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(Stupanj 2)

You will hear the British Defence Secretary talking about the increased RAF presence in the Gulf. Types of aircraft mentioned are listed in the table below as well as some of their capabilities. Listen and fill in the missing information.


Now you will have a minute to read the task.


                                                                                                                  ______/ 3


Now listen and complete the table.


The government is sending dozens more RAF planes to the Gulf as part of the military build up for the possible war against Iraq. The Defence Secretary Jeff Hoon told MPs that the RAF‘s presence was being increased to around a 100 aircraft.

This will be a balanced and highly capable force including…




E3D sentry

airborne command and control

Jaguar &Tornado

(1) _________________________

VC tan(10) &Tri-Star

air- to-air refueling


(2) _________________________

Tornado F3 + ASRAM missile

(3) _________________________

Tornado GR4 & Harriet GR7





(Stupanj 3)


You will hear a recording about an event from the history of the CIA. Listen and complete the sentences. Do not use more than 5 words in your answers.

(0) is an example.


Now you will have one minute to read the task.                                        ______/ 4



Now listen and complete the table.



(0)  The CIA’s high-powered customers were dissatisfied with its intelligence estimation.

(4)  Accused of inaccuracy, the CIA had to seek __________________________.

(5)  Team B was established to give __________________________of the same information.

(6)  CIA wrongly assumed that the Soviet and American institutions were __________________________.

(7)  Although the idea of having two teams was logical, everyone expected them __________________________.





Tape script:


Level 2 task:

The government is sending dozens more RAF planes to the Gulf as part of the military build up for the possible war against Iraq. The Defence Secretary Jeff Hoon told MPs that the RAF‘s presence was being increased to around a 100 aircraft.

“This will be a balanced and highly capable force including E3D sentry aircraft for Airborne command and control, Jaguar & Tornado aircraft in the Reconnaissance role, VC tan & Tri-Star Air-to-air refueling aircraft, Hercules Transport aircraft, Tornado F3 aircraft with the newly integrated ASRAM missile providing an air defense capability, and Tornado GR4 & Harriet GR7 aircraft providing an offensive capability should it be required, including precision guided weapons.”


Level 3 task:

As doubts about the accuracy and value of their intelligence were raised by the CIA’s various high-powered customers, the agency was forced to solicit and listen to the advice from the outside its Langley headquarters. That came from group of critical experts, called Team B, people who believe that the CIA was misinterpreting data from the Soviets. This error they attributed to the agency’s assumption that Soviet institutions were mirror images of their American counterparts. The CIA’s own team was Team A.  Charles Kerry: 

“There was a sense that CIA was not addressing the information it had in an objective way. They had the predetermined notions about of what the outcome of its analysis should be, so group of outsiders, which were Team B, were brought in to take another and supposedly an independent look at that information and come to its judgments. The A Team and B Team kind of concept is a valid concept; it’s to bring alternative judgments together on complex problems. The difficulty of the A Team and B Team exercises in this case was that it was already predetermined that the B Team was going to disagree fundamentally with the other opinion.”








1)     Reconnaissance

2)     Transport

3)     Air defence

4)     outside help/help from outside/Team B’s help

5)     independent view/independent analysis/independent look

6)     the same/identical/mirror images

7)     to disagree


























(Stupanj 2)


Read the text and complete the task below.                           



01 Nov 2002 


Tanks that can repair themselves and change colour on the battlefield are being developed in the US. A team of researchers based at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, along with the US Army's Armament Research and Development Center are working on the smart machines. Military vehicles including tanks, trucks helicopters and weapon systems will be covered with a coating that has been embedded with nanotechnology. The microscopic electromechanical machines - known as nanomachines - will send signals to Army personnel, alerting them if the coating is impaired.         


If tanks are corroded or scratched, the vehicles will be able to detect it and heal themselves. The coatings could also reduce the sensitivity of explosives, making them safer for soldiers to handle. Perhaps most importantly, tanks would turn chameleon, creating instant camouflage and making themselves virtually invisible on the battlefield. "Smart coatings technology will make our armed forces more hi-tech and more effective," said New Jersey Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen. The US army is keen on the idea of smart coatings because the paints used now are expensive and labour-intensive to apply. Army leaders estimate that the cost of repairing vehicles' surfaces amounts to $10bn each year, $2bn of which is related to painting and scraping.


Based on the information in the text complete the following summary. Write only one word from the text in each gap.   ‘0’ is an example.      _____/ 4                                                                


US researchers are currently working on developing smart machines using (0)_nanotechnology_. The new type of (1) ______________ that they invented will enable the vehicles to fix themselves. Applying this new invention will make the (2)______________less sensitive, which will increase the security of soldiers. The biggest advantage of the smart machines is their ability to become almost (3) ______________on the terrain. In addition, the (4)______________ of maintenance will be lower.

          The US leaders are welcoming the idea of chameleon tanks, as they will make their armed forces more modern and effective.


(Stupanj 3)


Read the text on 'Leadership'. It has nine paragraphs (A-I). Decide which paragraph answers the questions below and write the letter of the paragraph in the box.  You will not have to use all letters.

'0' is an example.                                                                                                                     _____/ 5



Which paragraph


0)  names common sense and hard work as true secrets to good leadership?


5)  states that true leaders question traditional ways of doing things?


6) suggests you should always find time to listen to people?


7) attempts to define leadership?


8) tells you to encourage positive thinking?


9) says that being straightforward and honest is important?




















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