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Diagnosis of
Endometrial Biopsies
and Curettings
Second Edition
Michael T. Mazur, MD
Clinical Professor of Pathology, State University of New York, Upstate
Medical University, Syracuse, New York, and ClearPath Diagnostics,
Syracuse, New York
Robert J. Kurman, MD
Richard W. TeLinde Distinguished Professor, Departments of
Gynecology, Obstetrics and Pathology, The Johns Hopkins Hospital,
and The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore,
Diagnosis of
Endometrial Biopsies
and Curettings
A Practical Approach
Second Edition
With 230 Illustrations, 77 in Full Color
Michael T. Mazur, MD
Clinical Professor of Pathology
State University of New York
Upstate Medical University
Syracuse, NY 13210
ClearPath Diagnostics
Syracuse, NY 13202
Robert J. Kurman, MD
Richard W. TeLinde Distinguished
Departments of Gynecology,
Obstetrics and Pathology
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
The Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD 21231
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Mazur, Michael T.
Diagnosis of endometrial biopsies and curettings : a practical approach / Michael
Mazur, Robert J. Kurman.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-387-98615-4 (h/c : alk. paper)
1. Endometrium—Biopsy. 2. Endometrium—Diseases—Cytodiagnosis. 3.
Endometrium—Cytopathology. I. Kurman, Robert J. II. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Uterine Diseases—diagnosis. 2. Biopsy—methods. 3. Dilatation
and Curettage—methods. 4. Endometrium—pathology. 5. Pregnancy
Complications—diagnosis. WP 440 M476d 2004]
RG316.M39 2004
ISBN 0-387-98615-4
Printed on acid-free paper.
Business Media, Inc.
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SPIN 10689416
© 1995, 2005 Springer Science
Preface to the Second Edition
This second edition of Diagnosis of Endometrial Biopsies and Curettings:
A Practical Approach follows a number of favorable comments we
received about the first edition. As before, this book is designed to offer
a practical reference for the everyday interpretation of endometrial
biopsies. This edition has been extensively updated to reflect the
advances in our understanding of the pathology and pathophysiology of
the endometrium over the past few years. In addition, a large number of
color illustrations have been added to help the reader understand the
morphologic changes described in the text.
Although the entire book has been revised, several areas received par-
ticular attention. Our knowledge of the utility of immunohistochemistry
in the interpretation of these specimens, especially trophoblastic disease
and endometrial neoplasia, has expanded considerably since the first
edition. Accordingly, in this edition the problems, pitfalls, and utility of
this valuable diagnostic adjunct have received greater attention.
While immunohistochemistry is discussed in all the chapters, it is also
summarized in the final chapter, which addresses methods of endome-
trial evaluation.
Expanded knowledge of newer entities, such as the epithelioid tro-
phoblastic tumor, endometrial intraepithelial carcinoma, and the effects
of tamoxifen on the endometrium have received increased emphasis in
this edition. Because hydatidiform mole is now commonly recognized at
an earlier stage of gestation, the features of these “early moles” are dis-
cussed in greater detail. The chapter on polyps was revised to further
clarify the terminology of these common lesions, as they demonstrate a
wide spectrum of morphologic features. Information about the distinc-
tion of endometrial carcinoma from endocervical adenocarcinoma also
was significantly revised.
Most importantly, however, the text continues its focus on those
aspects of endometrial biopsy interpretation that can be especially
vexing, such as the diagnosis of atypical hyperplasia, grading of endome-
trial carcinoma, and the myriad of benign changes and artifacts that can
be confusing to the pathologist. In addition, a clear understanding of the
terminology that the pathologist uses to communicate diagnostic infor-
mation to the clinician is critically important. A diagnosis of carcinoma
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