Elgin, Kathy - Costume and Fashion Source Books~The Medieval World.pdf

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The Medieval World
Kathy Elgin
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Copyright © 2009 Bailey Publishing Associates Ltd
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Elgin, Kathy.
The medieval world / Kathy Elgin.
p. cm. -- (Costume source books)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-60413-378-3
1. Clothing and dress--History--Medieval, 500-1500--Juvenile literature. I. Title. II. Series.
GT575.E54 2009
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Chapter 1: The World of the Middle Ages
Chapter 2: What My Lady Wore
Chapter 3: What the Lord of the Manor Wore
Chapter 4: Knights and Soldiers
Chapter 5: What the Common People Wore
Chapter 6: Hats, Hose, Girdles, and Gloves
Chapter 7: A Fair Field Full of Folk
Further Information
Source List
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