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KLASA V IMIĘ I  NAZWISKO:________________________________________


I.                    SŁOWNICTWO: przetłumacz słowa z języka polskiego na angielski i z języka angielskiego na polski:

1.      paszport - _______________ 2. zamek z piasku - _________________ 3. granica - _____________________ 4. proszę bardzo - __________________ 5. w domu - __________________ 6. niski - _____________ 7. kwaśny - _________________ 8. pielęgniarka - _____________ 9. ważny - _____________________ 10. tani - ______________________ 11. struś - _________________ 12. schody - _______________ 13. parter - _____________________ 14. tablica ogłoszeń - _____________________ 15. po lewej - ________________

2.      behind - ____________________ locker - _________________ corridor - ______________________ ceiling - ___________________ duck - _____________ dolphin - __________________ dinig room - _______________________ sandwich - _____________________gold - ____________ pencil - __________________supersonic - __________________ outside - _______________ grape - _________________ at work - _______________ shirt - _________________


II.                GRAMATYKA

1.      Wstaw “am/is/are”:

a.       She ____________ my sister.

b.      They ___________at home.

c.       Your mother _____________at work.

d.      He _______________ very happy.

e.       I ______________a student.

A teraz do każdego zdania ułóż pytanie typu “czy” i przeczenie:

a. ___________________________________________________________________

b. ___________________________________________________________________

c. ___________________________________________________________________

d. ___________________________________________________________________

e. ___________________________________________________________________

2. Wstaw odpowiednią formę „there is/there are”:

a. _____________________a cat on the table.

b. _____________________any flowers on the table?

c. _____________________any milk in the fridge.

d. _____________________five cars in my garage.

e. _____________________a book in your bag?

3. Odpowiedz na poniższe pytania całym zdaniem:

a. What’s your name? _________________________________________________________

b. What class are you in?_______________________________________________________

c. How old are you?___________________________________________________________

d. What is your address?_______________________________________________________

e. How old is your father?______________________________________________________

f. What is your mother’s name?_________________________________________________

g. What’s your father’s phone number?____________________________________________

h. What’s your mother’s name?__________________________________________________

i. What’s your father’s name?___________________________________________________

j. Where are you from?________________________________________________________

4. Zapytaj na cztery sposoby o drogę do kina:

A. _____________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________________

d. ______________________________________________________________


5. Dopisz liczbę mnogą do podanych rzeczowników:

a. chair - _______________________

b. church - ______________________

c. country - _____________________

d. lemon - ______________________

e. sandwich - ___________________

f. window - _____________________

g. light - _______________________

h. bicycle - _____________________

i. lady - ________________________

j. peach - ______________________




Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i wykonaj ćwiczenia poniżej:


My name is Philip and I’m from London. I’m thirty-two years old and I’m a doctor. My favourite hobby is playing cards. I have got a sister, Mary, and a brother, Mike. Mary is twenty-nine and Mike is twenty-six. Mary is a teacher and Mike is an engineer. Mary’s favourite hobby is gardening, Mike’s favourite hobby is playing football. My father is a doctor and my mother is a secretary. My mother is not English. She is Italian, she’s from Rome. Her favourite singer is Lucio Battisti and her favourite actor is Robert De Niro. My father’s favourite actor is Sylvester Stallone. I have a big house. In my house there are five bedrooms, three bathrooms, two living rooms, a big dining room, a kitchen, two garages and a garden. I have got a girlfriend. Her name is Jane. She has got blond hair and blue eyes. She is not tall. Jane’s favourite hobby is listening to classical music and her favourite musician is Chopin.


Podkreśl dobrą odpowiedź:

1. Philip is                                                         French                                          English

2. Philip’s mother is a                             teacher                                           secretary

3. Philip has got                                           two brothers                                          a sister and a brother

4. Mary is                                                         twenty-nine                                          twenty-six

5. Philip’s mother is from                            London                                          Rome

6. Philip’s house is                                           small                                                        big

7. Philip has got                                           three garages                            two garages

8. Jane is                                                         Philip’s girlfriend                            Philip’s sister

9. Jane is                                                         short                                                        tall

10. Jane has got                                           black eyes                                          blue eyes


Zaznacz, czy poniższe zdania są prawdziwe (Y) czy fałszywe (N):


1. Is Philip Italian?                                                                                    Y                            N

2. Is Philip a doctor?                                                                      Y                            N

3. Is Philip’s house small?                                                                      Y                            N

4. Is Mary a teacher?                                                                      Y                            N

5. Is Philip’s father is a musician?                                                        Y                            N


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