Exalted - 2E - Core Rules Errata.pdf

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Exalted Second Edition Core Book Errata and FAQ
Version 2006.03.28
By Conrad Hubbard, Edited by John Chambers and Mike Todd, Developer John Chambers
Rules Clarifications/Changes
p. 131 – Poisons has a chart with Damage ratings. Each damage rating should have a rate of
damage (known as the “interval”). Arrow Frog Venom and Coral Snake Venom do not have
an interval listed. They should be intervals of 1 tick, and thus listed as Damage 8L/1 tick
and 6L/1 tick.
p. 172 – Mental Defense Value: Dodge MDV is listed as being figured with ((Willpower +
Integrity + pertinent specialty + Essence) ÷ 2) rounded down. In this specific instance,
Willpower is treated as an Attribute for the purposes of Charm bonus maximums.
p. 272-274 – Backgrounds and Experience. The core book rules do not discuss how to raise
a character’s Backgrounds. Storytellers are encouraged to adopt one of two methods for this,
depending upon their personal preferences and what works for their game:
1) Method 1: Backgrounds Cost Experience. Backgrounds may be raised at the
cost of 3 Experience per new dot (similar to the cost of a Specialty). Thus, an
Exalt raising her Allies from 4 dots to 5 dots would pay 3 Experience points.
Storytellers should generally let players recover Experience invested in this
fashion if story circumstances force the character to lose dots in a Background.
Such protection should not be absolute – dumb moves should have
consequences – but players shouldn’t be afraid of permanent losses merely at a
whim, either. Should the story demand that a character gain a Background in
play without having the necessary Experience, she must spend at least half of
all Experience she gains toward this Background until she is no longer in debt.
For example, if Dace raids his own tomb and gains a reaver daiklave, but
doesn’t have 6 Experience points banked, then he would still gain the daiklave
but would need to invest the Experience as soon as possible or lose the daiklave
to story development (perhaps it is stolen by a sneaky Wyld Hunt scout).
2) Method 2: Backgrounds Are Free. Backgrounds do not cost any Experience to
raise, but they may only be raised with the explicit permission of the
Storyteller. The Storyteller may only allow the increase (or loss) of
Backgrounds when dictated by the story of the game. Although Backgrounds
gained under this method are “free” they must still be earned via in-character
play. For Dace to gain his ancient reaver daiklave, he must delve into his tomb,
while building a mercenary unit requires active recruitment and campaigning.
Exalted is copyright White Wolf Publishing * http://www.white-wolf.com/exalted/
Neither of these procedures is inherently better than the other, so Storytellers are
encouraged to use whichever method proves best for their game. Neither method
obviates the fact that the character must earn the Background in play. One method
simply requires that players invest Experience in Backgrounds just as they do in other
p. 356+ – Some equipment items have a listed cost of “-”. This doesn't mean that the items
are actually free, merely that their cost is negligible.
p. 385 – The Cost of Artifacts is in dots of Artifact rating rather than in Resources, unlike
non-Artifact weapons and armor.
p. 279 – Farmer/Citizen template Dodge DV should be 1.
p. 279 – Green Troops template Dodge DV should be 2/1.
p. 280 – Elite Soldiers template Dodge DV should be 2/0.
p. 280 – Mortal Hero template Dodge DV should be 4/2. Essence should be 1.
p. 280 – Savants/Elders/Thaumaturges template Dodge DV should be 3/2.
p. 282 – God-Blooded template Dodge DV should be 4/2.
p. 291 – Gryphon has a listed Claw Speed of 9. It should be 5.
p. 291 – Buck-Ogre template has no listed Defense value for its axes. It has a Parry DV of 2.
p. 296 – Principle of Motion says that the Extra Actions gained via this Charm CAN be
further split into multiple actions. This is wrong – the extra actions gained from this Charm
cannot be used for a flurry. Also, the text says that the actions can be used to dodge/defend;
this was a holdover from first edition, and should be ignored. And as a clarification, the
Essence spent on this Charm is not committed.
p. 302 – Dragon’s Suspire does not have a Speed listed in its write-up. It should be Speed 6.
p. 303 – Fakharu template Dodge DV should be 8 (9 in Dragon Form). Fakharu’s Claws are
listed at Speed 7, Bite at Speed 9 and Dragon’s Suspire at Speed 10 – this should be Claw
Speed 5, Bite Speed 6, and Dragon's Suspire Speed 6.
p. 303 – Huraka template Claws are listed at Speed 7, Bite at Speed 9 and Dragon’s Suspire
at Speed 10 – this should be Claw Speed 5, Bite Speed 6, and Dragon's Suspire Speed 6.
Exalted is copyright White Wolf Publishing * http://www.white-wolf.com/exalted/
p. 306 – Wood Spider Dragon’s Suspire listed at Speed 10. This should be Speed 6.
p. 309 – Octavian’s template has Malfean Iron Staff with Speed of 7. This should be 6.
p. 310 – Erymanthoi bone club listed with Speed 7. This should be Speed 5, like other clubs.
p. 318 – Hungry Ghost has a Claw Speed 7. This should be 5.
p. 319 – Nemissaries Dodge DV should be 4/3.
p. 370 – Sai should be Cost ●● for both lines of the item’s stat strip (bottom line has it listed
as Cost ●).
p. 370 – Axe/Hatchet has an asterisk (*) under Tags. That asterisk should be noted as
“Weapon can also be used as a Melee weapon.”
p. 371 – Club has an asterisk (*) under Tags. That asterisk should be noted as “Weapon can
also be used as a Melee weapon.”
p. 371 – Javelin has an asterisk (*) under Tags. That asterisk should be noted as “Weapon
can also be used as a Melee weapon.”
p. 371 – Thrown Knife has an asterisk (*) under Tags. That asterisk should be noted as
“Weapon can also be used as a Melee weapon.”
p. 388 – Sky-Cutter is Attune 4 and Cost ●●. The values were switched.
p. 389 – Sling of Deadly Prowess is Attune 3 and Cost ●. The values were switched.
p. 389 – Infinite Jade Chakram is Attune 5 and Cost ●●. The values were switched.
p. 389 – Short Powerbow is Attune 4 and Cost ●●. The values were switched.
p. 389 – Long Powerbow is Attune 6 and Cost ●●●. The values were switched.
p. 392 – Lightning Torment Hatchets should be Cost ●●●. This is correct in the header, but
not in the actual stat strip.
p. 392 – Daiklave of Conquest should be Cost ●●●●●. This is correct in the header, but not
in the actual stat strip.
Exalted is copyright White Wolf Publishing * http://www.white-wolf.com/exalted/
p. 377 – Tower Shield should read “suffers an additional” rather than “suffers an
p. 369 – Fighting Chain should have Cost 1 listed as Cost ●.
p. 370 – Wind-Fire Wheel cost is correct at 2, but it should be ●●.
p. 384 – Wilderness Gem description should read “take part” rather than “take place”.
p. 388 – Serpent-Sting Staff should have Cost 2 listed as Cost ●●.
Exalted is copyright White Wolf Publishing * http://www.white-wolf.com/exalted/
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