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Section 1  - General Information
Section 2  - Preview
Section 3  - Install Instructions
Section 4  - What's New (Changelog)
Section 5  - Usage
Section 6  - Command List
Section 7  - Command Examples
Section 8  - Properties Files
Section 9  - Support
Section 10 - License

---1. General Information------------------------------------------------------

Created By: simo_415
Version: 3.0
Mincraft Version: 1.0.0
Official Channel:

---2. Preview------------------------------------------------------------------

---3. Install Instructions-----------------------------------------------------

Automated Installation -
1. Double click the .JAR file to run it. Note that if double clicking the file doesn't
open it you can also run it from command line/console/terminal as described below:

>Open command line (Windows) /console (Unix/Linux) /terminal (MAC)
-Navigate to where the installer is, for example it might be: 
cd C:\Users\Example\MyDocuments\Downloads
-Type in the following: java -cp SPCInstaller.jar com.sijobe.installer.Installer
2. Once the installation screen is up verify that the filepath that is displayed is
pointing to where Minecraft is installed.
3. Click the Install button and the installation will start, a popup message will
appear when the installation is finished. 

Manual Installation
1. Go to the minecraft bin directory and backup minecraft.jar
2. Using 7zip or equally capable ZIP viewer open minecraft.jar
3. Delete the META-INF folder
4. Copy ALL the ".class" files contained within the mod to minecraft.jar, replacing the existing files.
Note: The SPCInstall.JAR can be opened up the same way as Minecraft.jar and you can install the mod manually by dragging the files from there into Minecraft.jar as you usually would.
5. Close minecraft.jar
6. Copy ALL the ".jar" files contained within the mod to the minecraft/bin directory (the same directory as minecraft.jar)

Note: If you have problems installing this mod, refer to help on the thread.

---4. What's New---------------------------------------------------------------


Major version number change due to Minecraft moving out of BETA.

Many bug fixes.

Updates to existing commands:
/noclip now allows you to see through blocks
/update [check] - Allows you to check for updates whenever you like

New Commands:
/criticalhit [enable|disable] - Allows you to turn critical hits always on/off
/clouds [enable|disable] - Allows you to turn clouds on/off via command


Fixed /item null pointer bug
Fixed small memory issue

/sprinting [enable|disable] - Turns sprinting always on
/climb - Allows the player to climb any surface without a ladder
/spawner <TYPE> - Changes the mob spawner the player is pointing at
/effect <list|remove TYPE|add TYPE [DURATION] [STRENGTH] - Configures potion effects on the player
/fog [tiny|small|normal|far] - Changes the render distance
/enderman pickup [enable|disable] - Enderman command to enable/disable block pickup
/enchant <list|remove|add TYPE [LEVEL]> - Enchants the currently selected item
/xp <add QTY|get|set XP> - XP (player experience) related commands
/hardcore <enable|disable> - Configures the world to be in hardcore mode or not
/calc - Calculator command

Special Notes: You can now use the calculator simply by typing "= EQUATION"
Example: = 4 * 4


Fixed the damage command
Fixed WorldEditCUI compatability
Fixed noclip damage in walls


V2.12 is now compatiable with Minecraft 1.8.1

/flymode <dynamic|standard|minecraft|reset> - Allows you to specify which flying mode to use
/hunger <empty|full|infinite> - Sets your hunger level to predefined figures
/food <QTY> - Adds the specified quantity to your food bar
/gamemode <creative|survival|1|0> - Changes the World game mode to creative or survival


Fixed glitch which made redstone off-by-one tick


New Installer
Update checker (tells you when updates are available)
Improved compatibility with other mods such as Zombes and ShockAhPI (Aether)

/textcolor <<normal|error> <0-f|random>>|<setrandom COLORS> - Allows you to configure output text colors
/update <enable|disable> - Turns update checking on/off
/time speed - Allows you to change the speed which time goes by
/stacklimit - Turns stack limiting on/off
/stackcombine - When run combines all of the same stack types into the same stack
/chest clear - Allows you to clear the contents of a chest
/flymode standard - Allows you to turn on standard flying mode
/repeat - Repeats the last used command (useful command to bind)
/freezecam - Freezes the players camera at the current location
/itemname - Now provides item damage information

Fixed /keepitems
Fixed /infiniteitems
Fixed /itemdamage

And a handful of other things...

For more information on commands use /help <COMMANDNAME>


Compatible with Minecraft 1.7.3


This release is mainly a bugfix release. Fixes the below mentioned known bugs:

WorldEdit air block doesn't work
/ascend and /descend should now work more reliably.

ShockAhPI compatability integrated into SPC


This new release is now compatible with Minecraft 1.7.2 among all the content added here are the highlights

New commands:
/freecam - Allows you to freecam around the map
/moveplayer <DISTANCE> <DIRECTION> - Moves the player the specified distance (in blocks) in the specified direction, (neswup)

rewrote the noclip command so it works again
fixed resize
WorldEdit now supports custom blocks (ids only)


Now compatible with Minecraft 1.6.5

No new features, no bug fixes.


Added a few new commands:

/achievement <list|unlock> - Allows you to list or unlock all achievements
/alias <NAME> <COMMAND> {ARGS} - Allows you to assign an alias to one or more words
/ralias <NAME> - Removes the specified alias
/resize [1080p|720p|480p|setdefault [WIDTH HEIGHT]|<WIDTH HEIGHT>] - Resizes the Minecraft window, no arguments sets it to default
/startup <COMMAND> {ARGS} - Specifies a command to run on startup

/weather sun
/give command now puts items into inventory rather than droping them
/give you can now specify damage using : or ^ an example: /give 35:12 or /give wool:10 or /give 35^8
/spawn mob no longer freezes minecraft

Known Bugs:
/noclip doesn't work correctly due to Minecraft 1.6

A BIG thankyou to all the support since 1.6 came out, it is really appreciated!


More bugfixes...

Fixed SMP issues, you can now break blocks, place blocks, open and close chests
and a bunch of other stuff.
Fixed the longerlegs problem.



/freeze and /mobdamage makes enemies stay on the ground sideways and red
/freeze freezes the player as well
/longerlegs doesn't work
/phelp doesn't work
Some people are having problems with infinite items
WorldEdit super pickaxe doesn't work
//wand tool doesn't give player a wand
TFC mod manager doesn't appear to work
Water damage is buggy
No hurt sounds
itemdamage is buggy
/explode can cause game crash - Can't reproduce.
/world seed needs to be fixed
/removedrops doesn't work
/slippery 0 causes problems (crash?)
/defuse not working

Forgot to add a class to the ZIP which can cause problems with plugins


This release now works with Minecraft 1.5! Yay. 

It also introduces a heap of new commands, mainly thanks to 303. Go say thanks
and check out his thread:

helmet [ITEM...
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