The Abilitative Tense1.doc

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The Abilitative Tenses

The Abilitative Tenses

Abilitative Mood

Present Continuous
(Used only for 'the present moment' -- for 'right now')

Türkce -- Simdiki Sürekli zaman

Present Continuous -- Negative
(Used only for 'the present moment' -- for 'right now')

Present Continuous, Simple -- Interrogative
(Used only for 'the present moment' -- for 'right now')

Present Continuous -- Negative Interrogative
(Used only for 'the present moment' -- for 'right now')

gelebiliyorum --
I can/may come [right now], I'm able to come, I may be able to come

gelemiyorum --
I can't come [right now], I'm not able to come, I wouldn't be able to come

gelebiliyor muyum? --
can I come [right now]? am I able to come?

gelemiyor muyum? --
can't I come [right now]? am I not able to come? wouldn't I be able to come?

gelebiliyorsun --
you can/may come, you're able to come, you may be able to come

gelemiyorsun --
you can't come, you're not able to come, you wouldn't be able to come

gelebiliyor musun? --
can you come? are you able to come?

gelemiyor musun? --
can't you come? aren't you able to come? wouldn't you be able to come?

gelebiliyor -
he can/may come; he is able to come, he may be able to come

gelemiyor --
he can't come; he's not able to come, he wouldn't be able to come

gelebiliyor mu? --
can he come? is he able to come?

gelemiyor mu?--
can't he come? isn't he able to come? wouldn't he be able to come?

gelebiliyoruz --
we can/may come, we're able to come, we may be able to come

gelemiyoruz --
we can't come, we're not able to come, we wouldn't be able to come

gelebiliyor muyuz? --
can we come? are we able to come?

gelemiyor muyuz? --
can't we come? aren't we able to come? wouldn't we be able to come?

gelebiliyorsunuz --
you can/may come, you're able to come, you may be able to come

gelemiyorsunuz --
you can't come, you're not able to come, you wouldn't be able to come

gelebiliyor musunuz? --
can you come? are you able to come?

gelemiyor musunuz? --
can't you come? aren't you able to come? wouldn't you be able to come?

gelebiliyorlar -
they can/may come, they're able to come, they may be able to come

gelemiyorlar --
they can't come, they're not able to come, they wouldn't be able to come

gelebiliyorlar mI?--
can they come? are
they able to come?

gelemiyorlar mI?--
can't they come, aren't they able to come? wouldn't they be able to come?

Related Examples:

Her gün dört saat yazabiliyorum.
I can write four hours a day.
Her gün saat sekizde gelebiliyor.
He can come everyday at eight o'clock.
Oradan telefon edebiliyoruz.
We are able to call from there.
Yalniz iki saat calIsabiliyorsunuz.
You may only work two hours.
Saat dokuzda derse baslayabiliyorlar.
They are able to start class at 9 o'clock.

Her gün saat sekizde gelemiyor. He can't come at eight o'clock every day.
Buradan telefon edemiyoruz.
We aren't able to call from here.
Iyi bir sey bulamIyorum
I can't (seem to) find anything good.
Hiç guzel oynayamIyorlar
They can't (manage to) play well at all.

Buradan telefon edebiliyor muyum?
Am I able to phone from here?
O iyi oynayabiliyor mu?
Is he able (showing ability) to play well?
Size her gün gelebiliyorlar mI?
Are they able to visit you daily?

Dersini iyi çalIsamIyor mu?
Can't he study his homework well?
Iyi tarif edemiyor muyuz?
Aren't we managing (able) to explain well?
KitaplarInIzI burada bIrakamIyor musunuz?
Aren't you permitted (able) to leave your books here?
Iyi türkce konusamiyor muyum?
Am I not able to speak Turkish well?
YarIn buraya gelemiyorlar mI?
Aren't they able to come here tomorrow?

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