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Griffin Flasher version 2.03 changes
Box modification for IMEI rebuild feature:
this resistor has to be 180 ohm
Start Griffin2_03.exe
Upload personal update for your box ( retrieved from
Show SerialManagement
Connect cable for phone ( without phone )
Click TestVBAT ( picture bellow) and measure the voltage on battery pins. The voltage has to be
5.1V. This is needed for writing data in UEM.
789533656.001.png 789533656.002.png
So if the voltage is 5.1V if have done to modification correct and you are able to repair IMEI/ESN of
nokia phones. If the voltage is a little bit more or less this is a problem related to bad resistor value
so please experiment with resistors until the voltage is satisfactory close to 5.1V.
After you are done with the modification you can start to
Repair phone IMEIs
Connect phone.
Click ‘Write Data’, browse and select RPL file
Some notes on UEM and RPL files:
Due to bug in nokia implementation any RPL file from nokia can be used. The RPL file has to be
generated for the same asic as the phone asic ( 2,5,7). The RPL file has to have DATA1, DATA2 in
The UEM that is put in the phone has to be EMPTY. Note that apart from the original UEMs that
nokia provided to their services for repair, there are a lot of cheap UEMs. Some of those are fake so
the operation will fail, or if it doesn’t fail it is very likely that UEM will have other problems so even
that you phone has imei after the rebuild it may not have network, sounds …… ( all kinds of
problems). Nothing can be done about this as the UEM chip has some problem in it ( probably that is
why it is much cheaper then original UEMs).
Note: Writing IMEI data to UEM can be done only ones.
A good way to know that the UEM you soldered is good it to do the following:
After you have put the new UEM power on the phone it wait for 40seconds. If the phones doesn’t
power of for that time it is very likely that UEM chip is good. If it powers off after around 30sec
probably the UEM is bad.
Note : if “ManualMode” is checked when you rebuild IMEI Griffin will not try to unlock the phone.
If it is unchecked Griffin will try to unlock the phone after the repair . This is needed because the
phone will be locked if the original imei was different then the one you set with RPL file.
Flasing TDMA phones and 6650:
Nothing to be read for this, flashing and unlocking is done just the same way as for any other phone
supported by Griffin.
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