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Politics this week
Mar 2nd 2006
From The Economist print edition
In the wake of last week's bombing of the Iraqi Shias' Askariya shrine, a wave of
sectarian reprisals ensued, mainly against Sunni Arabs, raising fears that the country
might tip into wholesale civil war. Despite a four-day curfew and the deployment of
American and Iraqi troops, the communal strife continued, leaving at least 500 civilians
dead; some morgue officials put the toll at more than 1,300. See article
The Palestinians' caretaker government welcomed the European Union's offer of
euro 120m ($140m) in emergency aid to keep it going. The money will be channelled to
aid projects and to pay energy bills. The EU and America are still discussing whether to
stop payments after Hamas forms a government.
Iran and Russia failed to agree on a Russian proposal to enrich uranium for Iran on
Russian soil; the Iranians refused to agree to stop all uranium enrichment at home. Iran requested last-minute
talks with Britain, France and Germany, ahead of a board meeting next week of the IAEA, the UN's nuclear
Authorities in Saudi Arabia foiled an attack on the country's largest oil refinery, at Abqaiq, killing four al-Qaeda
terrorists. Later, a police raid killed the man the Saudis said was al-Qaeda's leader in the kingdom. Jordan said it
had thwarted an al-Qaeda plan to attack “a vital civilian facility” in Amman.
For the first time in three years, Côte d'Ivoire's president, Laurent Gbagbo, and Guillaume Soro, leader of the
main northern rebel group, held talks on Ivorian soil, raising hopes that the divided country may not again descend
into outright civil war.
Uganda 's incumbent president, Yoweri Museveni, was re-elected by a wide margin over his nearest rival. Kizza
Besigye promised to challenge the result, alleging that many of his supporters were prevented from casting their
vote. See article
Masked gunmen, believed to be police, made a night raid on the independent-minded Kenya Television Network.
Other gunmen burned copies at the printing press of the Standard newspaper, part of the same group, which has
been investigating shenanigans surrounding Kenya's president, Mwai Kibaki.
Hunters and gatherers
A Council of Europe report on alleged illegal detentions and renditions of terrorist suspects at secret airports or on
flights operated by the Central Intelligence Agency found no evidence that the Americans had broken any laws.
But it added that Europe was a “happy hunting ground” where foreign spies could operate with no domestic
Russia's president , Vladimir Putin, visited Hungary and the Czech Republic. He took a soft tone with his hosts,
seeming partly to apologise for actions by the Soviet Union, but also to make up for recent squabbles over energy
supplies. See article
The prime minister of Kosovo , Bajram Kosumi, resigned after less than a year in office. He had been widely
criticised as ineffective. Talks about the ultimate status of the Serbian province continue in Vienna.
Ken Livingstone, London's Labour mayor, had his suspension from office stayed by the High Court. He was due to
begin a four-week enforced holiday on March 1st for comparing a local journalist, who is Jewish, to a guard in a
concentration camp. Mr Livingstone refuses to apologise, insisting that he was merely following his usual method
for handling the press.
Fresh blood
Portia Simpson Miller is due to become Jamaica's first female prime minister after being elected president of the
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ruling People's National Party. This made her automatically eligible to succeed P. J. Patterson, the island's leader
for the past 14 years, when he steps down, probably next month.
Honduras's new president, Manuel Zelaya, declared a state of emergency in the country's health-care system,
which is facing a shortage of medicines. He entered office in January promising to make poverty a top priority.
Uruguay became the first South American country to bring in a ban on smoking in bars, restaurants, offices and
other enclosed public places.
A terminal decline?
The Bush administration said it would take another look at the security issues surrounding the sale of operations in
six American ports to DP World, which is based in Dubai. Congressional leaders said they would wait for the
outcome of the 45-day review before taking any action to block the deal. Separately, an opinion poll for CBS
showed George Bush's approval rating at a new low of 34%. See article
Six months after Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans held its annual Mardi Gras
celebration, which was somewhat muted. Meanwhile, a video emerged that showed
federal officials warning Mr Bush of the risk to the city shortly before the disaster. See
Cardinal Roger Mahony, leader of the Los Angeles archdiocese, said Catholic priests
would defy any legislation from Congress requiring churches to check the legal status of
immigrants to whom they give assistance. Denouncing anti-immigrant sentiment as
“hysterical”, the cardinal called for a humane reform of immigration policy.
Speaking as a friend
President Bush arrived in India at the start of a state visit and announced a deal on the transfer of American
nuclear technology to India. America's Congress will want to look at the details. On his way, Mr Bush paid a
surprise visit to Afghanistan , where he met Hamid Karzai at the presidential palace. See article
Taiwan's president, Chen Shui-bian, announced the termination of a body supposed to
be negotiating reunification with the mainland. China's response (it warned of “disaster”)
was relatively restrained. See article
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, the Philippines' president, ordered a review of the country's
security situation after claiming to have uncovered a coup plot to topple her. Mrs Arroyo
declared a state of emergency in the country on February 24th, but pledges to give up
her emergency powers as soon as possible.
Thailand's prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, called a general election, which the
opposition said it would boycott, after weeks of demonstrations against him. Protestors
set a deadline for him to resign. See article
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