Phrasal Verbs.doc

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Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs


adhere to trzymać się (np. zasad) If you refuse to adhere to the rules of the club, you may be expelled.

aim at dążyć do czegoś/być

skierowanym na coś Most of his books are aimed at teenager readers.

answer back odpowiadać niegrzecznie,

pyskować How dare you answer back like that?!

answer for ręczyć za I can answer for her qualifications in the field.

answer for sb/sth

odpowiadać za coś,



You can't make me answer for his mistakes. That's unfair!

ask after sb pytać o kogoś, dopytywać

się He seems to be really interested - he keeps asking after you.

ask out zaprosić kogoś (do kina,


You behave like a moron! Ask her out and then you will know if she likes

you or not!

associate with łączyć /wiązać coś z

czymś It's ridiculous to associate happiness with full bank account...


back out wycofywać się Make them sign the agreement so that they would not back out from the


back sb/sth up popierać, potwierdzać Will you back me up if I present the alternative solution to the problem?

bank on liczyć na coś Tom is very disapointed as he banked on the pay rise and finally he didn't

get it.

be after poszukiwać, gonić, ścigać John is after a job in marketing.

be made for być stworzonym dla

kogoś/siebie Mary and Paul seem to be made for each other.

beat sb up pobić kogoś/ poturbować He was dragged out of the car and beaten up by the street gang.

bend down pochylić się Johnny! Bend down and do your shoelaces.

blend in/into wtapiać się Chameleons can blend in with their surroundings.

boss about/ round rządzić/ dyrygować kimś I hate when somebody wants to boss me around!

break away wyłamać się He wanted to break away from the traditional image of an artist and

always wore suits in his studio.

break down zepsuć się They got caught quite easily as their runaway car broke down after few


break down załamywać się, kończyć

się niepowodzeniem

The discussion broke down because nobody wanted to accept any


break out uciec z więzienia He broke out of the state prison last night.

break out wybuchać (o wojnie lub

epidemii) The anthrax epidemic was prevented form breaking out.

break through przełamać coś/ przedrzeć


The soldiers are reported to successfully break through the enemy's


break up (with sb) zerwać z kimś I didn't know Leven has broken up with Joe!

breeze into (the

building, etc) wchodzić gdzieś pewnie She usually breezes into the meeting and shares her opinions with

everybody present.

breeze through przejść przez coś z

łatwością He breezed through the university entrance exams.

brighten up rozjaśnić, upiększyć She put some flowers to the vase to brighten the room up.

bring about spowodować Now we can just wait what these changes will bring about.

bring back przywrócić The photos we watched together brought back a lot of memories.

bring down obalić The present acute crisis in economy may bring the government down.

bring sb

around/round ocucić We tried to bring her round but in vain.

bring together pogodzić/polepszyć

stosunki The disaster brought the local community together.

bring up wychować She was brought up to respect other people.

brush aside zignorować, odrzucić He brushed aside his advisor's ideas and consequently lost the campaign.

brush up podszlifować, odświeżyć

(umiejętności) He went to France to brush up on his French before the exam.

bump into spotkać, 'wpaść' na kogoś I bumped into my Mum when I tried to leave the house unnoticed.

bundle up opatulić She bundled the kittens up in blankets before taking them to the vet.

burst in wtargnąć The crowd burst in the palace and started the plunder.

burst out wybuchać He burst out laughing when he heard this joke for the first time.

butt in wtrącać się, mieszać do

czegoś She got mad as he butted in once again with his stupid remarks.

button up zapiąć guziki Button up Billy, will you? It's quite cold today.


call in wpaść do kogoś Call in for a cup of coffee when you are in town.

call off odwołać (np. spotkanie) They had to call the meeting off because their partners asked for more

time to decide on conditions.

calm down uspokoić się They had a hard time in their relationship but now everything seems to

have calmed down.

care for opiekować się, troszczyć She cares for her younger sister.

carry on kontynuować The light went out but the surgeon insisted on carrying on with the


carry out wypełniać, wykonać,

zrealizować I hope she will carry out her research as it may be a real breakthrough.

catch up dogonić, dorównać You will have to work harder in order to catch up with the rest of the


cheat on zdradzać (żonę/męża) She had a nervous breakdown when she discovered that her husband has

been cheating on her.

check in zgłosić się do odprawy All the passengers should check in one hour before the departure.

check off zaznaczać (np. na liście) Please check off all the names on the list to make sure everyone's present.

check out sprawdzać Can somebody check out who is at the door?

check out zdać pokój (w hotelu),

wymeldować się She checked out early in the morning and continued her journey.

check up on sth/sb sprawdzać, kontrolować I hate when he checks up on me to be sure that I go where I tell him.

cheer up rozchmurzyć się,

poweseleć She went to the hairdresser to cheer herself up after the test.

chew sth over rozgryźć coś, 'przeżuć' OK. There is no need to hurry - you can just chew it over and give the

answer next week.

chill out 'wyluzować' Oh, come on! Get a drink and chill out!

chip in zrzucić się We all chipped in for our parents' present.

clean up posprzątać Clean up your room before you leave.

clear sth out posprzątać dokładnie Next weekend I'm gonna finally clear my wardrobe out.

clear sth up wyjaśniać, rozwiązywać

(zagadkę, problem) Yes, we had an arguement but we cleared it up already.

clear up

przejaśniać się (o

pogodzie), przechodzić (o


The weather's clearing up.

cloud over zachmurzyć się As the sky clouded over, we had to resign from sunbathing that day.

come about zdarzać się He said he had no idea how all these things may have come about in his


come across sprawiać wrażenie John came across as being an extremely shy person.

come across sth/sb natknąć się (na

coś/kogoś) I came across this precious painting while I was tidying my basement.

come apart rozpadać się We need a new bed, the old one is coming apart.


around/round odzyskać przytomność As she was the only witness of the accident, the police officer waited till

she came round to ask her some questions.

come back wracać Don't wait for me, I don't know when I'll be coming back.

come down spaść This shelf is overloaded! It may come down any minute!

come down on ostro coś krytykować/

'zjechać' The press came down on his new play.

come down with zachorować He came down with flu and had to stay in bed.

come out pojawiać się, ukazywać

się The first issue of this newspaper came out in 1956.

come out with wyskakiwać z czymś She came out with her accusations quite unexpectedly.

count on liczyć na kogoś You can always count on Jim in situation like this.

cross out skreślić, wykreślić Your essay is too long - cross some sentences out.

cuddle up przytulić się I often cuddle up to my pony when I feel unhappy.

cut down ograniczyć, skrócić I think you should cut down hours you spend in front of computer screen.

cut down on ograniczyć coś I try to cut down on sweets and coffee.

cut in zajechać drogę He cursed and slammed on the brakes as the car suddenly cut in in front

of him.

cut in wtrącić się, przerwać She shows no respect to anyone - she is always cutting in! No matter who

is speaking.

cut off odciąć Electricity has been cut off for the whole week.


deal with zajmować się, radzić

sobie z czymś Do you think you can deal with this sort of problem?

decide on zdecydować się na coś We have decided on holiday in Spain.

delve into zagłębiać się I don't want to delve into details concerning his death. It's too painful.

depend on polegać na You can always depend on me. The tram is late again! You really can't

depend on public transport.

depend on sth zależeć (od czegoś) Our decision depends on the results of the test.

deprive of pozbawić czegoś Living in the country will deprive you of all the nightlife you like so


devote to poświęcać się She devoted all her life to fighting for human rights.

die away zanikać, cichnąć Her voice gradually died away and there was silence again.

die out wymierać, zanikać Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago.

dig out 'dokopać się' do

informacji I spent hours in the library but finally I dug out everything I needed.

do away with sth pozbywać się Why don't they do away with all these stupid rules!

do up zapiąć, zasunąć Could you help me do up my dress?

do without radzić sobie bez czegoś I'm afraid she'll have to do without my help.

drag away odwlec, odciągnąć Drag him away from the TV somehow! He needs more exercise.

drop by/in wpaść (z wizytą) Do not hesitate to drop in whenever you're in the neighbourhood.

drop off podrzucić kogoś gdzieś

po drodze

I'm going to the city centre now, so if you want I can drop you off to the


drop out rezygnować Sue decided to drop out of school.

dwell on rozpamiętywać coś Jimmy! Stop moaning and dwelling on your past mistakes! The show

must go on!


eat out zjeść na mieście Do you feel like eating out today's evening?

enter into zagłębiać się He doesn't want to enter into details at the moment.


fade away zanikać The ink writing has faded away and now it is barely visible.

fall apart rozpadać się Her relationship fell apart after two years. When Mark left Eve, her whole

world fell apart.

fall behind zostawać z tyłu The horse started the race quite promising but then fell behind on the last

bend. Tom has fallen behind in his English recently.

fall for sb/sth zakochać się I fell for her the moment I saw her for the first time.

fall out pokłócić się (i zerwać


I haven't seen him since we fell out last week. And I don't think I want


feel for współczuć We felt for her when her husband disappeared and left her with all his


fight back oddawać (w walce, bójce) Don't stand like this! Fight back!

fill (sth) up wypełnić, zapełnić The room was filled up with people.

fill sth in wypełniać Please fill in the application form.

find out dowiedzieć się Did you find out how much he had paid?

focus on/upon koncentrować się His research focuses on developing new information technologies.

fold up składać You can fold the map up - I know where we are.

fool around/about wygłupiać się Stop fooling around with the knife or you'll get hurt.


about/around wygłupiać się, bawić He loves frolicking around with his dog.


get (sb) through


poradzić sobie z czymś,

przejść przez coś,

pomagać komuś przejść

przez coś

He got through the exams and got into college.

get away uciec I thought I would never get away from that boring guy!

get away with sth uchodzić na sucho We all knew he was lying but he managed to get away with it.

get back wracać When did you get back?

get in przychodzić, przyjeżdżać What time did you get in last night?

get in (into) wsiadać, wchodzić How did all of you manage to get into such a small car? The doors were

closed and I couldn't get in.

get off (sth) wysiadać, wychodzić To get to the museum you have to get off at fifth stop. What time do you

usually get off work?

get on wsiadać do/na The bus was full so we couldn't get on.

get on/along radzić sobie How is she getting on in the marketing course?

get on/along (with


mieć przyjazne stosunki z

kimś I and Susan get on with each other.


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