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issue number 18 - June 2009
Consecration of Russia to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary
issue number 18 - June 2009
Convictions, issue number 18 - June 2009
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Dear readers,
This past fi rst of May, Bishop Fellay launched a third Rosary Crusade. After two victories, the new
cause to stand up for is the consecration of Russia by the Holy Father, to the Immaculate Heart of
Mary, according to the requests of Our Lady of Fatima in 1917.
Why such a move at the present time? Why appeal to the faithful with a period of prayer so long,
up to March 25th, 2010? Why return to business which, it seems, had been settled by John Paul II
in his time?
Heaven has its reasons, and their entire signifi cance we do not necessarily understand. But he
who looks around himself would realize that the world situation is far from corresponding to the
promises that the Blessed Virgin had attached to this request, when in July of 1917 she addressed the
three children of Fatima:
- The conversion of Russia to the Catholic faith.
- A time of peace in the world.
- The eternal salvation of a great number of souls.
The Marxist revolution had international aims. Russia, and after that the Iberian Peninsula,
were only the starting points in order to better strangle Europe, this old World of Christendom.
The Blessed Virgin therefore had good reasons to warn us. If communism was the great peril of the
20th century, its spirit has not disappeared and our modern democracies stemming from 1789 are,
of course, all permeated with it. Today, Russia tries to awaken itself from a moral coma in which it
has been plunged for a very long time. Everything remains to be done in order to restore its strength
of former years, and yet it will be a long-term reeducation.
Its current government tries the impossible to bring the country out of its profound misery due
to the economic and social ruin in which it happens to be. If in a few major cities the misery re-
cedes, there are nevertheless millions of people who live in an extreme outcome from this situation.
Children and adolescents abandoned by the millions live and die in the street, or survive through
means of debauchery. With totally nationalist politics, the present Russian government works to-
wards bringing back its dignity, even its sense of pride to this big nation which attaches itself with
confi dence to its leaders. Its exterior politics demonstrates that today Russia is a rampart for the Oc-
cident against Islam and a force in the world equilibrium against Atlanticism.
Russia has been confi ded to Mary by the preceding sovereign Pontiff, but not consecrated; the
present situation clearly proves it. At Fatima, and indeed, in other places of apparitions, Our Lady
has spoken to the children and asked them for prayers and sacrifi ces. If the Queen of Heaven trans-
mits such requests about subjects so serious that concern primarily the leaders of the world, it is in-
deed a proof that heaven makes use of the most humble means in order to obtain for us the greatest
graces, the greatest victories, in spite of the deployment of troops the most unimaginable imple-
mented by the powerful of this world.
It is therefore necessary to involve our children in this great intention, because their prayers are
powerful in touching the heart of God. At the school and also in the home, our rosaries must be
raised to God with this faith in the victory, this hope of a genuine peace promised by heaven and
this charity towards those men who are far from our Mother the Church, She alone who is able to
obtain for us salvation.
In reality, the decision for such a crusade is of utmost importance, willed by Providence. We must
respond favorably with enthusiastic interest to the call of our Superior General; the cause is vital for
the future of the Occident.
Father Jürgen Wegner
issue number 18 - June 2009
480 McKenzie Street, Winnipeg, MB, R2W 5B9
Tel / Fax: 204-589-4524,
Editorial _________________________________________________________ 2
Let us devote ourselves, as our Superior General has
asked of us, to this Rosary Crusade, to obtain from
the Sovereign Pontiff the consecration of Russia to
the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Rev. Fr. Jürgen Wegner, SSPX
Rev. Fr. Jürgen Wegner
District Superior
Rev. Fr. Patrick Girouard
Rev. Fr. Emanuel Herkel
Mr. Marc Ratusz, BA., MA.Th.
Rev. Fr. Patrick Girouard
Dave’s Quick Print, Winnipeg
A seed in our souls _____________________________________ 4
Sermon by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre,
Confi rmations, October 19, 1975.
H.E. Marcel Lefebvre
The consecration of Russia _____________________________ 8
Answers to several important questions concern-
ing the solemn and public act of reparation and of
consecration of Russia, requested of the Holy Fa-
ther by Our Lady, at Tuy, on June 13, 1929.
Father Fabrice Delestre
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Reliability ________________________________________________ 14
One of the most important qualities a Mass server
can have is that of reliability.
Rev. Fr. Todd Angele, SSPX
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accept any donation even though small.
Ought children to be spanked? ___________________ 16
To this modern question, there is an obvious,
age-old answer, concerning whether or not
corporal punishment is an essential part of
Rev. Fr. Peter Scott, SSPX
The authors of the articles presented here are solely
responsible for their judgments and opinions.
The Oblates of Mary Immaculate ________________ 19
The Oblates of Mary Immaculate’s expansion over
the second half of the nineteenth century.
Rev. Fr. Roger Guéguen, SSPX
© SSPX 2009
What’s happening in the Church? ________________ 21
News from the Church
Rev. Fr. Peter Scott, SSPX
Offi cial Publication of the Priestly
Society of Saint Pius X for Canada
CONVICTIONS is a work of apostolate
done under the patronage of the
Immaculate Heart of Mary and
St. Pius X, and is published
ten times a year.
Coast to Coast __________________________________________ 24
Activities of the SSPX in Canada
Convictions, issue number 18 - June 2009
issue number 18 - June 2009
480 McKenzie Street, Winnipeg, MB, R2W 5B9
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A seed in
our souls
Sermon by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre,
Confirmations, October 19, 1975
My dear children,
What is a Christian? It is he who is anoth-
er Christ, he who is entirely given to Our Lord
Jesus Christ, entirely submitted to Our Lord Je-
sus Christ, desirous that His kingdom come. It is
this that you say in the Our Father: Thy kingdom
come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heav-
en. You will repeat it again in a little while.
Already for a long time, certainly, you have
prepared yourselves to receive this sacrament of
Confirmation; your parents, your priests, have
taught you about what is the sacrament of Con-
And today, here you are, with your parents
near you, to receive this sacrament. You will no-
tice that we have wished to give some solemni-
ty to this sacrament of Confirmation, because it
is a very great sacrament, very necessary today
more than ever, in order to remain good Chris-
tian boys and girls. It is for this that you receive
the sacrament of Confirmation.
Well, the grace that you receive, the grace of
Baptism, grace of the sacrament of Confirma-
tion, grace of all the sacraments, grace of the
Holy Eucharist especially, all these graces are
made so that your souls may be entirely given
to Our Lord Jesus Christ. And this is not so easy!
Our Lord is demanding. Our Lord wills that we
love Him and that we do not love another thing,
that we do not love the things which would take
us away from Him.
The day of our Baptism, when the grace of
Baptism descends into our souls, we receive it
as a seed in our souls. It is a seed which must
grow and which must invade every part of our
souls, our souls fully, all entirely. It must make
our souls become perfectly Christian, perfectly
submitted to Our Lord, filled with the Spirit of
Our Lord.
Now today in this world, and moreover, as
always, but maybe even more today than in the
past, because science has made discoveries which
unfortunately permit men to do much evil and
to give much more scandal than in the past, well
these scandals which surround us, want to tear
us away from Our Lord Jesus Christ. And the dev-
il uses all these means to snatch our souls from
Our Lord Jesus Christ. The devil does not want
that Our Lord Jesus Christ reign in us. He does
not want it. He will do everything during your
life, up to your very last breath, to try to tear you
away from Our Lord Jesus Christ, who has con-
It is precisely this that Our Lord has wanted.
That all of the sacraments add to the grace of
Baptism another particular strength in order to
help us to give our souls completely to Our Lord
Jesus Christ, that we be completely under the in-
fluence of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
A seed in our soul...
quered you both through Baptism and who now
today, will conquer you more and will become
your King still a little more through the sacra-
ment of Confirmation. The devil does not accept
this. So he employs all the means that are at the
service of his intelligence – and he is crafty, the
devil, really he is intelligent, with all those who
are at his service, and all those who here on the
earth have placed themselves at his service, to try
to prevent souls from being in the so sweet, the
so good reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
they have brought you here? Certainly not. On
the contrary, they have brought you here, to be
sure, to be entirely certain, that I would use on
you the rite which the Church has always used,
which the Church has used for centuries. Because
if the Church has practiced this rite for ages and
ages and it has been happy with this rite and it
has considered that this is the rite which Our
Lord Jesus Christ has wanted, therefore you may
be sure of receiving the sacrament of Confirma-
tion from all times.
Well then, you are going to receive this sac-
rament of Confirmation which will give you
a very great strength if you prepare your souls
well. If you close your souls to the grace of the
Good God, Our Lord cannot penetrate into your
hearts, into your will, into your intelligence. But
I am sure that your souls are well prepared, well
disposed to do the will of Our Lord. And that is
why the grace which you are going to receive in
a few moments will transform your souls anew.
That is why it is very important to receive the
grace of this sacrament. It is Our Lord who has
instituted these sacraments. It is not we who
have invented them. It is not the Church that
has invented these sacraments. It is Our Lord
Himself. It is the Church that teaches us this.
Even if, for example, I was distracted, in giv-
ing you the sacrament of Confirmation, even so
you would have received the sacrament of Con-
firmation, because I would have performed the
rite that the Church has always done and be-
cause in my intention, I want to do that which
the Church has always done. That’s what is nec-
essary for what we call the validity of the sacra-
ment, which means that the grace truly descends
into our souls.
It is Our Lord Himself who has wanted this
sacrament of Confirmation. Consequently, we
cannot do just anything, just any prayer, just any
rite, just any gesture to give or receive the sacra-
ment of Confirmation.
If I would say, in a few moments, in place of
saying the prayer which is written in the Pon-
tifical to give the sacrament of Confirmation, if
I would invent a prayer of my own, as for ex-
ample: “Receive the Holy Spirit”. If that is all I
said at the moment of imposing my hand on
your head and of signing your forehead with the
Sign of the Cross, well then, you would not re-
ceive the grace. You would not have the grace of
the sacrament of Confirmation. You would have
had a very lovely gathering, here at Econe, but
you would have left without the grace of the
Is that what your parents wanted? Have your
parents brought you here to say a prayer and to
return to your homes without having received
the grace of the Confirmation? Is it for that that
Convictions, issue number 18 - June 2009
A seed in our soul...
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