, shocked. He knew the blond hated him, but he didn't realize that the boy was homophobic as well.

"Do you have a problem with homosexuality?" Harry asked softly, feeling the beginning of tears forming in the corners of his eyes, and willing them to go away. He stared down at the ground, beginning to clench his fists. One more comment, and he'd punch Malfoy.

"Potter, I'm not exactly straight, but my father? Something is seriously wrong with you," Malfoy said, turning and walking away. Harry stood, watching after him for a moment.

"Mr. Potter?" came a female voice from not too far away, one that Harry recognized as coming from McGonagall. "You have a visitor in Professor Dumbledore's office." Harry was filled with a sense of dread.


As Harry entered Dumbledore's office, the old man looked up at him with a small smile. He gestured to the man standing with his back to Harry. Of course, it would be Lucius. He had to have seen the article. Dumbledore stood and said, with a knowing smile, "I'll leave the two of you alone to sort this out."

Lucius turned to Harry, and spoke quietly, but with power in each word. "Which of your little friends did you get to take that picture?"

"None of them! I had no idea that anyone even had a camera here," he said honestly. "My guess, though, is that it would be Dennis Creevey." Harry shrugged, trying to keep from hyperventilating under the circumstances.

"I lost my job today, thanks to that article, Mr. Potter. I do expect you to take some responsibility for it. After all, if you hadn't been staring at me so intently that nothing could snap you out of it, I wouldn't have had to do that," he said softly, his grey eyes boring into Harry's green ones.

"Not to be rude, but you could have done something slightly less romantic," Harry said with a shrug then realized what he said. He clapped a hand over his mouth. Lucius cocked an eyebrow.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say that you rather enjoyed it," he said. Harry blushed and cursed silently. "Well, seeing as you owe me something for what you've done, you will work for me over the holidays in my home."

"Couldn't I just pay you instead?" Harry asked, a note a panic in his voice. Lucius shook his head.

"You owe me a lot more than money. On top of me losing my job, Narcissa divorced me," he said as though it didn't faze him in the least. "I will inform Draco, and he will accompany you to my Manor over the break." With that, Lucius left, leaving a very confused and upset Harry.


Harry struggled in vain against the leather strips that held his wrists to the bedposts. He was naked, and his skin felt good against the sheets. A silky voice came from the darkness.

"Now, my pet, I'm going to have some fun." Harry's eyes widened. He knew that voice. The man pressed his lips to Harry's and trailed his hand along the boy's thigh. His hands made their way to Harry's newly formed erection, where they stroked forcefully along the full length. Harry moaned, and the man took that opportunity to force his tongue into Harry's mouth. Harry began to stroke the man's cock, and he pulled away in pleasure, shivering. He smirked, his fingers making their way to Harry's sensitive ass. Upon the first finger entering, Harry came with a shout.


Harry awoke, shaking, his hands covered in his cum. He groaned. It was the fourth time he'd had this same dream. Lucius had taken him over and over in his dreams and he knew that something bad would happen if he couldn't get out of staying with the Malfoys. Something along the lines of Harry seducing Lucius and finding himself repeatedly called to Lucius' bed. He wouldn't even try to resist. He wanted Lucius. Now the trick was to get Lucius to take him to bed. He sighed, and made his way to the bathroom to clean up and start plotting.

The Christmas holidays were only days away now, and no one was in worse spirits than Harry, other than perhaps Moaning Myrtle, but then again, she was always depressed. He still hadn't figured anything out in terms of the older Malfoy, but he knew the younger was almost in as dismal spirits as Harry. He had made it clear that he did not want the boy responsible for killing Voldemort in his house, even if it was as his family's servant.

Hermione had tried to reassure him by saying, "Harry, you're of age and can do magic. You can always curse him." Harry had then reminded her that Lucius could, in fact, do magic as well. Hermione blushed and made a noise that sounded like "Oh yeah." Harry smiled at her and told her not to worry. After all, he'd killed Voldemort. What was a winter break with the Malfoys compared to that? Well, at least killing Voldemort hadn't sexually aroused him. THAT would have been a problem.


The train was leaving Hogwarts, and Harry got dragged into sitting with Draco, because as he said, "I don't want to have to go looking for you." He'd looked apologetically at Ron and Hermione, who gave him looks that clearly said good luck. Hermione grabbed his arm and leaned in, whispering, "Don't forget that new hex we worked on." Harry smiled a little and nodded. She turned and walked away, and Harry made his way to where Draco was impatiently waiting.

The compartment where Draco sat was occupied by two others: Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini. Pansy glared at him, and Blaise stared impassively. Draco just sulked. Harry was absolutely sure Draco had somehow added in another twist to the story. He sat down, staring at the ceiling. After an uncomfortable silence for a few minutes, Pansy stood up.

"I'm going to the bathroom," she said sweetly, batting her eyelashes at Draco, and pulling him up.
"Me too," he said, walking out after her, a little irritated. Blaise snorted, and Harry looked at him.

"They probably won't be back for half an hour or so," he said casually and Harry stared.

"The Parkinson girl? Really? I'm surprised someone like Malfoy would stoop that low," he said before he really thought about what he said. Blaise laughed, a laugh that was a lot like Sirius'.

"She is pretty repulsive, but then again, boys are so much prettier," Blaise said, his eyes smiling a little bit.

"I beg to differ. She is very repulsive. And I find men much more attractive than boys," Harry said informatively. He felt it was just so easy to be very open with Blaise about everything. Hedidn't seem like the person to go blabbing, even if he was a Slytherin.

"So that's why you went for Malfoy senior, rather than the one who went to shove his tongue down Pansy's throat?" Blaise asked, and Harry blanched.

"That picture was taken without my knowing! And I was partly in a trance when it happened!" Harry exclaimed indignantly. Blaise raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed.

"So you fancy him," he said and Harry nodded slowly. Blaise smiled.

"Don't tell anyone, alright?" Harry asked.

"Alright. Your secrets are safe with me, whatever you may choose to tell me." Harry smiled.

"I actually kind of want to try to seduce him, but I'm awful at things like that," Harry admitted. Blaise blushed a little bit.

"You could… try it on me?" he said, looking somewhat hopeful. Harry giggled, a little nervously.

"Well, I suppose some experience is better than none," he said, standing up, and closing the short distance between the two of them with a walk that would be suited for the runway, his hips swinging.

Harry ran one hand down Blaise's chest, down past his crotch, then down his thigh. He straddled the Slytherin, lacing his fingers of one hand into Blaise's hair. He leaned down and kissed the other boy's neck, licking and biting simultaneously. When he decided he had gone far enough, he stood up, his face pink.

"Is that what I ought to do?" Harry asked. He'd been very bold, but he had been practicing in the Room of Requirement on a charmed doll. Hermione had been more than willing to help by charming the doll. Ron was a little grossed out by who Harry wanted, but went with it anyways, finding anything that he could give Harry to read that would boost his sexual confidence.

"Holy fuck Harry," Blaise said, a little breathlessly. "Do that to Malfoy and you'd be in his bed immediately. I'll be right back." Blaise stood up and walked out, albeit a little awkwardly, and his destination could only the bathroom.

Harry sat alone in the compartment, thinking. Draco would probably be out with Pansy most of the time, giving him time to be alone with Lucius. After all, the elder didn't work anymore, and at least they had a rather large fortune to tide them over for a while. He sat, lost in thought, and didn't notice Blaise return. The Slytherin sat down next to Harry and snaked an arm around his waist. Startled out of his thoughts, Harry let out a little squeak of surprise.

"Harry, if he ever hurts you… Or even if he's not good enough and you need someone else too, don't hesitate to find me," he said softly, gently kissing Harry's ear.

"Er, thanks," Harry said, distancing himself from Blaise. He may have practiced what he was going to do with Blaise, but that didn't give him the right to make any advances. Harry curled up, leaning against the window and closing his eyes. Blaise moved back to his former spot across from Harry, and resumed his impassive stare.

Draco came back in a while later, his clothes a little disheveled. His cheeks were pink. He glanced over at Harry, who was sound asleep.

"Draco, are you alright with Potter and your dad? I mean, it's Golden Boy," Blaise said softly. Draco groaned.

"I was really trying to forget that there was a published picture of the two of them kissing. It's just weird. But for the sake of my father, I'll deal with it. He was actually overjoyed that my mother left us. She's taken her share of lovers, both male and female, but she never went public with any of them. When my father did, she thought he was rubbing their marriage issue in her face," Draco said.

"Well, if you don't approve, I'll take Potter," Blaise said, gazing at Harry with a bit of lust in his eyes.

Draco glared at Blaise. He leaned over to Blaise and grabbed his shirt collar, pulling him so their faces were less than an inch apart. "Have you forgotten what we'd planned since third year? As soon as I'm through with Pansy and this goddamn thing with her parents insisting we stay together until the end of school, we were going to live together," he said bitterly, his voice getting a little choked. "Or do you not want to anymore?" Blaise looked apologetically at Draco, pulling him into a tender hug.

"Of course I do. This is just a passing fancy with him, I promise," Blaise said softly. Draco smiled and pulled him into a sweet kiss, their lips meeting for only a few seconds. A grunt from Harry startled them apart, and they sat for a while without touching each other.

"Where's Pansy?" Blaise asked, his lips still tingling from Draco's. Draco shrugged.

"I don't know, nor do I care, honestly," Draco said, his arms crossed. He was getting sulky again for two reasons. One, they were almost to King's Cross, which meant that it would be time to take Golden Boy home, and two, he couldn't give Blaise a goodbye kiss without being seen. Sometimes he wished he could just dump Pansy and go public with his secret boyfriend. Seizing the moment, Draco leaned across and gave Blaise an impassioned kiss.

"Whoa, that's new," said a sleepy voice, rather stupidly. Draco whipped around to look at Harry, who was smiling. He yawned and stretched. "I always knew that Parkinson twit was too base for you."

Draco couldn't help but smile. Maybe having Harry around wouldn't be so bad. He noticed Harry glance at Blaise, his expression a little worried. Then Harry added, "Blaise, you better stick with him. I'm not dealing with a pissed Malfoy. Well, two, actually, because I'm pretty sure that his dad," he motioned at Draco, "is goddamn pissed at me." Draco smirked.

Blaise smiled apologetically. "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere that he doesn't. There's just a lot of unreleased sexual tension because this is secret. So don't tell anyone," Blaise said, suddenly deadly serious. "I'm leaving it up to Draco when he tells everyone. It's really his reputation that's on the line, not mine." Harry nodded.

"Honestly, I don't think it would benefit me to say anything. It'd end up with a lot of people really pissed off at me. Now, if I were to benefit from it, that would be different. But I can't, so don't worry," Harry said. Draco raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure you're not secretly a Slytherin? Oh, wait, that's right, I am talking to Harry Potter," Draco said with an amiable laugh. Somehow, this was making him not dislike Harry. He was even starting to think that they might be able to be friends.

The train slowed to a stop with the three of them chatting about lighthearted things. Pansy never came back to the compartment, and Blaise and Harry just assumed she went to sit with her girlfriends, having gotten what she wanted from Draco.

Waiting for Harry and Draco was, of course, Lucius, who made a point to distance himself from Harry. People were staring at them, as if expecting one of them to break into some sort of verse about his unrequited love for the other. Others staring were simply gawking at "the Chosen One" or glaring at the two. Lucius ushered them out of King's Cross hastily, glaring at the people who were staring.

The moment Harry stepped inside the Malfoy Manor, he was in total awe. It was a huge, Victorian-style mansion, complete with period furnishing and everything. Harry couldn't help but stare at everything at once, and Draco snickered.

"Don't get whiplash, Potter," Draco said, a little snidely. Harry turned to face him and glared, but his attention was soon again pulled to some adornment over the doors. Lucius rolled his eyes at the Gryffindor, hiding a smile at his innocent fascination. Draco didn't miss it, and snorted.

"I'll leave the two of you here. Draco, you can show Harry where he's going to sleep," Lucius said somewhat abruptly, discarding his cloak, which one of the House Elves promptly caught. Harry watched Lucius' back as he walked away, his eyes trailing a little lower. Draco noticed this, and raised an eyebrow at Harry.

"You've got it bad, don't you?" Harry smiled sheepishly, which Draco took as a yes, even though his question had been rhetorical. Draco smiled, a hint of understanding in his eyes. He started walking to show Harry his room.

Harry's room was adorned with crimson. Draco laughed at Harry's somewhat bewildered expression.

"We had it decorated for your House. After all, you might have flipped and not done whatever my dad was going to have you do as well if it had been all Slytherin," Draco explained. Harry laughed a little. He sat on the bed and couldn't help asking the question that had just arisen.

"When you asked if I had it bad, why was there that hint of understanding in your eyes? I'm awful at emotions, but the only one I can read in eyes is understanding," Harry elaborated. Draco blushed.

"I feel that I can tell you this without you freaking out," Draco said with a heavy sigh, sitting down next to Harry. "Before I met Blaise, I liked an older man. I know what your reaction will be when I tell you who it is, so don't… I don't know, do your Gryffindor thing. I loved my godfather, who you know as Professor Snape." Harry stared, then shuddered a little.


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