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ablacI (ah-blah-jih)

-- a lesbian lover, literally, elder sister- practitioner

ablacIlIk (ah-blah-jih-lick)

-- lesbianism, lit. elder-sister-practitioner-ness

Ik kapI (ah-chik kah-pah)

-- a non-virgin, lit. an open door

agIr isçi (are ish-jee)

-- a prostitute (who lives among other prostitutes in a 'house of ill-repute')...lit. a heavy worker

aksamdan kaldI... (ahk-shahm-dahn kal-duh)

-- to have a hangover

Allah kahretsin! (ahl-ah kar-et-sin)

-- an all-purpose Turkish swear phrase, meant to convey "Goddammit!"


"Bir daha yaslI kadInla sevismissen beni anlarsIn."
(Beer dah-hah yash-la kah-din-lah save-ish-mish-ihn benny ahn-lahr-sin)

-- "If you have made love to an older woman, then you know what I mean."

bocurgat yapmak (boh-jer-got yahp-mock)

-- to pick one's nose

bok (bawk)

-- shit...Ex. BIrak su boku da isine bak! Drop that shit and pay attention to your work!

bok atmak (bawk ott-mock)

-- to smear or slander (someone)...lit. to throw shit

boktan (bawk-tahn)

-- crappy, shitty...As in English, this word is used to describe a bad situation, a worthless job, a poorly made product, etc. It's use is rather acceptable in mixed company.

bombok (bawm-bawk)

-- "totally full of shit", utterly spoiled, a completely worthless situation, something that goes from bad to worse.

boynuz takmak (boy-nooz tahk-mahk)

-- to be cuckholded (by someone)

boynuz taktIrmak (boy-nooz tahk-tihr-mahk)

-- to make a cuckhold (of someone)

boynuzlamak (boy-nooz-lah-mahk)

-- to cuckhold (someone)

boynuzlanmak (boy-nooz-lahn-mahk)

-- to be cuckholded (by someone)

boynuzlatmak (boy-nooz-laht-mahk)

-- to have someone cuckholded, to arrange for someone to be cuckholded

boynuzlu (boy-nooz-loo)

-- to be in a cuckholded condition

bu ayaklar koktu (boo aye-yock-lahr koq-two)

-- figuratively means something like:
"These ways, these tricks are now well known -- and no one will fall for them anymore..." lit. these feet stank.


cartlamak (jart-lah-mock)

-- to fart loudly

Cehenneme git! (Jay-hen-im-eh giht)

-- Go to hell!

Cehenneme kadar yolun var! (Jay-hen-im-eh kah-dahr yoh-loon vahr)

-- He can go to hell for all I care!

cinsel (gin-sell) [this is quite mild language]

-- sexual (as in, cinsel yogunlulugunuzu belirleyin; determine your sexual intensity)


çaça (cha-cha)

-- the madam of a whorehouse

-- an old experienced whore in a whorehouse

-- someone experienced in a certain type of job

-- an old, master sailor

зakI sapI yapmak (chaka sopp-a yahp-mock)

-- to masturbate; lit. to do a jacknife

çIplak (chip-lahk)

-- naked

çIrIIplak (chirril chip-lahk)

-- completely naked, starkers

çis (cheesh)

-- pee, piss Ex. Çisim geldi; I have to pee.

çük (chook) [this is quite mild language]

-- a child's penis


"Doksan (90), altmIs (60), doksan (90)..." (doke-san, ahlt-mish, doke-san)

-- this is a sexist way of referring to a nicely proportioned female, by her physical measurements. In Turkey, ideal measurements are 90 cm at the breast, 60 cm at the waist, and 90 cm at the hip.



escinsel (esh-jin-sell) [this is mild, clinical language]

-- homosexual

escinsellik (esh-jin-sell-ik) [so's this...]

-- homosexuality

esol esek(esh-ole esh-ek)

-- "Son of a donkey!" This is the very first offensive remark that pops from a Turkish car-driver's mouth if he (or she) perceives he's been wronged on the road. Since he/she always perceives such wrongdoing, it may be heard on every road at every hour of the day and night, as Turks constantly compete with each other to win the Road Rudeness Award. It is stunning how a people who are so kind and courteous 'on dry land' can become so foul when they get behind the wheel of a car. Turkey is the only country we know that posts large roadside signs imploring drivers to "Control the Traffic Monster Inside You!" It's Amaazzzing...


fahise (fah-hee-shay) -- this is the term used in newspaper reporting...

-- prostitute, whore...

fIstIk! (fss-tkk) [this is quite mild language]


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