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Behavioural Processes 60 (2002) 165 / 180
Emotions in farm animals:
a new approach to animal welfare in applied ethology
Lara D´sir´, Alain Boissy * , Isabelle Veissier
Unit´ de Recherche sur les Herbivores, INRA Clermont-Ferrand/Theix, F-63122 Saint-Gen`s-Champanelle, France
Received 1 November 2001; accepted 25 February 2002
One of the major topics of applied ethology is the welfare of animals reared by humans. Welfare can be defined as a
state of harmony between an individual and its environment. Any marked deviation from this state, if perceived by the
individual, results in a welfare deficit due to negative emotional experiences. In humans, verbal language helps to assess
emotional experiences. In animals, only behavioural and physiological measurements help to detect emotions.
However, how to interpret these responses in terms of emotional experiences remains an open question. The
information on the cognitive abilities of farm animals, which are available but scattered, could help the understanding
of their emotions. We propose a behavioural approach based on cognitive psychology: emotions can be investigated in
farm animals in terms of the individual’s appraisal of the situation. This evaluative process depends on: (a) the intrinsic
characteristics of the eliciting event (suddenness, novelty, pleasantness); (b) the degree of conflict of that event with the
individual’s needs or expectations; and (c) the individual’s coping possibilities offered by the environment. The result of
such an evaluation determines the negative versus positive emotions. We propose an analysis of the emotional
repertoire of farm animals in terms of the relationship between the evaluative process of the event on the one hand and
the behavioural and physiological responses on the other hand.
# 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Cognition; Emotion; Farm animal; Welfare
1. Introduction
standards. For example, the Council of Europe
adopted a Convention for the protection of
animals kept for farming purposes in 1976 ( Coun-
cil of Europe, 1976 ). The concern for animal
welfare is strongly associated with the attribution
of mental states to animals ( Dawkins, 1990 ).
Welfare is fulfilled when the animals do not feel
any long lasting negative emotions and when they
can experience positive emotions ( Dawkins, 1983;
Fraser, 1995 ). Nevertheless, what emotions exactly
farm animals can feel is not clear.
Animal welfare is becoming a major topic in
applied ethology. Applied ethology deals with
behaviour of animals reared by humans. Humans,
being responsible for the living conditions of the
animals, have the duty to ensure minimal welfare
* Corresponding author. Tel.: / 33-473-62-4298
E-mail address: boissy@clermont.inra.fr (A. Boissy).
0376-6357/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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Emotional responses are generally assessed by
behavioural tests, which are often experimentally
using events that animals can face in farming. For
example, Hargreaves and Hutson (1990) studied
the emotional response of wethers in five routine
handling treatments namely shearing, crutching,
drenching, dipping and drafting. In such tests, the
tendency of an animal to react more or less to
negativeevents is called ‘emotionality’ or ‘reactiv-
ity’ or so-called ‘temperament’ ( Wolff et al., 1997;
Boissy, 1998 ). Emotional states are used as post-
hoc variables to try to understand the animal’s
reaction to the test. Words like ‘fear’ or ‘frustra-
tion’ are often used to describe what the animal
experiences when faced with a new or sudden
situation, or one associated beforehand with
punishment ( Gray, 1987 ). Hence, fear is highly
adaptive, it prevents the animal from interacting
with potentially dangerous elements. The term of
frustration describes the emotional state arising
when the animal fails to achieve some gratification
where it is expected ( LeDoux, 1995 ). Exposure to
sudden stimuli, to the presence of a human or a
novel object or environment are classically used to
induce fear in order to study the effect of breed or
rearing conditions on reactivity of animals from
various species, such as sheep ( Romeyer and
Bouissou, 1992 ) and cattle ( Boissy and Bouissou,
1995 ). In addition, preventing the access to a
substrate that allows performance of highly moti-
vated behaviour results in emotional responses,
which are believed to express frustration. For
instance, Mason et al. (2001) used the word
‘frustration’ to explain the increased cortisol blood
levels in minks denied the access to a pool where
they used to swim. But in most other cases, tests
are not set up to address the question of emotions
of animals and no comparison between different
emotional states can be made.
In behavioural tests, the measures are mainly
based on ‘gross’ behaviour: approach or avoidance
of a stimulus, locomotion during a test, interaction
with an object or a person are generally measured
( Boissy et al., 2001 ). These might not allow us to
distinguish between different emotions. For exam-
ple, locomotor activity of sheep is increased in fear
eliciting situations such as the presence of a novel
object or in an open-field ( Romeyer and Bouissou,
1992 ). However, locomotor activity is also en-
hanced in response to a sexually frustrating situa-
tion ( Bishop et al., 1999 ). In humans, emotions can
be distinguished via facial expressions even when
the general behaviour of the person looks the same
( Ekman and Friesen, 1971 ). Because the aim of
most experiments related to emotions in farm
animals was to characterise their ‘reactivity’, such
distinctions are not looked for.
Although it is claimed that farm animals are
sentient creatures, it is paradoxical that there is no
exact knowledge of what their subjective experi-
ences are about. This gap in knowledge could
result from a lack of a theoretical framework for
the study of emotions in animals. Recent develop-
ments in human psychology could help us to
overcome this problem. In this paper, we first
present a series of arguments in favour of the
existence of emotions in farm animals. On the
basis of current knowledge, we show that these
animals are able to build mental representations to
support their subjective experiences. Then, after a
brief presentation of the different theories of
emotion developed in human psychology, we
propose a framework for an approach of emotions
in animals. This paper will focus on birds and
mammals, which are used in farming, and which
will be referred to as ‘farm animals’.
2. Existence of emotional experiences in animals
An emotion is an intense but short-living
affective response to an event (the duration of
emotion is a much debated question but briefness
seems widely accepted), and is materialised in
specific body changes. An emotion is classically
described through a behavioural component (a
posture or an activity), an autonomic component
(visceral and endocrine responses) and a subjective
component (emotional experience or feeling) (for
review see Dantzer, 1988 ). In addition, the sub-
jective component, which corresponds at least in
humans to the perception of the emotion in
relation to the eliciting situation, leads to subse-
quent adjustment of the behavioural and auto-
nomic response.
L. D´sir´ et al. / Behavioural Processes 60 (2002) 165 / 180
The existence of emotions in animals is a
controversial issue both in psychology and biol-
ogy. Rollin (1989) calls attention to the following
paradox: scientists are shy of attributing mental
states to animals, such as the ability to feel fear,
anxiety or suffering, yet at the same time con-
siderable experimental work is manifestly being
done to stop pain or to relieve anxiety in animals.
From an adaptation perspective the ability to
perceive its own emotions enables an individual
to detect and assess a discrepancy between its
requirements and environmental conditions. In
addition, the etymology of the word ‘emotion’ is
‘movement outwards’: the ability to express emo-
tions enables an individual to give information to
tive emotions such as fear act as negative reinfor-
cers in the sense that the animal learns to avoid an
action if fear is the consequence of that action. For
instance, fear is supposed to produce running and
hiding in reaction to a perceived danger. However,
at that stage, we cannot be sure that the reaction is
based on an emotional experience since some
plants ‘approach’ light by turning their branches,
although they do not have a nervous system to feel
emotions. Nevertheless, animals do not just react
to existing challenges; they are also able to
anticipate a challenge. For instance, Veissier et
al. (1989) conditioned heifers to be frightened by a
visual object by associating it with an aversive
electric shock. Animals react as if they were able to
compare their actual environment to some internal
reference, being what they expect their environ-
ment to be ( Wiepkema, 1987 ). As a matter of fact,
stress responses, which have been defined as non-
specific modifications of the body to an aggression
do not depend directly on the situation to which
the individual is exposed; but rather on the
negative interpretation that the individual makes
of the situation, specially when it is prevented from
meeting its own expectancies or needs ( Lazarus,
1991 ). The importance of mental representations
in animals’ responses to stress was first demon-
strated in primates. Monkeys deprived of food
while their neighbours are normally fed show high
plasma corticoid levels, a sign of stress ( Mason,
1971 ). This reaction disappears when they are fed
non-nutritive pellets or when they are isolated
from the normally fed controls. In this case, it is
not so much the absence of food as the perception
of a deprivation that causes the stress. Similar
effects have been reported in farm animals. Cows
do not react in the same way when they are
exposed to gradual or to sudden temperature
variations. When ambient temperature rises gra-
dually, the plasma corticoid levels fall, enabling
the animal to reduce its own heat production
( Johnson and Vanjonack, 1975 ). However, when
the ambient temperature rises suddenly, there is a
transient rise in corticoid levels before the normal
decreasing ( Fig. 1 ). The corticoid rise may be
interpreted here as a psychological response to the
situation. This psychological response is not linked
to the nature of the situation (exposure to heat),
In humans, at least in adults, verbal reports of
emotions can be obtained together with beha-
vioural and physiological responses. In contrast, in
animals, which lack verbal language, behavioural
and physiological criteria are the only available
means* / as a body language* / to determine
whether the animal perceives a situation as emo-
tionally relevant. Since the evolutionary theory of
Darwin (1872) , the phylogenetic continuity and
universality of emotions have often been con-
firmed. There has been extensive research showing
that the neural circuits that underpin experience
and expression of emotions in humans exist in
animals, too. These circuits include subcortical
nervous structures such as the limbic system, the
hypothalamus and the brain stem, which ensure
regulation of the body and survival (for review see
Gray, 1987; LeDoux, 1995 ), and also, at least in
primates, cortical structures such as the frontal
lobe and somatosensory areas where signals from
the body are sent (for review see Damasio, 2001 ).
The existence of a subjective component in
animals is supported by a series of analogies
between emotional manifestations in humans and
behavioural or physiological adaptations reported
in animals ( Wiepkema, 1987 ). Emotions are often
supposed to be the reason why an animal ap-
proaches or rather avoids an eliciting situation
( DeCatanzaro, 1999 ). Rolls (2000) claims that
animals which have the ability to anticipate or
learn to obtain reinforcers, have emotions: nega-
L. D´sir´ et al. / Behavioural Processes 60 (2002) 165 / 180
Fig. 1. Evolution of plasma cortisol in cows that are individually exposed to an increase (upper histogram) or a decrease (lower
histogram) of room temperature. Changes of temperature are either progressive (dotted line) or sudden (full line). When cows are
exposed to a sudden change in the room temperature, an initial increase of the plasma cortisol is observed which is independent of the
temperature the animal is exposed to. In the case of an exposition to a high temperature, the elevation of plasma cortisol does not serve
a thermoregulatory mechanism since for thermoregulation, a decrease would be more adequate. It seems that the first response of the
corticotropic axis to a strong stimulus is a psychological one (response to an acute change) and that the specific response
(thermoregulation) occurs subsequently (from Johnson and Vanjonack, 1975; Dantzer and Morm`de, 1979 ).
but to its suddenness, which the animal probably
perceives as an aggression ( Dantzer and Morm`de,
1979 ). The apparent ‘non-specificity’ of stress
response seems to come from the common emo-
tion that underlies them ( Mason, 1971 ).
Analogy between human depressive chronic
states and the consequences of repeated stress in
animals argues that animals experience emotional
states that can have long term consequences. In
depressive patients the function of the corticotro-
pic axis is modified: more specifically the stimulat-
ing action of ACTH on corticoids release by the
adrenal glands is increased, and the corticotropic
axis escapes from the feedback control by corti-
coids ( Carroll et al., 1981; Modell et al., 1998;
O’Toole et al., 1998 ). Such modifications of the
functioning of the corticotropic axis are also
observed in farm animals exposed to a chronic
stress. For example increased sensitivity to ACTH
has been observed in calves subjected to frequent
L. D´sir´ et al. / Behavioural Processes 60 (2002) 165 / 180
changes of their social partners ( Veissier et al.,
2001 ; Fig. 2 ). Similarly, in pigs subjected to high
social densities, the corticotropic axis escapes from
the feedback control by corticoids ( Meunier-Sal-
aun et al., 1987 ).
The question of emotions in animals does
therefore seem to have a biological basis, because
first, there are homologies between humans and
animals in the nervous system and, second, there
are analogies between humans and animals in
behavioural and physiological modifications ob-
served in emotion-eliciting situations, at least in
extreme situations. However, little is known on
what emotions animals can really feel. Tradition-
ally, the analysis of emotions in animals has
focused on negative emotions, most often fear,
frustration, anger and aversion ( DeCatanzaro,
1999 ). These emotions are often described using
the same behavioural (flight, etc.) and physiologi-
cal responses (activation of the corticotropic axis,
or of the autonomic nervous system, etc.) making
it difficult to distinguish them on the behavioural
and physiological level. By contrast to laboratory
animals, emotions of a positive nature, such as joy
or pleasure, are seldom mentioned in farm ani-
mals. Very few tests use positive situations
although it could help to improve handling as
shown by Hutson (1985) who observed that food
rewards might improve sheep handling. Just as
flight, attack or behavioural inhibition elicited by
a situation, are thought to result from fear, pursuit
of a stimulus (approach, choice, etc.) is interpreted
as a preference for a pleasant situation.
3. Diversity of approaches of emotion in psychology
Emotions have been extensively studied in
psychology. A brief review of this wide research
could help to clarify what emotion is and may be
Fig. 2. Response of the adrenal cortex to an injection of dexamethasone and ACTH in calves that were either repeatedly changed of
partner and of pen (regrouped animals n / 8) or were maintained in stable pairs (controls n / 8). The area under the curve, that
represents the overall cortisol response to ACTH injection, is higher in regrouped animals than in controls (6.688 vs. 5.508 ng min/ml,
F / 8.76, P B / 0.01). This higher sensitivity of the adrenals to ACTH may be explained, in this gregarious species, by chronic stress
induced by the repeated loss of the partner and mixing with a new one. This modification is similar to the one observed in humans who
suffer from depression. This homology gives support to the existence of negative experiences in calves that might, to a certain extent, be
similar to those reported by depressive patients (from Veissier et al., 2001 ).
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