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Politics this week
Mar 30th 2006
From The Economist print edition
The new Kadima party, founded by Ariel Sharon, won the largest number of
parliamentary seats (28) in Israel's general election . Mr Sharon's former party, the
Likud, did poorly, winning only 11 seats, whilst Labour won 20. But Kadima, led by
acting prime minister Ehud Olmert, won less decisively than expected, which should
make forming a stable coalition harder. See article
A cabinet formed by the Islamist party, Hamas, won a parliamentary vote and formed a
Palestinian government. Ismail Haniya was sworn in as prime minister. He urged the
international community not to punish the Palestinian people for their support of Hamas
by suspending aid. See article
After three weeks of argument, the UN Security Council issued a presidential statement
calling on Iran to suspend uranium enrichment. At the insistence of Russia and China, a phrase saying that Iranian
nuclear weapons would be a threat to peace was excised from the final text. See article
In Iraq , the American army faced mounting anger and political pressure from Shias after a combined raid with the
Iraqi army on a Baghdad mosque complex killed about 20 people. Elsewhere in the country, scores more bodies
were found, victims of a wave of sectarian violence that has driven 30,000 people from their homes. See article
In Nigeria , the remaining three Western oil workers kidnapped by militants demanding a bigger local share of oil
revenues flowing from the Niger Delta region were released.
At a summit in Khartoum, Sudan, the Arab League pledged to fund the embattled and under-resourced African
Union force in the Darfur region of the country for the next six months. The UN is expected to assume control of
the force in October.
After nearly three years in exile in Nigeria, Charles Taylor , a former Liberian president, was taken into custody by
the international war-crimes tribunal in Sierra Leone. He faces trial on 17 counts of war crimes and crimes against
humanity for his alleged role in Sierra Leone's brutal civil war. See article
Expensive exit
Antonio Palocci, Brazil's powerful finance minister, resigned because his office was party to the leaking of bank-
account details of a witness against him in a corruption scandal. His replacement, Guido Mantega, was the head of
the country's largest development bank. The real and Brazil's bonds both lost value. See article
Animal-rights activists, including Brigitte Bardot and Sir Paul McCartney, tried to hinder
an annual cull of 325,000 harp seals in eastern Canada , which officials say is needed to
control their numbers.
Hell, no, we won't vote
In Thailand , protestors staged a final demonstration in protest at an election due on
April 2nd, which the prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, has called early in an attempt
to disarm his critics. The main opposition parties are boycotting the poll. See article
An Afghan Muslim, who escaped a possible death sentence for the crime of becoming a
Christian, arrived in Italy where he was immediately granted asylum.
The first jail sentence given to medical professionals for aborting a female fetus was handed down in India . A
doctor and his assistant were sentenced to two years for revealing the sex of the fetus, illegal under Indian law,
and then agreeing to abort it. A recent report estimated that around 10m female fetuses have been aborted in
India in the past 20 years.
By nEo
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Pakistan praised an offer by India's prime minister, Manmohan Singh, of a treaty of friendship, peace and
security, between the two adversaries.
Talking to the enemy
Negotiations continued in Ukraine to form a coalition government following a parliamentary election. President
Viktor Yushchenko's party fared badly, taking 14% of the vote, forcing him to talk to Yulia Tymoshenko, his former
“orange revolution” ally, about returning to her old job of prime minister. See article
Belarus continued to clamp down on protests against Alyaksandr Lukashenka's victory in the recent presidential
election. A former Polish ambassador to the country was among those jailed. NATO joined Western governments in
denouncing the election as flawed and is to review its strategic pact with Belarus. See article
Strikes and demonstrations continued across France against a new labour contract for the young. Though most
protests were peaceful, skirmishes broke out in Paris. See article
Turkey tried to reassure markets that its president's decision to veto the appointment of an Islamist as governor
of the central bank was not a crisis. Adnan Buyukdeniz was nominated by the ruling Justice and Development
Party, which has seen several of its nominations to key government posts rejected by Turkey's secular institutions.
The fall guy
Andrew Card resigned as George Bush's chief of staff . He held the post longer than
anyone since the Eisenhower administration, but was blamed by some Republicans for
the slide in the president's popularity. He was replaced by Josh Bolten, the current
budget director. See article
Jack Abramoff was sentenced to six years in prison for fraud in Florida. The former
lobbyist will not be sent behind bars just yet as he is co-operating with a federal
investigation in a separate fraud and bribery case, for which he made a plea-bargain deal
in January and is yet to be sentenced.
Around half a million people demonstrated in Los Angeles against stringent immigration
proposals that are being championed by Republicans in Congress. However, a committee in the Senate approved a
bill combining tighter border security with ways to allow illegal migrants to become citizens and others to come as
guest-workers. See article
The Supreme Court heard an appeal by Osama bin Laden's former driver, which challenges the use of presidential
powers to try suspected terrorists in military tribunals. The court is expected to rule later this year.
In a unanimous vote, the Federal Election Commission decided that political websites, such as internet blogs , can
remain broadly unregulated in what they publish (except for paid political advertising).
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