Depression (Postnatal).pdf

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Postnatal depression
Fact sheet 22
Adjusting to life as a mother can be dificult. In fact, for many women, having a baby is the most
signiicant life-changing event they will ever experience. Adjusting to this major life change, as
well as coping with the day-to-day demands of a new baby, can make some women more likely to
experience depression at this time, particularly if they’ve experienced depression in the past.
POstNataL DePRessION?
Postnatal depression (PND) affects almost 16 per cent of new
mothers in Australia. As with depression, PND is common.
One in ive females and one in eight males. Around one million
Australian adults and 160,000 young people live with depression
each year.
Postnatal depression has the same signs and symptoms as
period of low mood, reduced interest in activities, tiredness and
disturbance of sleep and appetite and negative thoughts and
feelings. To ind out about the general symptoms of depression,
go to the series of depression checklists at
What caUses POstNataL
The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (see below) is
a set of questions designed to see if a new mother may have
depression. The answers will not provide a diagnosis – for that
you need to see a doctor or other health professional. The
answers will tell you however, if you or someone you know, has
symptoms that are common in women with PND.
Like depression which occurs at any other time, postnatal
depression doesn’t have one deinite cause – but it’s likely to
result from a combination of factors including:
• apasthistoryofdepressionand/oranxiety
If you have concerns that you or someone you know has PND,
please consult a doctor.
• astressfulpregnancy
• depressionduringthecurrentpregnancy
To complete this set of questions, mothers should circle the
• afamilyhistoryofmentaldisorders
• experiencingsevere‘babyblues’
• aprolongedlabourand/ordeliverycomplications
1 I have been able to laugh and see the funny side of things.
0 As much as I always could
1 Not quite so much now
2 Deinitely not so much now
3 Not at all
• problemswiththebaby’shealth
• dificultybreastfeeding
• alackofpractical,inancialand/oremotionalsupport
• pasthistoryofabuse
2 I have looked forward with enjoyment to things.
• dificultiesincloserelationships
0 As much as I ever did
1 Rather less than I used to
2 Deinitely less than I used to
3 Hardly at all
• sleepdeprivation
• beingasingleparent
• havinganunsettledbaby(e.g.dificultieswithfeeding
and sleeping)
3 I have blamed myself unnecessarily when things went wrong.
• havingunrealisticexpectationsaboutmotherhood
3 Yes, most of the time
2 Yes, some of the time
1 Not very often
0 No, never
• movinghouse
• makingworkadjustments(e.g.stoppingorre-startingwork).
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Postnatal depression
Fact sheet 22
4 I have been anxious or worried for no good reason.
The total score is calculated by adding together the numbers
you circled for each of the 10 items. The higher the score, the
more likely it is that the person completing the questionnaire is
distressed and may be depressed.
0 No, not at all
1 Hardly ever
2 Yes, sometimes
3 Yes, very often
Scores provide only a rough guide as to whether a
woman has postnatal depression. For a full diagnosis, it
is important to see a doctor.
5 I have felt scared or panicky for no very good reason.
3 Yes, quite a lot
2 Yes, sometimes
1 No, not much
0 No, not at all
hOW Is POstNataL DePRessION
There is a range of effective treatments for managing PND.
6 Things have been getting on top of me.
3 Yes, most of the time I haven’t been able to cope at all
2 Yes, sometimes I haven’t been coping as well as usual
1 No, most of the time I have coped quite well
0 No, I have been coping as well as ever
Psychological treatment
Psychological treatment, whichisoftenreferredtoas‘talking
therapy’ has generally been found to be the most effective way of
treating postnatal depression. Psychological treatment can help by:
7 I have been so unhappy that I have had dificulty sleeping.
• changingnegativethoughtsandfeelings
3 Yes, most of the time
2 Yes, sometimes
1 Not very often
0 No, not at all
• encouraginginvolvementinactivities
• speedingrecovery
• preventingdepressionfromgetting serious again.
8 I have felt sad or miserable.
Medication can play an important role in helping people with
depression manage from day to day. Some people may worry
about how antidepressants will affect a baby who is breastfed.
However, remaining on medication can be important in order to
avoid signiicant depression which can have a negative impact
for both mother and baby.
3 Yes, most of the time
2 Yes, quite often
1 Not very often
0 No, not at all
9 I have been so unhappy that I have been crying.
3 Yes, most of the time
2 Yes, quite often
1 Only occasionally
0 No, never
If the mother is breastfeeding, speciic types of medications
are preferred. While a number of factors will inluence the
choice of antidepressant, SSRIs – Sertraline, Citalopram and
harm to infants.
10 The thought of harming myself has occurred to me.
The decision to take medication is up to the individual and
should be made in consultation with a doctor, after considering
the risks and beneits to both the mother and infant. For more
details visit or call the beyondblue
info line on 1300 22 4636 (local call).
3 Yes, quite often
2 Sometimes
1 Hardly ever
0 Never
pregnant Women’, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol. 7, No. 4,
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haVe POstNataL DePRessION
• Lookafteryourself.Seeksupportforyourownneedsby
doctor and taking time out. By keeping yourself physically
and mentally healthy, you will be better equipped to support
the person with the illness.
• Expectthatapersonwithpostnataldepressioncanbemoody,
irritable, volatile, teary and withdrawn. Try not to take what they
say as a personal attack.
• Contactadoctororhospital,ifthewomanbecomesathreat
to herself or others.
• Seekhelpandtreatmentfromadoctororotherqualiied
health professional.
• Seekfriendshipswithotherwomen,includingothermums
who have postnatal depression.
• Organisechildcareoraskfriendsorfamilytolookafterthe
• Makesureyoutaketimetodothethingsyouenjoylike
reading a book, listening to music or having a bath.
• Spendsometimewithyourpartnertohelpnurturethe
• Developasupportsystemoffriends,familyand
professionals and accept help.
• Restrictvisitorswhenfeelingunwell,overwhelmedortired.
• Takethingsonestepatatime.
• Don’tbottleupfeelings–discussthemwithfriends,family
and your partner.
• Eatabalanceddiet.
• Practisedeepbreathingandmusclerelaxationtechniques.
• Trytoestablishgoodsleepingpatterns.
• Learnaboutpostnataldepression.
• Callapostnataldepressionsupportserviceormental
health crisis line if things are getting tough and other help
is not available.
WheRe tO Get heLP
A doctor whoisaGeneralPractitioner(GP)isagoodirst
step. In some cases, the person may be referred to
a mental health specialist like a psychiatrist or psychologist.
and related disorders visit the beyondblue website and click on Find a Doctor or
call the beyondblue info line on 1300 22 4636 (local call).
Psychiatrists are doctors who specialise in mental health.
They can make medical and psychological assessments,
conduct medical tests and prescribe medication. Some
psychiatrists use psychological treatments.
Psychologists, Mental Health Nurses, Social Workers
and Occupational Therapists specialiseinprovidingnon-
medical (psychological) treatment for depression and related
disorders. A rebate can now be claimed through Medicare
paediatrician refers you to a registered psychologist, mental
health nurse, social worker or occupational therapist. This
rebate can be claimed for part of the cost for up to 12 individual
a calendar year. For more details ask your referring medical
practitioner. For a list of mental health professionals providing
treatment for which you can claim a Medicare rebate go to:
hOW tO heLP sOMeONe WIth
POstNataL DePRessION
• Rememberthatpostnataldepressionistreatable.
• Encouragethewomantoseeahealthprofessional.Offerto
go along to the session with her.
• Learnaboutpostnataldepression.
• Spendtimelistening,withoutfeelingtheneedtooffersolutions.
or discuss other childcare options so the mum can have time
to herself.
• Offertohelpwithhouseworklikecookingandcleaning.
• Letthewomanknowhowwellsheisdoingwhenshemakes
small gains.
• Encouragethewomantousesomeself-helpstrategies.
– Clinical Psychologists:
under Find a Psychologist
– Psychologists:
under Find a Psychologist
– Mental Health Social Workers:
under Find a Mental Health Worker
– Mental Health Occupation Therapists:
under Find a Mental Health OT
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Postnatal depression
Fact sheet 22
beyondblue: the national depression initiative
disorders, available treatments and where to get help.
Post and Antenatal Depression Association Inc
Provides information for women and their families affected by
antenatal and postnatal mood disorders about the causes and
symptoms of these disorders, as well as types of treatments
and support services available.
beyondblue info line 1300 22 4636
disorders, available treatments and referral only (local call).
beyondblue’s website for young people – information on
depression and how to help a friend.
The North Queensland Postnatal Distress
Support Group (NQPNDG)
Information on the causes of PND and recovery patterns of
these disorders. There is also information about and contact
details for the North Queensland Postnatal Distress Support
Suicide Helpline – Victoria
1300 651 251 or
24 hour counselling, crisis intervention, information and referral
(local call).
Suicide Call Back Service
1300 659 467
Provides counselling, information and referral to people at risk of
suicide and those concerned about someone else’s behaviour
Good Beginnings
Information on parenting children and details of support
services for new parents.
Mensline Australia
1300 78 99 78 or
24 hour support for men with family and relationship problems
especially around family breakdown or separation – this service
provides anonymous telephone support, information and
referral (local call).
Information on parenting children and details of support
services for new parents.
Information on parenting children, including a section on
managing postnatal depression, and details of support services
for new parents.
13 11 14
24 hour counselling, information and referral (local call).
Online psychological therapy.
Public Health Centres
Community public health centres also provide help and advice
on child and maternal health issues. See your local telephone
directory or health service. – interactive e-health
Black Dog Institute
Information on depression (including during and after pregnancy)
and bipolar disorder – speciically causes, treatments, symptoms,
getting help and current research indings.
© beyondblue: the national depression initiative , 2009.
T: (03) 9810 6100
beyondblue info line 1300 22 4636
F: (03) 9810 6111
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For more information or beyondblue info line 1300 22 4636
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