Kind Of Like A Babysitter by Hit-The-Duckies COMPLETE.pdf

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Fanfiction Based On Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Series
Rated MA for Mature Adult Content
Kind of Like a Babysitter
By hit-the-duckies
My arms were just beginning to feel heavy and tingly beneath my comforter when I heard a very faint
knocking. Maybe I was imagining it. I was too comfy and too sleepy to even consider getting out of bed to
see if it was real or imagined. If someone was actually knocking on the door at this hour, Esme could deal
with it.
Then I heard several loud crashes and realized that only one person would ever break into my house this
late and that noisily. I groaned and flipped my covers off as I heard the distinct noise of everything on the
neighborhood. Forgoing a sweatshirt, I dashed into the hall and down the stairs in just my boxers, ignoring
the cold.
I reached the bottom of the staircase to find Bella standing in the foyer, swaying a bit and looking dazed.
watched her stumble and jumped forward to catch her as she fell. She clung to my arm as she righted
herself, then let go and began hobbling off to the kitchen. She collapsed onto a stool at the breakfast bar and
grinned drunkenly at me.
onto her arms.
momentShewaswearingthesameclothesshe’dworntoschoolthough her pants had since acquired a
huge rip in one of the knees. Seeing her like this was getting entirely depressing. She suddenly sat up and
stared at me with half-open eyes.
“Likethatbitschh’slifeisfuckedupbecause I liketohavealittlefun”sheslurred“WhatIdodoesn’t
“Shecaresaboutyou”IsaidquietlyBellasnortedandslidtoherfeetShetiltedoverandI lunged to grab
her again before she fell. I stood her up carefully on her feet and she continued talking.
followed, keeping a hand on her arm in case shetrippedagainSheswattedmyarmaway“Allsheever
does is try to fucking ruin my lifebecauseshe’ssofuckingselfishShedoesn’tgiveashitaboutme!”she
repeated belligerently. I watched as she stretched up to reach for the cookies on top of the fridge.
I brought the box of cookies over to her and took one out for her. She took a bite and then dropped it on the
floor, without seeming to really notice or care.
her head. She tried to sip at her water but she just dribbled it all down her front.
“I’lljussstcallJakethenHe’sgotwhiskeyorcokeOoohIwantsomefuckingblow”shemumbled. I
when she did she glared at me indignantly.
at her again. Her look of fury changed into an apologetic one too quickly for be convincing. She was
switching tactics.
to well in my eyes and shook my head even harder at her.
“Why not?”shewhinedIshookmyheadmoreItwaskillingmetoseehersomessedupandonlywanting
something else to screw her up even more. Would she ever stop?
You’reruiningyourownlifeBella!You’re destroyingyourselfokay?”Shescoffedanddroppedherarms
limply to her side.
cause them to spill down my face as I responded.
I care. I care aboutyouwhetheryoudoornotIdon’twanttoseeyoumessingyourselfuplikethis”
“Andwhythefuckwould you ever care about me ?”sheaskedacidlyIcursedmyselfmentallyasthose
betrayingtearsdrippedontomycheeksBella’swordsstungmeThey made me hurt and angry, and if they
notice. I foughttokeepeyecontactwithheranddidn’tdarewipeawaymytearsforfearofdrawingmore
attention to the fact that I was crying.
let that secret out, because no matter how she reacted, and no matter how many drugs she did or boys she
slept with or things she stole or broke, and no matter how many lies she told or people she screwed over or
situations or opportunities she ruined, it wouldn't matter. It wasn't convenient and it wasn't easy, but I
she would keep hurting me.
When Bella finally broke the silence, her voice was dangerously low and suddenly sober. Her face broke
into a menacing glare.
And then she swept out of the kitchen without another glance at me.
Chapter One
4 months earlier
flipped to the back of my book to check the answer. It was right. I grinned. With a low A in math, I
considered it my worst subject, but this unit was making nothing less than perfect sense to me.
I closed the book and walked out of my room and down the stairs. I lived with my mom, Esme, mostly.
Carlisle, my father was rarely around. Not because there was any problem with their marriage, though. My
be making an absurd amount of money here in Forks, he volunteers for Doctors Without Borders and
because of his absences. Esme and I are very close anyways.
She was sweeping the wood floor in the living room when I walked in. I plopped onto the couch next to her.
happy, too. I like to work hard and I enjoy when it pays off. And a 4.0 is a good pay-off.
“That’sgreathoneyWellIwantedtotellyou something, and I apologize for it being a little late-notice. Do
hated the weather and the family moved to Arizona a few years ago. I knew my mom missed her friend a
“Lastweek!They’realreadyhere!ShejustcalledmetodaytotellmesoIinvitedherandBellaover for
“I understandThatmustbehard”Esmesighedandnodded
“Howso?”IaskedcuriouslyImetBellaafewtimeswhenwewereyounger, but I was home schooled and
she thought I was a freak.
There were some kids at Forks High who did drugsbutIdidn’tknowthemanybetterthanIknewthe
didn’tcareIhadnointerestatallinmessingthingsupformyselfMyplanwastokeepgetting good grades
and practicing piano so that I could get into Juilliard for music. I knew that teens who used drugs were
weak and foolish, and I had no desire to destroy the life I could have by drinking or smoking.
I went into the kitchen and began cooking. As I prepared the meal, I ran through my SAT practice questions
in my head. The test was next Saturday, and I was nervous about not being prepared. It was an important
exam, and the score could make or break my college applications. After a bit Esme joined me and we
worked together while chatting comfortably. And, just as she predicted, the doorbell rang at precisely 6:30.
Esme ran to the front door, and I almost laughed. She really did miss Renee a lot. I followed her in time to
threw her arms around Renee.
stepped in alone. She looked a bit older than I remembered, but still quite attractive for her age.
was not the Bella I remembered, thoughthat’sforsure
She was clearly no longer the awkward, stumbling pre-teen I met once or twice. No, she was tall, thin,
jeans and a loose shirt and her eyes were rimmed with black makeup, though I thought that it might be a
tiny bit smudged. There was a small silver ring through her nostril and a fat pack of cigarettes bulging out
of her pocket. She looked angry.
“Edwardright?”sheaskedinaboredvoice with a raised eyebrow.
effort to be responsible ”sheemphasizedthewordangrily“andletherknowthatI’llbeatafriendshouse
take out a cigarette and lightitasshewalkedbacktohermom’scarShegotinturneditonanddroveoff
quickly, fishtailing out of the driveway. I stared.
Behavior like that just reassured me that the way I handled my life and my responsibilities was proper. I
would never poison my lungs with tobacco, or risk my life or the lives of others by driving like that. And I
would never disrespect my mother by ditching her on a dinner with an old friend. It was just plain rude. It
was kind of shocking, too. I closed the door and went back inside.
looked up, and Renee looked a bit angry, but mostly just sad. I felt bad. I knew Renee was a good woman,
when Renee'd done so much for Bella, like every mother does for their children. It was shocking how
ungrateful Bella seemed.
After that brief discomfort, though, the rest of the evening went well. Renee told us about life in Phoenix,
carefully leaving out anything about Charlie or Bella, and Esme filled her in on the happenings of Forks in
theyearsthatshe’dbeen gone. After dinner, Esme insisted that I play Renee a piece on my piano, and she
for some reason started crying and telling me it was beautiful, which made me feel oddly good about
myself. When it was finally time for Renee to go home, she realized that Bella had taken her car, and turned
red as she asked Esme for a ride.
take any risks.
“OhthankyouEdwardI’msosorryaboutthis”Reneeapologized as we approached my Volvo a few
minutes later.
On the way to her house, Renee and I talked a bit about my plans for going to Juilliard. I expressed my
doubts about being accepted, andsheassuredmethatIneedn’tworrywhichwaskindofhertosayIwas
still nervous about my admission, though.
lightsintown“IjustenrolledBellatodayandshe’llbestarting- wellifshedecidestogoshe’llbestarting
havealotofgreatextracurricularactivitiesWhat’s Bella’sfavoritesubject?”IaskedShesighed
Renee trailed off as I pulled into the driveway of her home. There was a huge SUV parked there, and a buff,
dark-skinned guy was leaning against it, smoking a cigarette and talking to Bella, who was standing very
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