New Moon Unofficial Film Script - Severed Ties (Part 1).docx

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New Moon Unofficial Film Script — Severed Ties (Part 1)



DISCLAIMER The Twilight saga is owned and created by Stephenie Meyer, Little, Brown and Company and Summit Entertainment. This site and its content are in no way affiliated or associated with and/or or it’s respective companies.

To read Part 4 — Romeo Must Not Die, please click here.

To read Part 3 — Close to Home, please click here.

To read Part 2 — Shattered Pieces, please click here.

SEQ 01. INT. Bella’s Bedroom. Bella is in front of the mirror staring at her own image. Edward enters the bedroom, and kisses her gently. As they kiss, Bella ages until she turns to dust, which is blown away by the wind.

BELLA VO (Voice Over)
I’m not afraid of getting older. I’m just scared of losing Edward. I want to be with him forever.

SEQ 02. INT. Cullen’s Dining Room. The room is decorated profusely with pink flowers and candles. The Cullens are gathered around the birthday cake with the number 18 on top.

(holding camera) Smile, Bella! It’s your 18th birthday!

Alice, I wish you didn’t–

(deliberately misunderstanding) You wish for presents? Oh, we have some presents for you too, but you can only open them after blowing out the candles.

Please humor her, Bella. Besides, you should be thankful I stopped Alice from ordering a tent, balloons, an orchestra, and a DANCE floor…

Alice, you wouldn’t do that to me!

Edward baked the birthday cake!

Baking and cooking…

Emmett rolls his eyes and then grabs Edward in a mock wrestling hold.

How about a little wrestling match with me tomorrow, bro?

(laughs) You know I’ll win.

‘Cause you read my mind before I can make my fancy moves. Cheater, cheater…

Boys, please behave.

Bella, it would please us very much if we could celebrate this special occasion with you. The last time we had a birthday party was way back in 1935 for Emmett; but, if you would rather not, that would be perfectly fine as well.

Of course, I’d love to. You’re like family to me.

As she leans forward, she stumbles. Edward saves her from landing face down on the cake. Embarrassed, Bella blows out the candles.

Happy 18th birthday, my love.

Edward kisses Bella.

I hate the fact that I’m one year older than you are.

But, in reality, I’m decades older than you are.

Yeah, any human I know who knows that?

Time to open presents!

(sees the gifts) Oh no, no, no… I don’t want any one spending money on me!

But it gives us so much joy, Bella.

Stop spoiling our fun.

C’mon, birthday girl! Open our gift first! Go on, pull the ribbon! It’s a radio / CD player for your truck! But it’s not really there ‘coz I already installed it in your beat up Chevy when you weren’t looking.

ALL (adlib)
There he goes again.
Can’t you keep a secret?

You might as well tell her my gift is inside the CD player. (to Bella) As instructed, I did not spend any cent.

What? It’s the thought that counts. Pull, pull, pull!

Pull, pull, pull!

Bella pulls and gets a paper cut.


No, Jasper!!!

Edward and Jasper collide and knock Bella onto the glass plates, scattering glass and flower petals, while she cuts herself again. Emmett grabs Jasper while Edward goes into a defensive crouch in front of Bella.

Emmett! Edward! Please bring Jasper outside. Esme, Alice and Rosalie, please stay in the other room while I take care of Bella.

Carlisle stops the bleeding and starts removing glass splinters from Bella’s arm.

Good thing I didn’t get you a birthday gift. Who knows what would have happened?

Rosalie, that’s enough. Bella is our guest.

SEQ 03. INT. Swan’s Kitchen. Charlie is eating something obviously not edible. Edward and Bella enter. Bella goes to clear his plate.

Happy Birth —

Charlie sees her bandaged arm.

Bells! What happened? Are you okay? (to Edward) I thought you were going to keep my daughter safe.

I’m sorry, sir. It’s my fault.

No! It was just a stupid accident.

I don’t care whose fault it is. (to Bella) If you’re with him, I expect him to bring you back WITHOUT a scratch. (to Edward) So far, your track record hasn’t been so good. Just recently, she’s gone through a window and broken her leg, which got her hospitalized; and now, as a birthday present, she gets cut badly enough that she requires stitching from a doctor. (holds up three fingers) That’s three strikes. Consider yourself out of the g–

Dad, please. It was my fault. I tripped and landed on some glass. Besides, Carlisle sews faster than any doctor I’ve had. It’s no big deal. You know I’m so accident-prone.

(controls himself and changes the subject) So how was the birthday party?

Alice went overboard. Flowers, cake, candles, presents — the whole bit.

Wow. Where’s the camera I got for you?

Here. Plus I got some other gifts I haven’t opened yet. (Edward shows them to Charlie)

That’s really nice of the Cullens. (asks Edward pointedly) Won’t Carlisle be looking for you?

Dad. Edward and I have to watch Romeo and Juliet for our English paper.

Okay, okay. (to Edward) I’ve got my eye on you. Both of them.

Goodnight, Dad.

Goodnight, Chief Swan.

SEQ . EXT. Forks sky. The moon is nearly in the new moon phase.

SEQ 04. INT. Charlie’s Bedroom. Charlie is asleep and snoring.

SEQ 05. INT. Swan’s Living Room. Edward and Bella are separately seated on the couch while watching Romeo and Juliet. Bella is half-asleep and falls to the side almost hitting her head on the side table. Edward catches her automatically, brings her to his side while still absorbed with the film.

(Edward says the lines along with Romeo)
Ha, banishment! be merciful, say ‘death;’
For exile hath more terror in his look,
Much more than death: do not say ‘banishment.’
‘Tis torture, and not mercy: heaven is here,
Where Juliet lives; and every cat and dog
And little mouse, every unworthy thing,
Live here in heaven and may look on her;
But Romeo may not; he is banished:
And say’st thou yet that exile is not death? (Romeo weeps.)

Banished. Exiled. Death.

SEQ 06. INT. Cullen’s Living Room. Alice, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett are playing their version of chess, while Carlisle reads and Esme putters around the room.

(has vision) No! (to Cullens) Edward has decided.

Oh no. Poor Edward.

We must respect his decision. Family members support each other.

Aren’t families supposed to stay together too? Isn’t Bella part of our family?

The situation has changed. We have to stay strong for Edward.

I don’t get it. What?

Good. (to Emmett) C’mon, we have to pack.

SEQ 07. INT. Bella’s Bedroom. Bella wakes up slowly and sees Edward near the window. A streak of sunlight hits Edward, making him sparkle.

You’re so beautiful. I can’t believe you’re mine.

I have to go.

(quoting Shakespeare) Wilt thou be gone? it is not yet near day.
Therefore stay yet; thou need’st not to be gone.

I have to leave you.

What do you mean?

We’re leaving.

Okay. Let me just grab some clothes and my toothbrush.

No, Bella. I mean my family and myself.

What happened with Jasper — that was nothing, Edward! Nothing!

You’re right. It was exactly what was to be expected.

You promised! You promised that you would stay!

As long as that was best for you.

You’re the very best part of my life.

This is a mistake.

It’s not a mistake!

I don’t want you anymore, Bella.

You… don’t… want… me?


Well, that changes things. Don’t. Don’t do this.

Promise me one thing.


Take care of yourself. Don’t do anything reckless or stupid.

I will.


Edward makes a move as if to kiss Bella, but, he turns away hurriedly and leaves through the window. Bella slowly collapses to the floor, finally releasing the tears she has tried to hold in. Her form twitches uncontrollably as sobs wrack through her body.

SEQ 08. EXT. Front of Cullen’s house. Early Morning. Cars and jeep with luggage. All the Cullens are dressed to travel and waiting for Edward. Edward arrives running from the Swan house.

Guess what, Edward? Rosalie and me are planning to go to Africa on another honeymoon!

Hush, Emmett.

We’ll do whatever needs to be done, Edward.

Can I please say goodbye? It won’t take a minute.

I don’t think that would be wise, Alice.

I’ll miss her so much. Please, I –

Alice. Let’s go.

Race, race, race! Let’s burn some rubber!

She wasn’t good for you or the family.

(hugs Edward) Oh, Edward.

(passing by in his jeep) Got a head start on you, little bro! You can’t outrun me with this baby!

SEQ a. EXT. Highway. Convoy of Carlisle and Rosalie’s cars, then Emmett’s jeep and Edward’s car. Edward suddenly turns his car and goes opposite from where the Cullens are headed.

(from Emmett’s jeep) Edward! No! Don’t go after her!

SEQ b. INT. Carlisle’s Car.

Just let him be to sort things out. He’ll come back when he’s ready.

SEQ c. EXT. Highway. Emmett’s Jeep.

Where’s Edward off to? I hate it when you guys do that. Why can’t you talk like regular vampires?

SEQ a. EXT. Front of Cullen’s House. Afternoon. Coming from school, Bella hurriedly exits her truck and rushes to the door only to find it unlocked.

SEQ b. INT. Inside the Cullen’s House. Bella rushes through the entrance and up the stairs, which are now devoid of furniture, paintings and decor.

SEQ 09c. INT. Edward’s bedroom. Bella stares at the empty white room.

He’s gone.

SEQ . EXT. Forest. Early evening. It’s raining steadily. Bella runs through the forest, instinctively trying to find their special meadow. She doesn’t notice a big shadow following her. Images of Edward and their time together flash through her mind.

SEQ . EXT. Forks sky. The moon has gone into new moon phase. It gets dark. Bella has slowed to a walk. She slowly collapses and lies semi-unconscious on the forest bed. Before she totally loses consciousness, she spies a large dark shape coming nearer. The last thing she remembers is seeing a wolf-shaped necklace.

Bella, are you hurt?





















To read Part 4 — Romeo Must Not Die, please click here.

To read Part 3 — Close to Home, please click here.

To read Part 2 — Shattered Pieces, please click here.

Lorna Lopez aka ATwilightKiss’ Notes This script version is my attempt to reconcile the literary world with the more visual medium of film. Just like in the Lord of the Rings, changes will be made to accommodate a driven story line, time constraints, and attention to character development.

Jacob Black One minor change is instead of Sam Uley finding Bella in the forest, I’ve changed it to Jacob Black because I feel it’s more important to establish the character of Jacob and his relationship with Bella.

The Parting Scene The parting scene is in the bedroom in reference to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet — when the two famous lovers say their farewells to each other. There will be lots of references to the classic love story since it is obviously a major factor in the writing of Stephenie Meyer’s New Moon.

Stephenie Meyer chose the path still within eyesight of the house as the parting scene in the book. Although some of you would like the meadow to be the background for this scene, I have to point out a major concern — the meadow is located in an isolated area. Edward, who is always concerned for Bella’s safety, will most probably not bring her there because he knows he has to leave immediately. So he must choose a place where he knows she’ll be safe even when he departs.

Although this script is based on the Twilight saga, it will be faithful to the spirit of the books, but, not necessarily be faithful in every way as to how it’s presented in the books per se.


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