MapInfo Professional_9.0_PrintingGuide.pdf

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MapInfo Professional 9.0
Printing Guide
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The purpose of this guide is to assist you in printing the best possible map images from your
MapInfo Professional software. We begin by covering the new print, import, and export features
and continue with preferences and printing options available in MapInfo Professional. Then we
give you some helpful tips and tricks and finally we help you trouble shoot issues you may be
experiencing with your own use of MapInfo Professional.
We have significantly updated this document with new features and new resolutions to existing
Sections in this Document:
© 2007 MapInfo Corporation. All rights
reserved. MapInfo and the MapInfo logo are
trademarks of MapInfo Corporation and/or
its affiliates.
New Printing Features in Version 9.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Print, Export, and Import Features in Earlier Versions . . . . . . . . . 5
Printing in MapInfo Professional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
General Printing Tips and Tricks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Resolutions to Known Printing Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
May 2007
New Printing Features in Version 9.0
Many of our customers who print large or complex maps or layouts have asked us
to help them control the output so they can produce better images. This new
feature, originally added in version 8.5.1, helps you do that.
Printing Large and Complex Output
If you have seen the Cannot Print error message when printing, you may be
trying to print one or more of the following:
Large format (large page size) maps or layouts containing raster or grid layers
that may be translucent or transparent
In this case, many times the maps or layouts did not print at all, or if they did
print, the translucent or transparent layers did not print properly.
Maps made up of multiple pages that contain borders
In this case multiple page maps with a border around the entire map would
print with borders around each page instead.
Maps that contained labels that span more than one page
In this case, the labels would not print at all or would not print properly.
Largely, these issues were caused by the demand these print requests placed on
the system resources in your computer.
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To resolve these issues we now offer an option that breaks down a print request into smaller blocks, which reduces the
demand on your system’s resources. Each block is sent individually to the printer driver. This change may allow you to
print large and complex images that you could not print in the past. We call this feature Subdivide Print. We limit the
size of each block to 8192 x 8192 pixels.
During testing we discovered that many printer drivers handled this new option properly. However we found that the
output of some printer drivers resulted in gaps that display at the block boundaries. Therefore we did not enable this
option by default. Since these gaps may affect the quality of your final output, we are giving you the ability to enable
this option if or when you need it. At this time, we do not have a workaround to remove these gaps.
Note: If you have both a postscript and a non-postscript version of your printer driver, we recommend you try both to
see which version gives you better results.
Enabling the Subdivided Printing Option
To use this new option, you need to add a registry key to your local machine. We have created an online Knowledge
Base document that contains the registration (.reg) files inside a ZIP file that you can use to enable or disable this
option automatically. You will need to save the ZIP file locally, open the ZIP file and double-click the appropriate
registry file to add this option to the registry. Adding registry keys to your computer requires Administrator rights, or at
least write access to your computer’s registry. If you do not have this type of access, we recommend you see your
System Administrator for instructions.
Enabling the Subdivide Print Option Using Registration Files
To enable the Subdivide Print option using registration files in the Knowledge Base document:
1. Go to the MapInfo Knowledge Base entry. Click here to do this now or copy the following address to your browser:
Note: If you do not have Internet access, see Enabling the Subdivide Print Option Manually for instructions.
2. Open or save the SubdividePrint.ZIP file and, using your ZIP utility, save the two registration files locally. Use
Windows Explorer to navigate to the registration files.
Note: We recommend you create a permanent directory in case you need to remove the registration option later.
3. Double-click the SubdividePrint.reg icon to add the new key to the registry. This option takes effect the next time
you open MapInfo Professional.
Disabling the Subdivide Print Option Using Registration Files
If you try this option and you want to remove this functionality, you can disable the registry entry by following these
Note: We assume that you have downloaded the ZIP file that contains the registry files by following the instructions in
Enabling the Subdivide Print Option Using Registration Files .
To disable the Subdivide Print option using the downloaded registration file:
1. Go to the directory that contains the registration (.reg) files you downloaded earlier.
2. To remove the Subdivide Print option, double-click the UndoSubdividePrint.reg icon. The registry entry is
updated with the new value.
This option takes effect the next time you open MapInfo Professional.
MapInfo Professional 9.0 Printing Guide
Enabling the Subdivide Print Option Manually
If you do not have access to the Internet, or you want to add this option manually, follow these instructions.
To enable the Subdivide Print option by entering the registration key manually:
1. Choose Start > Run and type the command regedit . Click OK to display the Registry Editor window.
2. In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE entry, navigate to Software > MapInfo > MapInfo > Common .
3. From the Edit menu, select New > DWORD Value . A new entry displays in the list.
4. Right-click the entry and select Rename . Rename the new entry SubdividePrint and press Enter .
5. Double-click the new entry to display the Edit DWORD Value dialog box.
6. To enable the Subdivide Print option, type 1 in the Value data field and click OK .
To disable this option, return to this dialog box, type 0 in the Value data field and click OK .
This option takes effect the next time you open MapInfo Professional.
Note: You can also remove this regedit entry entirely to remove this option.
Print, Export, and Import Features in Earlier Versions
MapInfo Professional 8.5
There is a new anti-aliasing export filter in this version of MapInfo Professional. Anti-aliasing is a fairly common
graphics filter operation that can make the jagged lines in your map and label images appear smoother, which may
improve their look in a slide show presentation or on the Web. We suggest you experiment with this feature and its
settings to see what anti-aliasing combinations work best for your images. Anti-aliasing is most effective when used
with map images that contain many curved lines, irregular region areas and text objects.
The benefits of anti-aliasing can include:
Make your fonts look smoother
Make jagged edges in maps look rounder
Can make text can be easier to read (for some) because it looks more like printed type
Make maps look more visually attractive
The following are enhancements for printing, importing, and exporting in MapInfo Professional 8.5:
Setting Anti-Aliasing Options for Images
Setting Font Anti-Aliasing Options For Labels
Printing Large (D, E, and A0) Images Improved
Setting Anti-Aliasing Options for Images
Some customers have asked us to give them more control over the map images when exporting MapInfo Professional
maps. This is particularly important when you are saving maps created in MapInfo Professional for use in other
Windows-based applications, in particular in slide presentations or for web pages.
MapInfo Professional 9.0 Printing Guide
We have added the ability to smooth or anti-alias images during the export process. You can use this capability with all
types of windows such as Map windows, layouts, legends, and graphs.
Note: You cannot anti-alias images you are exporting to .EMF or .WMF format, because these are not true raster
There are three smoothing options you can use to customize your raster image:
1. Smooth using a Filter value . You can set a flag that selects one of six filters that allow you to choose the direction
the filter is applied to the image from.
2. Smooth using a Mask value . You can select a value that indicates the size of the area you want to smooth. For
example, to create a 3x3 pixel mask value, you would enter a 3 in this field. This would limit the amount of change
in the color of the pixels. Typically mask sizes would be 2-3 pixels when exporting at screen resolution. If you are
exporting at a higher resolution, a larger mask might be appropriate.
3. Smooth using a Threshold value . You can select a threshold value to indicate which pixels to smooth. Each pixel
in an image has a value based on its color. The smaller the pixel value, the darker the color. Select this option to
smooth all of the pixels above the threshold you enter in this field. When you set this value to 0, MapInfo
Professional will smooth all of the pixels.
You must either set a global preference for these anti-aliasing options or set them locally during the export process
(using the Advanced button).
To set the anti-aliasing preference for exporting images:
1. Choose Options > Preferences > Output Settings to display the Output Preferences dialog box.
2. Click the Exporting tab to display the anti-aliasing options.
3. To use anti-aliasing automatically, select the Use Anti-aliasing check box and select from these options:
Smooth using a Filter value
Choose a filter for the smoothing you want to use. Select from these filters:
Vertically and Horizontally (Smooths the image vertically and horizontally)
All Directions (1) (Smooths the image in all directions)
All Directions (2) (Smooths the image in all directions using a different algorithm)
Diagonally (Smooths the image diagonally)
Horizontally (Smooths the image horizontally)
Vertically (Smooths the image vertically)
Smooth using a Mask value
Choose the pixel size of the mask you want MapInfo Professional to use in this field. For example, to create a
3x3 pixel mask value, you would enter a 3 in this field. This would limit the amount of change in the color of the
pixels to the three pixels around the basic pixel.
MapInfo Professional 9.0 Printing Guide
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Smooth using a Threshold value
Select a threshold value to indicate which pixels to smooth. Colors are 0 for black and 255 for white (in an 8 bit
image). Entering a low number changes the look of your map by smoothing the darker colors and the lighter
colors. Choosing a higher number changes the way the lighter colors display.
To set the anti-aliasing options locally during export:
1. When you have completed your work on a window, select the File > Save Window As menu option. The Save
Window to File dialog box displays.
2. Type the name and indicate the path of the file you are saving in this dialog box. Click Save to continue. The Save
Window As dialog box displays.
If you are exporting an EMF or WMF image, the Use Anti-Aliasing check box is disabled.
3. Select the Use Anti-aliasing check box and do one of the following:
Click Save to use the anti-aliasing options you selected in the Output Preferences dialog box
Click Advanced and choose new anti-aliasing options for this particular map. Click OK to return to the Save
Window As dialog box. Click Save to save these settings and the file.
Note: If you do not select the Use Anti-aliasing check box, the anti-aliasing options in the Advanced Exporting
Options dialog box are disabled.
The next few figures should give you an idea of the types of results you can expect using the different options.
Figure: Anti-Aliasing with Filter Vertical and Horizontal, Mask 2, Threshold 100
MapInfo Professional 9.0 Printing Guide
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