Fascial release for structural balance(1).pdf

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James Earls & Thomas Myers
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Fascial Release for Structural Balance combines manual therapy skills with the exciting new
fi eld of str uctural therapy, which employs the uniq ue and newly discovered properties of fa scial
tiss ues. Fascia, our biological fa bric, plays a vital role in support, posture, and stability. Through
informed assessment and manipulation of fa scial patterns, yo u can help eradicate many of your
clients' chronic strain patterns-for good.
The book is designed fo r any bodywork practitioner using manual therapy. Physiotherapists,
osteopaths, chiropractors, and massage therapists can help their current and fu ture clients by
giving them a struct ural analysis and creating a treatment strategy using the techniques included
in this book. The authors bring together a unique introduction to fa scially informed struct ural
anatomy with a method fo r postural analysis and detailed and easily applied techniques.
James Earls fi rst trained in bodywork in 1991 before studying with Thomas Myers in 2000. He
now practices Structural Integration and massage therapy in Belfast and is the director of
Ultimate Massage Sol utions and Kinesis UK, which bring high-quality training in the Anatomy
Trains approach, Fascial Release Technique, and Str uct ural Integration thro ughout Europe.
Earls is a popular presenter and writes regularly fo r a range of bodywork magazines.
Thomas Myers has practiced integrative struct ural therapy fo r over 30 years in a variety of
clinical and cultural settings. He is the author of Anatomy Trains (Elsevier 200 I, 2009) and
numerous collected articles fo r journals and trade publications. Myers directs Kinesis, Inc.,
which offers certification in Struct ural Integration and continuing professional development
courses worldwide fo r manual and movement therapists fr om many professions.
"What a great idea to combine James Earls' expertise and philosophy with Tom Myers' classic
contributions to structural bodywork. This is the long-awaited expansion of the Anatomy Trains
theoretical concepts into a clearly written,imctional 'how to' manual that is a must-read textbook for
all bodyworkers of all ranges of experience - not just structural integrators."
At Riggs, Certified Advanced Rolfe� and massage therapist, author of Oeep issue Massage: A
Visual Guide to Therapy Techniques
"Fascial release has never been made more understandable and achievable - a well illustrated and
excellent read."
Leon Chaitow, NO, DO, Honorary Fellow, University of Westminster, London. Editor-in-Chief, Jounal
of Bodywork & Movement Therapies
"This book is a thorough and refreshing
Erik Dalton, PhD, author of Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques®
"With a wonde/jul blend of art and science, this text brings together many aspects of structural
change grounded in anatomical precision. It lets you see the relationships surrounding the body and
how they link to produce the various pattens you will see in your clients; equally importantly, it gives
you the strategies to address them. "
Robet Schleip, PhD, MA, Director of Fascia Research Project, Institute of Applied Physiology, Ulm
University. Research Director of the European Rolfing Association
Lotus Publishing
Chichester, UK
US $29.95 / $34.00 CAN
ISBN 978-1-55643-937-7
North Atlantic Books
Berkeley, California
9 78
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James Earls & Thomas Myers
Lotus Publishing
Chichester, England
North Atlantic Books
Berkeley, California
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Copyright © 20 I 0 by James Earls & Thomas Myers. All rights reserved. No portion of this book. except for brief review. may be reproduced.
stored in a retrieval system. or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopying. recording. or otherwise -
without the written permission of the publisher. For information, contact Lotus Publishing or North Atlantic Books.
First published in 2010 by
Lotus Publishing
Apple Tree Cottage, Inlands Road, Nutboune. Chichester. POI 8 8RJ and
North Atlantic Books
POBox 12327
Berkeley. Califonia 947 I2
Anatomical Drawings Amanda Williams
Text and Cover Design Wendy Craig
Printed and Bound in the UK by Scotprint
Fascial Release for Structural Balance is sponsored by the Society for the Study of Native Arts and Sciences. a nonprofit educational
corporation whose goals are to develop an educational and crosscultural perspective linking various scientific. social. and artistic fields: to
nurture a holistic view of arts. sciences. humanities. and healing: and to publish and distribute literature on the relationship of mind. body. and
The Publisher has made every effort to trace holders of copyright in original material and to seek permission for its use in Fascial Releasej(}/'
S/1/ctural Beliallce. Should this have proved impossible. copyright holders are asked to contact the Publisher so that suitable acknowledgment
can be made at the first opportunity.
In memory of Stephen Stevenson. a friend. a colleague.
With my sincere thanks to his family for permission to use his images within this book.
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 978 I 905367 18 4 (Lotus Publishing)
ISBN 978 I 55643 937 7 (North Atlantic Books)
Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
Earls, James.
Fascial release for structural balance f James Earls and Tom Myers.
p. : cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Summary: "Fascial release for structural balance is a fully illustrated
introductory guide to structural anatomy and fascial release
therapy"--Provided by publisher.
ISBN 978- I -905367- I 8-4 (Lotus Pub.) -- ISBN 978- I -55643-937-7 (North Atlantic Books)
I. Manipulation (Therapeutics) 2. Myofascial pain syndromes. 3. Fasciae (Anatomy) I. Myers,
Thomas w., LMT. II. Title.
I DNLM: I. Fascia--anatomy & histology. 2. Massage--methods. 3. Musculoskeletal
Manipulations--methods. WE 500 EI2f 20101
RM724.EI 72010
6 I 5.8'2--dc22
Introduction/How to Use This Book .... .4
Chapter 6: The Hip ......... . . .. . . 111
The Bones .. . ......... . ....... . .. . J 14
The Ligaments ............ ... .... . 118
The Muscles .... . ........ ... .. . . . . 121
I. The Trochanteric Fan ......... . 122
2. The Ramic Fan ............... 126
3. The Inguinal Fan ............. 129
BodyReading the Pelvis .... .... .... 132
Pel vic Techniques .................137
Chapter 1: An Introduction to
Fascial Release Technique .. ... . . ..7
Human Patterning ...................7
Introduction to the Fascial Webbing .....9
Tensegrity ......................... 16
Chapter 2: Fascial Release
and Developing Your Touch
DASIE: Development,Assessment,
Strategy, Intervention, Ending ....... 22
Fascial Release Technique .... . ....... 27
Body Mechanics .. .. ........ . ...... 29
Questions of Direction ..............36
Designing a Session .. .. ............ 39
Chapter 7: The Abdomen,
Thorax, and Breathing ......... . . 155
The Abdomen and Ribs:
Support fo r the Ventral Cavity ..... 155
The Rib Basket ....... ... . . ....... 164
Accessory Muscles of Breathing ......166
The Diaphragm .......... ... .. . . .. 169
BodyReading the Abdomen, Thorax,
and Breathing .. ..... ...... . . . .. 172
Abdomen and Thorax Techniques ..... 174
Chapter 3: BodyReading ........ .43
The Five Stages of BodyReading ..... .44
The BodyReading Process .. . ..... . ... 50
Chapter 4: The Foot
and Lower Leg .. . ... ..... ..... ... 53
The Bones of the Leg:
As Easy As 1,2,3.. .4,5 . ........ . . 54
The Joints: Hinges and Spirals ........ 55
The Arches as a 'Secondary Curve' ..... 57
The Bones of the Arches . . .......... 58
The Plantar Tissues ................. 59
The Calf Muscles ................... 61
BodyReading the Foot and Lower Leg . . 66
Foot and Lower Leg Techniques ...... 68
Chapter 8: The Spine ... .. .. . .. . 183
The Pattern of the Musculature .. ..... 189
The Neck ........................ 192
BodyReading the Spine ............ 200
Spine Techniques ...... ........... 202
BodyReading the Head and Neck . . .. . 214
Neck Techniques ..................216
Chapter 9: The Shoulder and Arm 225
The Shoulder . . .............. . .... 225
The Arm Lines .... . . . . . ..... . . ... 235
BodyReading the Shoulders ......... 242
Shoulder and Arm Techniques ........246
Rotator Cuff Techniques ............254
Chapter 5: The Knee and Thigh ... 87
The Knee Joint . ...... ... . ....... . . 88
The One- and Two-Joint Muscles of
the Thigh . ... .. ................. 92
BodyReading the Knee and Thigh ..... 99
Knee and Thigh Techniques .........10 1
Integration ........................ 266
Appendix 1:
The Anatomy Trains Lines . ... ...... 267
Appendix 2:
Contraindications .................. 275
Bibliography .................... 281
Resources ................. ..... . 284
Index ........................... 285
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