Abre Los Ojos - Open Your Eyes (EN).txt

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{845}{887}Open your eyes.
{897}{939}Open your eyes.
{962}{1004}Open your eyes.
{1014}{1056}Open your eyes.
{1066}{1108}Open your eyes.
{1118}{1160}Open your eyes.
{1170}{1212}Open your eyes.
{4732}{4774}Open your eyes.
{4784}{4826}Open your eyes.
{4966}{5005}Why tell me that dream?
{5005}{5070}You said I could tell you|whatever I wanted.
{5070}{5148}All right. Anything else you|should tell me before we start?
{5148}{5226}Nothing you don't know. I was|aout to turn twenty five,...
{5226}{5310}...l liked eating, sleeping,|making love, like everyone.
{5317}{5393}Andyou know what everyone|does when they get up.
{6162}{6209}Where are you going?
{6279}{6342}Stop leaving messages|on the alarm
{6422}{6460}Just don't
{6487}{6539}Because it pisses me off
{8918}{8970}Come on, for fuck's sake!
{9035}{9106}-I'll slaughter you!|-We'lI see about that
{9113}{9198}You've got three cars, why do|we always go in this wreck?
{9204}{9230}Come on, I'm in a hurry
{9230}{9304}Are you backing out?|l skipped class for this
{9308}{9398}I'm seeng my partners after|Why do you think I'm dressed up?
{9399}{9464}So you can shout at them|You like thati
{9464}{9505}l don't shout
{9529}{9594}-So tell me, did you screw her?|-Screw who?
{9594}{9646}Whoever was there|when I rang last nght
{9646}{9724}l was alone last nght|Anyway, what is it to you?
{9724}{9789}Nothing, you can do what|you want with your life
{9789}{9833}Thanks very much
{9841}{9893}Let's change the subject
{9932}{9958}Did you screw her?
{9958}{10010}Give me a break,|l was on my own
{10010}{10089}So, you did Was it the one|you talk so much about?
{10101}{10147}-Who?|-That Nuria
{10192}{10244}My God, I can't believe it!
{10244}{10296}Cesar seeng|the same woman twice!
{10296}{10361}-She must be great in bed|-She isn't bad
{10361}{10439}Bastard! When are you going|to tell me the secret?
{10439}{10491}-What secret?|-The recipe for Coca-Cola
{10491}{10565}-Look, the kind you like|-Yeah, change them
{10686}{10725}What did you eat today?
{10725}{10793}Nothing, that's my problem,|I'm starved!
{10816}{10903}It's funny when you ask them|what they value most in a man
{10907}{10996}"l like him to be intelligent,|to be honest, to be kind"
{10998}{11024}It's all shit!
{11024}{11089}You'd have problems|if you were like me
{11089}{11141}Not that again!|You aren't ugly
{11141}{11206}Anybody would like to have|your face You're normal
{11206}{11271}Normal! That doesn't mean|I'm handsome
{11271}{11297}You're handsome
{11297}{11367}I'm acceptable,|when you're not beside me
{11375}{11414}You're like anorexics
{11414}{11466}They insist they're fat,|and end up crazy
{11466}{11557}When some girl ties you down,|the rest of us will get a chance
{11557}{11607}-Yeah, yeah|-Why not?
{11609}{11661}If you meet the right girl
{11661}{11706}She doesn't exist
{11752}{11799}How did I miss that?
{11817}{11861}God punshed you
{11869}{11895}You're for it
{11895}{11959}-Who are you saying that to?|-To God
{12012}{12061}Do you believe in God?
{12090}{12142}Don't start all that shit.
{12142}{12192}l just asked a question.
{12194}{12257}If you don't want to,|don't answer
{12272}{12322}l don't believe in God
{12337}{12398}How do you explain|what happened?
{12415}{12454}How do you mean?
{12454}{12491}Your face
{12519}{12570}There is no explanation
{12571}{12636}-l believe there is|-You believe I'm mad
{12636}{12688}l only believe what I see
{12688}{12740}You haven't let me see|your face yet
{12740}{12779}And I won't
{12805}{12877}Do you really think|you're a monster, Cesar?
{12883}{12922}Come on, let me see
{12922}{12974}Stick your hand up your ass!
{12974}{13051}Take it easy, brat!|I'm sick of all your stories!
{13052}{13078}Leave me alone!
{13078}{13117}I'll kick that shit out of you!
{13117}{13156}Leave me alone!
{13156}{13234}l can't work with you in here|Leave us on our own
{13234}{13282}On my responsibility
{13364}{13416}You're just|a spoilt brat, who
{13416}{13468}My parents are dead, asshole!
{13468}{13548}You made up a story so as|not to admit what you did
{13754}{13794}ls that true?
{13884}{13937}That you're a spoilt brat
{13975}{14057}My father had a restaurant|chain That's not my fault
{14092}{14145}When did your parents die?
{14183}{14209}-1 5 years ago,
{14209}{14254}in an accident
{14274}{14337}-And now you're rich|-So they say
{14365}{14426}Then why don't|you want a lawyer?
{14469}{14531}They say they can get me|the best
{14534}{14586}But they want me|stuck here forever
{14586}{14612}Who are they?
{14612}{14701}My partners They've been sucking|my blood since I was a kid
{14729}{14804}Now they've got everything|They've cut me out
{14820}{14874}lt wasn't them|lt was me
{14911}{14951}l don't care
{15002}{15076}Let's see, Cesar|Do you know why you're here?
{15106}{15171}-Because I wear a mask, I guess|-No
{15184}{15238}Because you killed someone
{15262}{15311}Or don't you remember?
{15327}{15382}Tell me, don't you remember?
{15392}{15418}Fuck, stop it!
{15418}{15483}We must get things clear|if you want us to get on
{15483}{15522}l don't want us to get on!
{15522}{15600}ls your solution to sit|in this hole and not talk?
{15600}{15670}-Aren't we talking now?|-After two months
{15756}{15808}I've been trying|for two months
{15808}{15860}-Read the reports|-I've read them
{15860}{15938}l want you to tell me,|if possible, sitting on a chair
{15938}{15990}Or are you going to stay there?
{15990}{16034}l like the floor
{16055}{16119}It's the only thing|that seems real
{16146}{16198}What does everything else seem?
{16198}{16250}Everything else is a lie
{16263}{16302}All this seems a lie
{16302}{16341}lncluding you
{16341}{16393}You don't even wear|a white coat
{16393}{16432}Do you think I should?
{16432}{16471}Doctors wear them
{16471}{16536}l took it off so you'd forget|l was a doctor
{16536}{16588}So that you'd like me more
{16588}{16656}lt didn't work|l hate the sight of you
{16770}{16822}Now that we're friends
{16822}{16898}-I've got no friends|-tell me what happened
{16913}{16981}The sooner you talk,|the sooner I'll go
{17433}{17519}Hey! Happy birthday and all|the things people usually say
{17537}{17585}Thank you, thank you
{17602}{17667}-Where did you find her?|-In the library
{17667}{17732}-She tried to steal my book|-lt was mine
{17771}{17821}-Cesar, Sofia|-Hello
{17849}{17875}Happy birthday
{17875}{17927}-Thank you|-Your present
{17927}{17995}-Thanks a lot|-We bought it between us
{18018}{18079}Then I have to thank|both of you
{18083}{18135}Stop chatting her up|and open it
{18135}{18187}-I'd rather open them tomorrow|-Whatever
{18187}{18226}-Like a drink?|-Sure
{18226}{18278}I'll leave this upstairs
{18915}{18954}What are you doing here?
{18954}{19019}-Happy birthday, darling|-Thank you
{19032}{19094}But I didn't ask you|to the party
{19097}{19145}That was nce of you
{19305}{19344}l brought you a present too
{19344}{19387}Why not open it?
{19448}{19513}No, thanks I already know|what's inside
{19513}{19552}-And last nght?|-Listen, Nuria
{19552}{19643}l don't like you just turnng up,|much less coming into my room
{19643}{19706}-Well! Do I have to apologize?|-No
{19734}{19776}You have to go
{19812}{19851}Right, I know what it is
{19851}{19929}You don't want to be seen twice|with the same girl
{19929}{19986}lt would ruin your reputation
{20033}{20072}You got it in one
{20072}{20111}And there's someone else
{20150}{20224}The brunette you were|talking to a minute ago?
{20228}{20275}Well, she's not bad
{20306}{20346}l don't care
{20358}{20419}l don't need to be seen|with you
{20566}{20601}Hold me
{20683}{20718}Come on
{20748}{20789}A little kiss
{20852}{20887}Come on
{21203}{21241}Until when?
{21242}{21281}Until next Friday?
{21281}{21345}Can you manage|a weekend without me?
{21398}{21450}Excuse me, I must see|to my guests
{21450}{21532}Yes, the brunette will take time|She looks that type
{21606}{21632}-That type?|-Yes
{21632}{21696}The kind who can't find|your zipper
{21866}{21905}What did you want?
{21905}{21954}-To open this|-Wait
{21970}{22012}I'll serve you
{22074}{22126}Since when are you the waiter?
{22126}{22185}Don't you know|I'm in catering?
{22243}{22288}Are you all right?
{22295}{22352}Can you tell|I'm elbowing in?
{22360}{22386}A bit
{22386}{22461}I've got a slight problemi|A girl's chasing me
{22464}{22490}You don't say
{22490}{22542}l need some help|to get rid of her
{22542}{22581}And I'm that help
{22581}{22620}-Shit, there she is!|-Where?
{22620}{22687}Don't look, don't looki|Look over here
{22711}{22748}That's it
{22776}{22817}Yes, yes, yes
{22828}{22867}Here we are
{22867}{22906}Here we are
{22971}{23058}Act as if we were talking about|something real interesting
{23062}{23120}Nod your head, agree,|say yes
{23192}{23218}You know
{23218}{23278}-What a nce conversation|-Yes
{23283}{23322}And she's coming this way
{23387}{23452}-What are you doing?|-Don't worry, I'll guide you
{23452}{23504}-Straight on|-l don't see her
{23504}{23542}Here it is
{23543}{23569}Go right in
{23569}{23608}I'm not going in there
{23608}{23655}Well, I am So long
{23920}{23971}-He's in here|-You!
{24063}{24101}We're safe
{24102}{24154}But we've got nothing|to drink here
{24154}{24227}l think all you really want|is to chat me up
{24232}{24273}Yes, that too
{24284}{24323}First, I want to save my skin
{24323}{24375}Can't you say|you aren't interested?
{24375}{24414}She wouldn't care
{24414}{24440}She never gets tired
{24440}{24492}-She must be feeling bad|-Yeah
{24492}{24529}Of course
{24895}{24960}So you're studying Drama...
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