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{1}{60}Luckily,|I arriv ed in time.
{551}{612}Strange things are happening|here, se�or.
{683}{864}I 'v e seen it with my own eyes,|I even had it in my own hands.
{874}{967}It must be all due|to the e vil spirits.
{1026}{1137}I understand, se�or, that your|mind is rebelling against
{1144}{1334}inexplicable phenomena, but be|so kind as to explain in detail.
{1505}{1537}What are you|looking for, se�or?
{1602}{1652}There was a book here.
{1656}{1711}I saw the gallows.
{1716}{1761}Where has it gone?
{1797}{1841}There's never been|a book like that here.
{2028}{2093}Demons again?
{2097}{2153}they are tiring,|I admit.
{2158}{2251}U nfortunately,|the world is full of them.
{2256}{2347}I ncantations stop|their mischief.
{2394}{2465}Don't you believe in|incantations then?
{2512}{2563}What if I prove it?
{2567}{2691}Only if I can|perform them my self.
{2698}{2734}Go on, se�or.
{2736}{2822}This is not the place|for philosophical disputes.
{3079}{3133}I am so glad|to see you, brother.
{3138}{3192}When did you get back?
{3196}{3278}This is Alfonso Van Worden,|captain of the guard.
{3284}{3354}Captain,|my sister Rebecca.
{3419}{3478}Don Pedro Velasquez.
{3512}{3562}I will do my best.
{3566}{3657}I am glad to con vince you of|the power of the supernatural.
{3663}{3705}Of course.
{3709}{3774}From Aristotle came the|principle that in the mind...
{3851}{3962}Se�or Alfonso, I implore you|to tell me what you thin k
{3969}{4154}of everything you'v e|experienced since arriving here.
{4163}{4226}I wouldn't know|where to start.
{4230}{4298}I must have been put to sleep|with a potion
{4303}{4374}and ta k en to the gallows.
{4378}{4489}Then you got under|the Z ota brothers' gallows?
{4495}{4555}And found them both hanged?
{4605}{4691}Do they, byanychance,|have the habit of coming down?
{4695}{4761}Very often,|usually at night.
{4894}{4947}Your hand shows that
{4950}{5058}you are possessed with love|for the demons.
{5064}{5132}Such people have|no fear of humans.
{5137}{5176}I am afraid of nobody.
{5259}{5306}I am afraid|for you.
{5855}{5910}I am so glad|they came.
{5969}{6052}Gaiety and fun|will prevail now.
{6103}{6216}I am sorry, se�ora,|but I have different plans.
{6222}{6271}Whatever your decision,
{6275}{6396}you won't refuse to spend|a few hours in our compan y.
{6754}{6832}Your brother is greeting|a gypsyso warmly.
{6836}{6891}A gyps y?
{6894}{6972}You'll see in a while|what a gypsyhe is.
{7137}{7186}Welcome, Se�or Alfonso.
{7190}{7243}How do you know|who I am?
{7248}{7326}Our camp moves|from one place to another,
{7331}{7426}and my daughters k eep|their eyes and ears open.
{7679}{7750}An enchanted place.
{7755}{7820}The people of the Sierra|are afraid to go near.
{7825}{7897}I have no reason|to tell them they're wrong.
{7902}{8010}It is better that most|of my retinue was left outside.
{8017}{8095}Se�or Av adoro,|in this errant life
{8101}{8166}you must have encountered|manyunusual adv entures.
{8257}{8296}I have.
{8299}{8338}Then tell us,
{8340}{8405}and Se�or Velasquez will teach|us how to experience poetry
{8410}{8463}without the help of ghosts.
{8468}{8514}I do not succumb|to ghosts,
{8517}{8636}but I fear your magic power,|se�ora.
{8654}{8774}I reck on that from one end|of the world to the other,
{8781}{8853}the story of love|is always the same.
{9012}{9113}I thin k you will enjoyhearing|about my youthful adv entures.
{9158}{9283}Some are surprising,|I could even sa y, miraculous.
{9366}{9477}Whenever I go back to those|long gone times of my life,
{9554}{9623}I hear the noise|of avariety of passions
{9628}{9681}and a mix ed roaring|of storms.
{10563}{10660}You seem wiser than others,|and I have a delicate problem.
{10666}{10706}Will you follow me?
{11068}{11136}I am the lover|of a certain young person.
{11140}{11255}She tends, I thin k,|to be fickle.
{11262}{11342}When you see a woman whose|dress suits this,
{11347}{11411}you'll see whether|she goes to church,
{11416}{11496}or in|another direction.
{11568}{11617}You'll get another if you|do well.
{11622}{11674}You're her husband,|not her lover.
{11677}{11766}I 'm pa ying you to discover|treason, not who I am.
{11772}{11844}Sharpen your sight,|i�s time forvespers.
{11848}{11884}I 'll wait at the inn.
{11886}{11962}Of lovers.|Of lovers.
{12948}{13063}What is this?|Your beauty troubled me.
{13070}{13132}Somebody suspects you|of betra ying him.
{13136}{13171}Follow me.
{13224}{13280}You will giv e this|to Caballero Toledo.
{13623}{13696}Noble caballero.
{13702}{13780}My conscience forbids me ta king|pa yment from both sides.
{15255}{15291}What is my fortune?
{15342}{15397}We'll get married|under a big chestnut tree.
{15430}{15486}Nature will accept ourvows.
{15490}{15597}The rosyglow of dawn|will bless us.
{15603}{15671}I 'v e lost Caballero Toledo 's|address.
{15676}{15738}He in vited me|to a grand feast.
{15743}{15817}On the other side|of the square.
{15822}{15858}U ntil we meet again.
{15862}{15892}Ma ybe.
{18261}{18319}Se�or Toledo,
{18323}{18421}a lady wanted me to giv e you|this little tok en.
{18428}{18567}I appreciate your wit,|my friend, and honor.
{18839}{18915}Would you like to become one of|my serv ants?
{18920}{18997}Tha�s impossible,|I was born a nobleman.
{19002}{19061}I chose the position|of beggar
{19066}{19141}as it does not dim|a nobleman's jewel.
{19146}{19220}An answer worth y|of a Spaniard!
{19225}{19260}Le�s have a drin k.
{19388}{19503}H uman life|is fragile.
{19509}{19555}Whythese|dark thoughts, se�or?
{19647}{19693}I am a sinner.
{20078}{20183}I used to leave one mistress for|another, but I concluded that
{20189}{20269}I was losing too much time|that wa y,
{20274}{20344}so I started a new affair before|ha ving brok en off the last,
{20348}{20439}and while planning|a third.
{20444}{20517}Spanish women|have something...
{20563}{20608}I swore love to each.
{20611}{20660}The punishment for|brea king oaths is terrible.
{20723}{20781}I ndeed,|in the other world.
{20912}{20978}Yesterda y, a friend|from Malta visited.
{20982}{21057}H is name is Aquillar,
{21062}{21195}a noble person|and a good Christian.
{21288}{21342}I cannot understand how,
{21345}{21419}being endowed with such|contradictory characters,
{21424}{21478}we have liv ed|in such friendship.
{21520}{21562}Aren't you drin king?
{21565}{21630}I 'v e nearly finished|the bottle.
{21635}{21671}You haven't|touched your glass.
{22083}{22123}What are you|thin king about?
{22127}{22215}I was thin king of the sun|which I saw toda y,
{22221}{22295}whether I would see it|again tomorrow.
{22300}{22370}You doub tless will,|if there is no mist.
{22374}{22422}I maynot liv e|to see tomorrow.
{22516}{22584}Are you planning a duel?
{22589}{22637}I could act as your witness.
{22641}{22801}You are the last man|I would as k for this favor.
{22810}{22843}Good heavens!
{22926}{23000}You took up your old squabble|with my brother?
{23005}{23084}Shall I lose my friend|or my brother in one duel?
{23089}{23170}I have an ominous feeling...|wait until midnight.
{23175}{23238}If I die, I will come to warn|you about the penalties
{23243}{23302}a sinner faces|after he dies.
{23416}{23461}I didn't want to see you,
{23464}{23525}but avoice from heaven|ordered me to come.
{24826}{24884}Were you killed?
{24889}{24981}I was.
{24986}{25094}I s there a purgatory|in the other world?
{25100}{25147}There is one.
{25152}{25229}And tha�s where I am!
{25695}{25765}Who died?
{25769}{25810}Tell me, who died?
{26122}{26171}Toledo fell unconscious.
{26331}{26402}I 'm sorry, but my duties are|calling me.
{26407}{26462}At such|an interesting point!
{26465}{26573}Doses of suspense are|the sign of a master.
{26580}{26656}All that has|made me confused.
{26661}{26733}I 'v e lost the feeling|of where reality ends,
{26738}{26819}and fantasyta k es over.
{26824}{26912}You meant to saypoetry.
{26918}{26999}I do not know what|you are aiming at.
{27003}{27051}I will tell you something
{27054}{27122}that is based on the principles|of geometry.
{27127}{27193}Wanting to define|an infinite number,
{27198}{27299}I write a horizontal eight and|divide it byone.
{27305}{27369}If I want to express infinite|smallness,
{27373}{27484}I write a one and divide it b y|the horizontal eight.
{27491}{27597}All these signs giv e me no idea|about what I want to express
{27604}{27723}infinity... greatness...
{27729}{27821}I n the cosmos, infinite|smallness is an infinite root
{27826}{27902}of the smallest part|of an atom.
{27907}{28062}So I am defining infinity,|but without comprehending.
{28113}{28247}Well, if I do not comprehend|but I can define it,
{28254}{28379}I am getting near poetry,|which seems to be nearer to life
{28387}{28475}than we suspect.
{28480}{28579}Empirical science|leads to lack of faith.
{28584}{28668}Only an uneducated man|who sees a thing every da y
{28674}{28768}thin k s he understands it.
{28773}{28870}A true researcher|proceeds among riddles.
{28876}{28975}He errs, but he gets|nearer his goal every da y.
{29057}{29160}Se�or Av adoro,|will you finish Toledo's story?
{29167}{29263}I remember he was disturbed|byavoice from the other world.
{29315}{29387}H is tender soul was|very sensitiv e.
{29447}{29515}So he was in deep despair.
{30031}{30063}What will you do?
{30065}{30114}I want to rethin k my life.
{30310}{30420}Se�or Caballero,|let me ma k e one comment.
{30427}{30482}Thevoice you heardyesterda y
{30486}{30564}said what you could find|in anycatechism.
{30569}{30653}Do not burden oneself|with premature worries.
{30659}{30819}My friend, he who once heard|thevoice of the dead,
{30828}{30920}will surely not spend|much more time among the living.
{32390}{32463}Farewell, my friend.
{32946}{33039}Tell the lady ...
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