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Techniques and Tools
Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA
National Museum of Natural History, NHB 168
Washington, D.C. 20560
1.1 Basic Equipment .............................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Collecting Nets .............................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Killing Jars or Bottles ........................................................................................................ 7
1.4 Liquid Killing Agents ........................................................................................................ 8
1.5 Solid Killing Agents ........................................................................................................... 9
1.6 Aspirators and Suction Devices ....................................................................................... 10
1.7 Beating Sheets ............................................................................................................ 11
1.8 Sifters ............................................................................................................ 11
1.9 Separators and Extractors ................................................................................................ 11
1.10 Traps ............................................................................................................ 13
1.10.1 Effects of Elevation ........................................................................................ 13
1.10.2 Windowpane Traps ......................................................................................... 13
1.10.3 Interceptions Nets and Barriers ...................................................................... 13
1.10.4 Malaise Traps ................................................................................................. 14
1.10.5 Pitfall and Dish Traps ..................................................................................... 14
1.10.6 Moericke Traps and Other Color Traps ......................................................... 15
1.10.7 Emergence and Rearing Traps ....................................................................... 15
1.10.8 Lobster or Eel Trap ....................................................................................... 16
1.10.9 Light Traps ..................................................................................................... 16
1.10.10 Light Sheets .................................................................................................. 17
1.10.11 Sticky Traps .................................................................................................. 18
1.10.12 Snap Traps .................................................................................................... 18
1.10.13 Artificial Refuges ......................................................................................... 19
1.10.14 Electrical Grid Traps .................................................................................... 19
1.11 Baits, Lures, and Other Attractants ................................................................................ 19
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1.11.1 Baiting With Feces. ........................................................................................ 20
1.11.2 The Oatmeal Trail ........................................................................................... 20
1.11.3 Pheromones and Other Attractants ................................................................. 20
1.11.4 - Sounds, etc. .................................................................................................. 20
1.12 - Collecting Aquatic and Soil Insects and Ectoparasites ................................................ 21
1.13 - Rearing ............................................................................................................ 21
1.13.1- Containers for Rearing ................................................................................. 21
1.13.2 - Rearing Conditions and Problems .............................................................. 22 - Moisture ........................................................................................ 22 - Temperature ................................................................................... 23 - Dormancy and Diapause ................................................................ 23 - Light .............................................................................................. 23 - Food ............................................................................................... 23 - Artificial Diets ............................................................................... 24
1.13.3 - Special Problems and Precautions in Rearing. ............................................ 24
2.1 - Liquid Agents for Killing and Preserving .................................................................... 24
2.2 - Temporary Storage of Specimens .................................................................................. 25
2.2.1 - Refrigeration and Freezing ............................................................................ 25
2.2.2 - Dry preservation ............................................................................................ 26
2.2.3 - Papering ......................................................................................................... 26
2.2.4 - Liquid Preservation ........................................................................................ 26
2.3- Preservation for Molecular Studies ................................................................................ 27
3.1 - Preparing Dry Specimens for Mounting ........................................................................ 28
3.2 - Preparing Liquid-Preserved Specimens ........................................................................ 30
3.4 - Double Mounts ............................................................................................................ 32
3.5 - Spreading Boards and Blocks ........................................................................................ 35
3.5.1 - Construction of Spreading Boards. ................................................................ 35
3.5.2 - Using the Spreading Boards .......................................................................... 36
3.5.3 - Construction of Spreading Blocks. ................................................................ 37
3.6 - Riker Mounts ............................................................................................................ 38
3.7 - Inflation of Larvae ......................................................................................................... 38
3.8 - Artificial Drying ............................................................................................................ 38
3.9 - Embedding ............................................................................................................ 39
3.10 - Mounting Specimens for Microscopic Examination ................................................... 39
4.1 - Preparation and Storage of Genitalia. ............................................................................ 43
4.3 - Mounting Larvae of Diptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, and Other Groups. ................. 45
5.1 - Paper ............................................................................................................ 46
5.2 - Ink ............................................................................................................ 46
5.3 - Lettered and Printed Labels ........................................................................................... 46
5.4 - Size of Labels
5.5 - Label Data
............................................................................................................ 47
5.6 - Placing the Labels .......................................................................................................... 47
5.7 - Bar Coding ............................................................................................................ 48
5.9 - Labeling Microscope Slides .......................................................................................... 48
6.1 - Housing the Collection .................................................................................................. 48
6.2 - Protecting Specimens From Pests and Mold ................................................................. 49
7.1 - Packing Materials. ......................................................................................................... 50
7.3 - Specimens in Vials. ........................................................................................................ 51
7.4 - Loading Cartons. ........................................................................................................... 51
7.5 - Shipping Microscope Slides .......................................................................................... 52
7.6 - Shipping Live Specimens. ............................................................................................. 52
The Class Arthropoda, which includes insects, spiders, mites, and their relatives, is without question the most
successful group of organisms on the planet. Insects alone account for nearly 55% of all species known to science
(Barrowclough 1992). Spiders, mites and insects inhabit every terrestrial habitat on the planet and play a major role in
the evolution and maintenance of biotic communities. They are the primary pollinators of flowering plants; they are
important consumers and recyclers of decaying organic matter; and they are integral components in the foodwebs of
vertebrates and other invertebrates. For these reasons, and many others, the study of insects and their relatives is of
increasing importance as society faces increased challenges to preserve and enhance environmental quality, reduce
pesticide usage, increase crop productivity, control food costs, and increase trade in the global community. Pest species
are responsible for enormous economic losses annually, attacking crops and ornamental plants, causing damage to our
food and clothing, and vectoring diseases that effect cultivated plants, our pets and livestock, and ourselves. The damage
cause by pests species is far outweighed by the positive effects of beneficial species. Pollinators ensure the production of
fruit, parasitoids and predators help control pest species, some species contain chemicals of pharmaceutical value, and a
large number of species contribute to the decomposition and recycling of dead and decaying matter.
Because of the damage inflicted by pest species, increased knowledge of these organisms has the potential to save
lives and money. Correct identification of a newly detected pest or disease vector is of utmost importance because the
scientific name of an organism is the key to all known information about its morphology, its behavior and life history,
and its potential threat to human welfare.
The behavior of insects and mites can be observed most easily in their natural environments. However, many
species, especially the smaller ones, must be collected and properly preserved before they can be identified. Because
correct identification seldom is easy, it is important that specimens be preserved in the best condition possible. The
identification of a particular insect or mite usually requires examination of minute details of its anatomy with the aid of a
hand lens or microscope. Some specimens may require dissection or even study with the electron microscope. If these
details on a specimen are concealed, missing, or destroyed because of improper handling or preservation, identification is
made difficult or impossible, and information about the species to which it belongs cannot be made available. Therefore,
adequate preservation and proper labeling of specimens are essential to their identification.
The methods used to collect insects and mites are dictated by the ultimate goal of the samples collected. Insects
may be collected as a hobby for personal enjoyment of their diversity and beauty. They may be collected in conjunction
with school courses on biology or entomology. Specific insects groups may be sampled to assess or measure biodiversity
* This manual is an updated and modified version of the USDA Misc. Publication no. 1443 published by the Agricultural
Research service in 1986 and Edited by George C. Steyskal, William L. Murphy, and Edna M. Hoover.
Collecting and Preserving Insects and Mites
to help identify appropriate areas to be included in
reserves. Aquatic species may be used to detect changes in
water quality. Pest species may be sampled to assess
presence/absence or abundance in order to determine
whether control measures are necessary. Specific groups
or species may be collected to acquire material for
biological, physiological, ecological, molecular, and
systematic studies.
the specimens they photograph if positive identification is
desired; minute, critical diagnostic characters often are not
depicted in photographs. If specimens are destined for
display cases that portray them in their natural habitats, it
may be important to collect a sample of the host plant for
the display.
Many persons starting a collection attempt to collect
every specimen they find. Biology students in high school
and college are often required to collect specimens from as
many orders or groups as possible. The experience and
knowledge gained in making a general collection are of
value in helping the collector decide on a specialty.
However, with so many different kinds of insects from
which to choose—over 100,000 described species in North
America alone—most persons find that as their skills and
interests increase, concentrating eventually on 1 or 2 of the
major insect or mite groups is desirable. Specimens other
than those in a chosen group may still be collected for
exchange with other collectors.
This manual provides a summary of the methods and
techniques used by professionals and amateurs alike to
collect and preserve specimens for study. While many of
the methods covered here, such as pinning, have changed
very little in the last hundred years, other techniques have
become available only in the last few years or decades
with advancing technologies. Older manuals such as
Steyskal et al. (1986), Martin (1977) and Upton (1991)
while still useful will not cover such these as preservation
for molecular studies. In addition, most of these older
publications are now out of print and may be difficult to
What to Collect
References: Lewis & Taylor 1965; Seber 1973;
Barrowclough 1992.
Because of their incredible diversity, insects, mites,
and other related groups vary widely as to their proper
collecting requirements and methods. In the following
sections, we will explore some of the many recommended
techniques and look at the varied equipment used by
collectors. The emphasis will be on insects and mites, but
much of what is included here will also pertain to other
related groups such as spiders.
Part 1. Equipment and Collecting Methods
1.1 Basic Equipment
Collecting methods may be divided into two broad
categories. In the first the collector actively searches out
Which species and how many
specimens to collect depends on the
purpose for which the material is
intended. For hobbyists and students,
small samples are usually adequate.
However, when important pest insects
and mites need to be identified, they
should be collected in series if at all
feasible. A sample of 20 specimens
should be considered the minimum,
and even larger numbers may be
desirable. If adults and immatures are
present, specimens should be col-
lected of all life stages. Excess
specimens can be discarded or
exchanged, but it is not always
possible to collect additional speci-
mens when needed. Frequently insects
and mites cannot be identified
accurately from immature stages, and
it is then necessary to rear them to the
adult stage to obtain a precise identifi-
cation. Photographers should collect
Fig. 1. A field collecting kit.
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