Literatura amerykańska 2.doc

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1.      William Dean Howells distinguished himself by writing critically acclaimed texts in the three sub-areas of anthropology, and as such he was justly regarded as outstanding both as a general anthropologist and as a physical anthropologist.

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2.      What social classes do most of James’ characeters come from (examples) – they come from upper middle – classes: Winerbourne; Daisy Miller; her brother and mother; Mr Giovanelli; Mrs Costello; Mrs Walker.


3.      The major theme of ‘The Awakening ispersonal freedom, independence, a position of woman in American society.

Art is the symbol of  ….. opening yourself and freedom (Edna, Mrs Reisz) and birds stand for …..  – women’s cage, entrapment, because birds in the cage are not totally free.


4.      How is the international/major theme presented in Daisy Miller? that’s the confrontation between Europeans and Americans, innocent, spontaneous America and strict European rules, manners and European experience.

Daisy and her brother stand for – materialic society, America (new society), both of them are frank, innocent, they don’t know anything about European code of behaviour. They are fresh, young, open like America which is liberal society.


5.      In ‘The Harbour’ Carl Sandburg presents two images image of the city – hunger, hungry women, ugly walls, sad image, ugliness of the slumms; and contrax – beauty of nature – beauty of the lake, long waves.


6.      Explain the theme of ‘The Death of the Hired Man’ death; Everybody needs a place, where you can die in peace, place which you can call a home. Silas is a proud man, he doesn’t want to go to his brother, because he didn’t help him. Family – no matter what house will accept you.


7.      The elements of determinism in ‘The Open Boat’ includeeverthing is determine by not people, the life is dependant on the nature, we cannot control it. Strong belief that man is the feature, that life is control by sth which we can’t control. Men are led by the instincts to survive, they are left alone, they don’t pray, the nature represented by the sea is strong and indifferent, there is no even God.


8.      Ezra Pound insisted on ………. presenting visual images …………… in poetry.


9.      In ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’ the woods end dark may symbolize  –death, evil, grave, poet’s loneliness, sadness, tiredness.


10.  The chief principles of Imagism comprise direct concentration of the image, use of the colloquial language, creation of a new rhythm, complete freedom in the choice of subject.


11.  In what sense is Tom Sawyer a perfect contrast to Huck? – Tom is total oposition to Huck. Tom is civilized, well – behaved, he goes to school and he’s not as creative as Huck. He repeats things which he read about. Huck is a boy who doesn’t go to school, he learns life from own experience.

12.  ‘The Open Boat’ might be considered a piece of reportage. It’s major theme is man’s eternal struggle against nature. The life of four men is upon the power that they cannot control, they have to cooperate – the necessity of cooperation in the time of disaster.


13.  Ennumerate the features of naturalism determinism, belief in fate, they say there is no God, just fate, element of fate. Man is the feature, life is control by sth which we cannot control: instincts, fight for survival, characteristic – some people are damned.


14.  Dried leaves in ‘The Young Housewife’may symbolize an affair which the doctor and his pacient had and a human life. Nature of things.


15.  Give Ezra Pound’s definition of image/According to Ezra Pound image is/Give Pound’s definition of an image is an intellectual and emotional complex, presented in an instant of time.


16.  Why is ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ called the novel of initiation? in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, “Initiation” is the main idea, in other words the “major theme.” In an initiation narrative, the protagonist, who in this case was Huck Finn, goes through a rite of passage, a growing up process, which is multifaceted. In a moment of crisis, the protagonist is suddenly obliged to make the painful and alarming transition from childhood to adulthood; this passage is known as the initiation. The initiation is the protagonist’s first step or movement into a new beginning. It is essentially a process by which the hero gains self-knowledge and finds his own identity; Huck’s journey is an initiation into life and manhood.


17.  Enumerate elements of naturalistic writing in ‘The Open Boat’ determinism, belief in fate, they say there is no God, just fate, element of fate, when the oiler dies.


18.  Discuss symolism of the sea and houses in ‘The Awakening’ the sea – it represents Edna’s unrestricted freedom, the symbol of escape. Her husband’s house – a cage; Pigeon house – freedom, she is free there, she does what she wants, corensponds to her personality.


19.  List features of the local color literature on the basis of the example ‘Huckleberry Finn’ the novel shows particular geographical region: South America, presents habitans of the South – farmers, uses dialects of American South (Huck).


20.  The international theme is used by Hanry James in his works, it’s about Americans living in Europe, contrast – the confrontation between Europeans and Americans, innocent, spontaneous America and strict European rulles, manners and European experience.


21.  William Carlos Williams used …. very colloquial language and clear, simple image.


22.  The basic features of the naturalistic trend in America are determinism, belief in fate, they say there is no God, just fate, element of fate. Man is the feature, life is control by sth which we cannot control: instincts, fight for survival, characteristic – some people are damned, social and economic enviroments.

23.  ‘The Awakening can be considered an example of local color literature because She tries to show 2 dialects, languages: white creoles – French speaking descendants of early French or Spannish settlers and descendants from Canada, original settlers. New Orleans and the Southern Louisiana, Grand Isle, dialect – Southern and also the French language used frequently.


24.  Spoon river athology by …… Edgar Lee Masters shows …… daily human life, women working in a farm, lovers, scientists – variety of social class.


25.  Carl Sanburg’s poetry resembles Whitman’s poetry as he uses repetitions, he writes in free verse, he’s also great democrat. Their works are similar – Sanburg’s ‘I’m the people, the mob’ and Whitman’s ‘I’m everybody’.


26.  ‘The Road not Taken’ by ….. Robert Frost is a story of….. taking decisions in life, first road is clear, second grassy. Choosing your own way in life is difficult. He doesn’t know if he would be successful, he doesn’t know the future results.



II. Identify:


Spoon river athology – is a collection of short free – form poems by Edgar Lee Masters.


Imagism is a movement which began (in early) 20th century Anglo – American history that favored presision of imagery and clear, sharp language. The main poet –  Ezra Pound.


William Carlos Williams was an American poet closely associated with modernism and imagism. He wrote: ‘The Young Housewife’; ‘This Is Just to Say’.


The notion of pure poetry introduced by Wallace Stevens, an abstract poet; all what surround us is a great chaos.


‘The Art of Fiction’ famous essay by Henry James in which he gives the principles of good writing – novel should be very well constructed.


‘The River Merchant’s Wife: A Letter’ the poem adapted with oriental history by Ezra Pound; it’s dramatic lyric.


Mrs Costello – the character from the book ‘Daisy Miller’ by Henry James, Winterbourne’s aunt.


Local color literature refers to poetry that focuses on specific features – including characters, dialects, customs, history and topography – of a particular region; is the tendency to focus on a specific geographical region or locality. Mark Twain displaces local color literature in ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ through characers, topography and dialects (for instance Jim).


Dramatic lyric it’s a dramatic monologue written in a form of a letter, piece of performed writing that offers great inside into the feeling of the speaker.

The Gilded Age era of rapid economic and population growth in the US during the 20th century. The term was invented by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner in their book, ‘The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today’.


     ‘The Cantos’ – is a long, incomplete poem in 120 sentions, each of which is a canto,    

      it’s written by Ezra Pound.


    Billie one of the characters of Steven Crane short – story ‘The Open Boat’.


     Blank verse type of poetry, distinguished by having a regular meter, but no rhyme. 

      It was used by Robert Frost.


     Jack London an American author, journalist and social activist. He wrote ‘The     

     Iron Heel’.


     Jackson Island is the place from Mark Twain’s book ‘The Adventures of the   

     Huckleberry Finn’, where Huck meets Jim, after when Jim ran away from Miss  

     Watson’s house.


For Huck ‘Territory’ means it’s the place where Huck will be free, will be close to nature, leaving near Mississippi river.


Psychological realism the main theme are character’s inner emotions, feelings and relationship with other people and perceiving the world. For example: Henry James.


Mrs Walker one of the character from the book ‘Daisy Miller’ by Henry James.


‘Poetry, magazine of Verse’...

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