Midnight Desire - by Twilightzoner.pdf

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No blood lust -
just uncontrollable human desire
Chapter 1..........................................................................................................................................................................3
Chapter 2.......................................................................................................................................................................10
Chapter 3.......................................................................................................................................................................14
Chapter 4.......................................................................................................................................................................19
Chapter 5.......................................................................................................................................................................25
Chapter 6.......................................................................................................................................................................31
Chapter 7.......................................................................................................................................................................37
Chapter 8.......................................................................................................................................................................44
Chapter 9.......................................................................................................................................................................51
Chapter 10....................................................................................................................................................................57
Chapter 11....................................................................................................................................................................66
Chapter 12....................................................................................................................................................................76
Chapter 13....................................................................................................................................................................87
Chapter 14....................................................................................................................................................................96
Chapter 15..................................................................................................................................................................106
Chapter 16..................................................................................................................................................................115
Chapter 17..................................................................................................................................................................126
Chapter 18..................................................................................................................................................................140
Chapter 19..................................................................................................................................................................152
Chapter 20..................................................................................................................................................................160
Chapter 21..................................................................................................................................................................170
Chapter 22..................................................................................................................................................................184
Chapter 23..................................................................................................................................................................191
Chapter 24..................................................................................................................................................................200
Chapter 1
As I sat in the school cafeteria with my siblings, all I could think of, for the thousandth time
that day, was “God, how I hate high school”. It really was purgatory, sitting here, day after day,
listening to teachers endlessly whine about subjects on which I was far more advanced than
they would ever believe.
Until we moved here two years ago, we were all being educated at an advanced school for
gifted children, not that that actually included Emmett and Rosalie, but when your parents are
paying extravagant sums in tuition, you’d be surprised by the exceptions such schools will
make. When my mother decided she wanted to live in a small town and my father felt it would
be a “good thing” to dedicate his exceptional medical talent to a rustic hospital, we were
dragged here to the most miserable, cloudiest and wettest place on earth – Forks, Washington.
I doubt my parents realized just how painful it was for us to be here. And for someone like me,
who rarely made a connection with another person, it was truly heinous to be surrounded all
day by the banal children this small town housed.
My siblings and I were just too different – too good looking, too smart, too sophisticated and
most unforgivable, too wealthy. Moreover, the locals seemed to be just a little overly obsessed
with the fact that my four adopted siblings also happened to be two couples who were
romantically involved. If they had bothered to ask, I could have told them that Jasper and
Emmett, who I now thought of as my brothers, were relatively recent additions to the family
and had not grown up with my sisters and me. But they didn’t care to ask and I surely didn’t
care to educate them. The more reason they had to leave me alone, the better.
It was bad enough when we first moved here to find all of the girls in school throwing
themselves at me. It didn’t matter that they knew nothing about me – I could have been a
depraved killer for all they cared. It was all about my looks – my “bronze hair” and “piercing
emerald” eyes. I overheard many such comments in those days – how cute, how tall, how built
I was. I didn’t really consider my looks all that exceptional, surrounded as I generally was by
my equally attractive family. But apparently we caused quite the stir at Forks High. And since I
was the only “single” Cullen available, I was on the receiving end of most of the attention. It
had taken approximately two weeks before I was able to dissuade the most persistent of them.
It wasn’t easy for me. I had been raised to be polite – to be a gentleman. Eventually, the cold
stares and clipped responses got the message across, although from time to time I thought I
still caught a glimpse of unrequited yearning on certain faces.
I suspected that most of the student body promptly concluded I was gay. They weren’t alone –
I firmly believed that my family had at least speculated on that same point from time to time.
But since I failed to show any interest in anyone, male or female, I simply became known as
some sort of freaky loner or stuck up rich kid. The fact is, people my own age just don’t
intrigue me, male or female. They’re just too uninteresting – not fully formed enough to
capture my attention. In contrast, I work hard to constantly educate and improve myself. I
enjoy reading and learning about literature, art, movies, music, science and history - about
pretty much everything. I am well read and well traveled. It is just extremely difficult for me to
connect to any teenager, let alone these small town adolescents.
That said, it’s not like I never saw a girl I was attracted to – I did from time to time. I even felt
some degree of . . . stimulation on occasion. It’s just that the first time she would open her
mouth and some inanity poured forth, I couldn’t maintain it. At that moment, whatever initial
appeal I felt would instantly dissipate, and I would be left wondering what had caught my
attention in the first place. It wasn’t that I wanted to be this way. I had thought countless times
that it would be so much easier if I was “normal” - if I could just go out and “get laid” as
Emmett so quaintly expressed it. But I knew that if by some circumstance I suddenly found
myself in bed with a gorgeous but otherwise dull woman who had all the physical attributes
commonly desired by a man, I would not be able to perform. So maybe there was something
wrong with me – something missing from my essential makeup.
My sister Alice, probably my closest friend, took that moment to interrupt my musing.
“Edward, have you heard about the new girl – Isabella Swan?”
Ah yes, the latest subject of gossip at Forks High, the police chief’s daughter who had just
moved here to live with him. “How could I have avoided it?” I responded cynically; another
blushing flower joining the student body – how wonderful.
“She’s in my English class,” Alice noted. “She seems really, really shy. She’s pretty though. She
calls herself ‘Bella’.” I could only hope this wasn’t yet another female I would have to
discourage, but then, it wasn’t all that likely we would have a class together.
“She’s sitting way over there,” Alice tilted her head toward the other end of the cafeteria. “Oh
my God, she’s sitting with Jessica Stanley. Poor Bella!”
My eyes reflexively traveled in the direction Alice had indicated. Bella was too far across the
room for me to get a really good look at her. I agreed with Alice though – she did appear to be
pretty. But the distance didn’t really allow for anything more than a vague impression. I
understood Alice’s expression of pity as well. Jessica Stanley was among the most empty-
headed, least sympathetic creatures in this school. If Bella Swan was happy in her company, I
would certainly have no interest in her – not that I would anyway.
Lunch was about over, so we deposited our trays and headed off to our respective classes. I sat
down at the desk I thankfully didn’t have to share and prepared myself for another round of
tedium in biology. This class truly irritated me, as my own studies left me so far ahead of the
material being taught it was painfully dull.
A moment later I noticed a female figure passing up the aisle towards the front of the room. I
chuckled silently as she caught her foot on something and almost lost her balance. But the
amusement died when my gaze lifted to her body. As she approached the teacher’s desk and
started quietly speaking with Mr. Banner, my eyes raked her form. She wore a pair of tight low-
rise jeans and a fitted T-shirt that she somehow made look completely feminine. She was slim,
but had ample curves in all the right places. Mr. Banner pointed to the chair next to me, and
the girl looked in my direction. I felt a sharp intake of breath. It was Bella Swan, and she was
far more than pretty. She was beautiful – exquisite. She had luxurious dark brown hair, long
and thick. Her eyes were deep brown too, and so big and expressive a person could get lost in
them. She had a heart shaped face and full pink lips. It felt like something pierced my chest
when I looked at her.
My mind grasped all this in a moment, and my body involuntarily started reacting at the same
time. For the first time in my life, I was instantly and fully aroused by the mere glimpse of a
woman. I couldn’t believe it. It was intolerable – unacceptable – and utterly humiliating. I
simply couldn’t feel this way. But here I was, sitting in class suddenly finding myself with a
raging erection. I moved my chair closer to the desk in terror that someone would notice, my
hands convulsively gripping the edge of the wood. Apparently, I was unable to smooth the
stunned and horrified expression from my face before Bella sat down next to me, because
whatever word of polite greeting she was about to say died on her lips, and she looked quickly
away. She flipped her hair over her shoulder to give herself something to hide behind. She
must have thought I was deranged. I felt like I was.
The look of apprehension in her eyes as she sat down had simply added to her appeal. She
carried herself with an alluring sense of vulnerability. It ignited some primitive yet indefinable
response deep within me. Her delicious scent also called to me – she smelled like ripe
strawberries. It intoxicated my senses. The blood pulsed in my groin and I bit my lip to
prevent myself from groaning aloud. This was ridiculous! How could this nothing, this woman-
child, have such an affect on me?
I wanted to push my chair back from the desk so I could look at her surreptitiously, but I was
afraid it might expose my . . . lack of control. There was no way I could study her to my
satisfaction sitting right next to her – it would be far too obvious. Eventually I grabbed a
binder and strategically positioned it in my lap, allowing me to hide my condition as I pushed
my chair away from the desk. I could then at least drink in certain parts of her anatomy
without notice.
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