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CW&IA Outtakes
In Through the Backdoor
I opened the closet and started hanging mine and Bella's clothes up. For the seven-thousandth
time in six months, I stubbed my fucking baby toe on the damn box she had yet to unpack. I
knew there was shit that Bella didn't want to go through but every fucking time I put laundry
away, I reefed my toe and I was getting really fucking tired of it. I swore loudly and threw a
shirt on the floor. Which wasn't gratifying at-fucking-all.
I glared at the box. I could at least check and see what was in it that was so fucking important;
Bella and I didn't really keep shit from each other anymore. I knelt down, feeling guilty
already, but not so bad that I wasn't going to look in the box anyway. Usually we divulged
shit to each other instead of what I was doing now, but my fucking toe had paid the price too
many times already. I pulled the box into the middle of the closet so I could see what was
written on the top of it. I was met with the label "School Books." What the fuck? Why the hell
hadn't she put these on the shelf with the rest of her books? It wasn't like we didn't have room
for them.
I pulled the flaps of the box and looked down at a couple of literary criticism texts. Maybe
they were boring and Bella wasn't interested in rereading them anytime soon. I'd heard her
complain countless times about some of the shit she was forced to read, but she kept those
books all the same. I didn't get the rationale behind it but that was Bella for you; sometimes
the shit she did just didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I lifted the first couple of books up
so I could look at the back of them and that's when I nearly lost my shit.
Under the first layer of books was porn.
Lots of porn.
It was essentially an entire box of porn. In fact, it was the long lost box of porn I had been
waiting to find, and here it was in the closet the entire time. The second layer was a whole
bunch of erotic porn stories or whatever the fuck you wanted to call them. There were pictures
that went along with them. It was pretty fucking hot and I was pretty fucking hard. Under
those magazine-story-book things there were DVDs. An entire row of DVDs. I pulled out a
handful and nearly choked on my own tongue.
Bella had an assload of anal porn. Pun completely intended. Half of what was in the box was
anal porn and the rest was a mix of regular, tamer porn with some fucking fetish shit thrown
in, and several DPs. It was really fucking hard for me not to focus on the fact that she had DP
Of course, because I was me, I started to get pissed off at the idea that maybe she wanted to
do that; that being taking on two guys at once. But I reminded myself of the time when she'd
said she didn't want to share me and she didn't want to be shared. Then I remembered what
the context had been for that stupid fucking conversation and allowed myself to feel like shit
about it for all of two seconds before I focused back on the porn. I took a couple of deep
breaths and reveled in the fact that Bella is a kinky girl and she likes hardcore porn instead of
being a jealous, possessive dick. I was still working on that shit. I couldn't always keep it
reined in.
I was just glad she didn't have any fisting shit in there because I didn't think I could handle
that at all. I'd done a lot of fucked up shit, but the idea of doing something like that to Bella
was beyond even my scope of sick and depraved sexual activities.
I took the box into the living room so I could sit down on the couch and rifle through the
DVDs a little more closely, picking out a couple I felt would be good for later. It had been a
long time since we'd talked about me getting in Bella's ass. Too much shit had happened and
the last thing I wanted to do was push her when I didn't think she was ready. But things had
changed and Bella was doing much better, as was I. Plus she'd been asking for a lot more . . .
stimulation in that particular area as of late, so it went without saying that I'd been thinking
about getting in there again. Often.
My dick was already titanium level-five hard. I shifted it around in my pants and looked at the
clock. Bella wouldn't be home for a couple of hours yet. She was working on that fucking
thesis and it was taking up more of her time than I liked. Although I would never, ever tell her
that. That was just me being selfish and wanting to spend all my spare fucking time with her.
The problem arose when she had things to do and I was incapable of leaving her alone.
Today she was working with those douche nerds of hers on some fucking project. I hated
those guys with a fucking passion, mostly because they got to spend more time with Bella
than I did lately. That Ben kid was constantly calling her about shit that wasn't important from
what I could tell. Bella was always rolling her eyes and she would be completely exasperated
by the time she hung up with him. Which was actually good for me, because that meant I
could give her a back rub, which usually turned into a different kind of rub where I ended up
with my dick inside her. Those were the times I didn't mind Ben so much.
I picked one of the pornos and threw it into the DVD player in the living room. I might as
well check it out so I knew which one I wanted to watch with Bella later. I was pretty well
versed in porn, but Bella's choices were a little surprising. If I didn't already know that I
wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, her collection of dirty porn would have been
enough to secure that notion.
I spent a good half hour watching and whacking. I still had a daily jerking session, usually in
the morning before work. Unless, of course, Bella was up for some early sex, then I would
wait until after work or whatever. It wasn't that Bella and I didn't have enough sex, because
we certainly did, but if I didn't whack off everyday then I wouldn't be able to give her the
break she sometimes needed from my dick. She would easily agree to sex everyday, multiple
times a day, but I knew that wasn't always reasonable and sometimes it was just nice to do
shit I would normally have been embarrassed about admitting I liked before Bella; like
cuddling and making out and all that fucking couply shit.
I fucking loved making out with Bella. My favourite was when she would come out dressed in
some cheesy fucking Hello Kitty shorts and a tank top and climb into my lap. Even better was
the fact that she had gained some decent and much needed weight. She had filled out quite a
bit so all the shit that was loose on her was now nice and tight and her tits, which were
awesome before, were motherfucking fantastic now. And the best part was her ass. I fucking
loved Bella's ass. It was hands down my favourite part of her body.
So she'd be wearing these shorts that were now a little too small for her because she was no
longer an extra-small, and a sliver of her ass would be hanging out of the bottom. It was days
like those that I would constantly ask her to get things for me. I'd ask her to get me a glass of
water, or juice, or a fucking cookie, or a pen. Whatever, it didn't matter, I just wanted to look
at her ass. It took her a damn long time to figure out what I was doing. At one point she got all
pissy with me and told me I had two hands and two legs so I should damn well fucking use
them. We had some drywall cracking sex after that.
On the occasions where we would just kiss for hours, until her lips were red and swollen and
she looked drunk on her need for me to just fucking touch her or something, I would give her
what she was looking for. I would use my fingers or my mouth because I wanted to give her
something without expecting anything in return. Of course I'd whack off two or three times
consecutively once she was asleep in bed, but she didn't need to worry about that. Plus, we'd
usually have morning sex the next day so I got what I needed, it was just delayed gratification
as far as I was concerned.
About a hour before she was due home I started texting her random dirty shit that I knew
would make her blush like crazy. I found it hilarious considering the perverted shit that came
out of her mouth when I was inside her or we were in the middle of some type of sexual
activity. Bella's mouth could be a dirty, dirty place sometimes. But then I would say or do
something raunchy and she would get all flustered and embarrassed about it. It was fucking
cute and sexy.
I could picture her crossing her legs, flushing and biting her lip as she read the words I was
sending to her. I could also imagine the hard-ons her flushing and lip biting was probably
causing her group members to sport which was why I stopped.
I packed up the box of DVDs and put it in front of the entertainment system, well aware that
Bella could be really fucking unobservant sometimes and she was likely to miss the box until
I pointed it out to her.
I had already started dinner by the time she got home. TK2 and CK2 ran for the door as soon
as they heard it open.
"Hi, babies," she murmured as I heard her bag drop on the floor and the sound of her shoes
coming off. It was followed by the sound of the closet door sliding open because she was
putting them away, for me, since I couldn't deal with them in the hallway. Sadly, she'd learned
that the hard way when I'd kicked her shoes down the hall one afternoon after swearing a blue
streak at them. It had resulted in an argument, me feeling like shit and some excellent make
up sex where I'd made Bella cum six times.
"Mmm, something smells good," she said, and when she walked through the doorway she
looked fucking bagged.
She smiled at me, her face lighting up slightly through her exhaustion. She didn't come to me,
though. She walked into the living room and put her bag down on the coffee table first. When
she came back to the kitchen she washed her hands and then wrapped her arms around my
waist. It was shit like that, when she did those kinds of things, that I knew I would do
anything to keep her with me forever. She looked completely worn and yet she still took the
time to do the things I needed her to do in order for the anxiety to stay to a minimum. It was
fucking tedious, my OCD bullshit, but we had a system and she didn't seem to mind it as
much as I'd feared she would. There were a lot less fights about random shit now that we had
things down to a science.
"I was thinking about making a tossed salad," I said to her, smiling into her hair as I tried to
suppress a juvenile chuckle. I knew I was being a total douche by making comments she
wasn't going to understand and then laughing about them, but it was fucking funny. At least in
my mind it was. Plus I'd spent the afternoon watching her porn and whacking off incessantly.
My mind was staying in the gutter tonight.
"Okay," she mumbled into my chest. I could hear her inhale as her hands ran up and down my
back. She leaned away from me and looked up, cocking her head to the side as she took in my
expression. "What are you so . . . smirky about?"
"Smirky?" I raised an eyebrow at her.
"Mmm, smirky, you're definitely smirky. And what the hell was with all those texts? It's
really hard to accomplish anything when you say things like that," she murmured in a soft
voice as her hands came around my sides and travelled up my chest. "I could barely
concentrate during the last half hour of my meeting."
"I'd like to say I'm sorry, but I'd be lying." I ran my fingers through her hair and leaned down
to kiss her.
That ended up taking about fifteen minutes. By the time I finally pried my mouth off of
Bella's, I was ready to get her naked and bend her over the island, but I figured we should eat
something first since I was banking on Bella needing her energy. Plus I wanted to watch some
of that porn with her now that it was readily available.
We finally sat down at the island to eat, even though I was having a hard time keeping my
hands off her. To distract myself, and to irritate her, I kept offering Bella tossed salad all
through dinner.
"Seriously Edward, what the hell is with you and the tossed salad?" she asked, eyeing me with
She was a little edgy, which was a good thing. I knew it was shitty of me to get her all
flustered, but when Bella was irritated and feisty she was fierce in bed, and that was how I
wanted her tonight because I had a very good feeling that if things went as planned, we'd be
having some stellar fucking sex in a couple of hours. And I'd be getting my dick in her ass,
Call it dick's intuition if you will, and my dick was very, very excited about that prospect.
"No need to get all hot and bothered about a tossed salad, Kitten." I smirked at her.
I watched her face morph into an expression of shocked understanding. "Oh, Christ, you are
such a pervert." She rolled her eyes and laughed.
I almost snorted because who was Bella to be calling me a pervert, what with her collection of
porn? I kept my mouth shut, though, since we would be sitting in front of the TV soon enough
and eventually she would see her box of porn sitting out in the open.
Unfortunately, Bella was unobservant enough to miss the box entirely once we were seated on
the couch. I waited for ten minutes for her to notice, unable to understand how she could be so
fucking oblivious to that shit. It was damn well right there in front of her face. Its
unacknowledged presence was actually starting to irritate me.
"Did you want to watch a movie or something?" I asked as I pushed her hair back from her
shoulder so I could kiss it, even though there was fabric covering the soft skin.
"Mmm," she hummed, and my dick swelled. I could imagine how that would feel if she
moaned like that when her lips were wrapped around my cock. I was definitely incapable of
thinking of anything but sex at the moment, not that it was unusual for me, just that tonight it
seemed a more pervasive train of thought than usual. Which was saying something.
"I'm going to change into something more comfortable then," she said softly before she leaned
over and kissed my jawline. She pushed up off the couch and I watched her ass as she padded
off to the bedroom.
I was fucking ecstatic when she came back wearing one of her too-short short sets and tiny,
tight tank tops. With no bra. God, I loved her. She took the spot beside me on the couch and
curled into my side, burrowing as close as she possibly could. I wrapped one arm around her
and smiled to myself as I flicked off the lamp beside me so the room was darker. I was setting
the mood.
"What are we watching?" she asked. Bella rarely balked at my choice of movies. Generally
we liked the same thing so it was never an issue, which was why it wasn't unusual for her not
to be involved in the choosing.
"Oh, you'll see." I smirked at her, running my fingers through her hair as she peeked up at me,
trying to decipher the expression on my face.
I turned on the DVD player and waited for the blue screen to come up before I pressed play. I
had stopped the movie at a very, very strategic place. The dude in the porno had his fingers in
the girl ass and was just about to replace them with his dick. It truly was a perversely fantastic
way to get a reaction out of Bella.
"What the fuck?" she exclaimed, her eyes going wide as she processed what she was
watching. I knew immediately that it looked familiar to her, that she recognized the porn as
her own. Her face was beet red and her eyes were darting everywhere but the TV. I didn't fail
to notice that she used profanity as well, which was a rarity outside of moments of estacy.
"Edward." She sounded panicked, shocked, and maybe just a little breathless. I was hoping
that meant she was turned on, even if she looked like she was pissed at me. She reached for
the remote in my hand, I assumed her intention was to take it from me so she could turn off
the video, but there was no fucking way in hell that was going to happen.
I turned up the volume instead, the girl's moans getting louder and louder as I cranked it up.
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