Flying Saucers Have Landed by Desmond Leslie and George Adamski 1957 (2006).pdf

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" If Adamski and the six companions who swore an affidavit to his Space Man
encounter are not trying to pull off a gigantic hoax, then this is quite possibly the
greatest story ever."
That was what the Daily Sketch wrote about " Flying Saucers Have Landed." For,
in the second part of this book, Adamski swears that he saw a space ship land in
the desert in California and that he made contact with one of its occupants. More,
he provides considerable testimony to support his claims.
Desmond Leslie, who contributes the first part of the book, goes even further,
asserting that flying saucers have been landing on earth for thousands of years,
and gives records of their arrivals
I would like to dedicate Book One to Shaun and to Christopher-Mark who will
know much more about these things than their father by the time they are grown
Book Two of this work is dedicated to People, everywhere and in every world.
July, 1953.
I wish to thank Michael Juste, Robert Roberts, B.SC., Harold Chibbett, Oswald
Frewen and Herbert Jones, who in various ways have provided me with
invaluable assistance in the preparation of Book One.
I also wish to thank the Editors of Time and Life for their kind permission to
reprint the seven incidents from Life mentioned in Chapter 2; Elliott Rockmore for
kindly supplying the Flying Saucer Review, referred to in Chapter 4;
Theosophical Publishing House for allowing liberal quotations from the works of
Besant, Leadbeater and Sinnett; Lucis Press for the quotations from The Tibetan;
Andrew Dakers Ltd for the extract from More Things In Heaven, and the various
Saucer Research Groups throughout the world who have furnished material. Also
to Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd, for permission to quote from The Flying
Saucers Are Real, by Donald Keyhoe. No acknowledgment would be complete
without a most grateful thought cast in the direction of the shade of the late
Charles Fort, whose researches have literally saved me years of labour.
With grateful thanks I acknowledge the sincere co-operation and untiring efforts
of those who have helped me make this book possible. And without the editing
and helpful encouragement of C.L.J. this book in its present form and at this time
would have been impossible.
About eighteen million years ago, say the strange and ancient legends of our
little planet, at a time when Mars, Venus and Earth were in close conjunction,
along a magnetic path so formed came a huge, shining, radiant vessel of
dazzling power and beauty, bringing to earth ‘thrice thirty-five’ human beings, of
perfection beyond our highest ideals; gods rather than men; divine kings of
hermaphrodite monster was evolved into thinking, sexual man. 1
1 / See: The Tibetan and A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire; Annie
Besant, The Pedigree of Man; H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, Vols.
I and III; A. E. Powell, The Solar System; C. W. Leadbeater and Annie
Besant, Man, Where, Whence and Whither.
The arts by which these elder members of the Solar Family propelled their
vessels, raised great weights, and ordered their dominion over natural elements
(say the legends) were imparted to our early forefathers who, later, built shining
vessels of their own, and with colossal intuition explored the upper spaces, and
sought out the secrets of the inner depths. They understood and wielded states
of matter whose existence modern science barely suspects, and constructed
forms outside the crippling limitations of tangible matter.
From then until the present day, earthly constructions, and constructions from a
myriad of other worlds, have been seen and recorded in our sky.
When press and radio came, enabling man to fill the whole world with his chatter,
hitherto restricted by the effective range of his lungs, a luminous body seen over
London or an aerial phenomenon seen in Western America would cause
speculation in Australia and wonder in India all on the same day—thanks to the
modern improvements.
That is why, on 24 June 1947, when Kenneth Arnold saw a fleet of ten shining
circular disks whizzing along at a thousand miles per hour, darting in and out of
the peaks around Mount Rainier, State of Washington, the news flashed round
the world with the speed of light waves, and started the commotion we call flying
Arnold certainly started something (revived would be more accurate), and from
then on a steady stream of reports came in, mainly from trustworthy, observant
citizens who had noticed that an early form of locomotion was once more active
in the air. In spite of constant denials and quite unbelievable explanations, the
governments of the world have gradually been forced to give their attention to the
matter and to create secret departments for investigation. Today, the American
Government has dropped its original attitude of disbelief and admitted that it has
over eighteen hundred authentic cases on its files. The British Air Ministry is
more cautious, but grudgingly admits that it also has a secret department to deal
with or to discourage questions.
The American Government, however, on 25 September 1952 dropped the
alarming hint that it accepts these phenomena but hints that it is not in the public
interest for it to publish all it knows.
Now such a remark is disquieting, not only to those old ladies who nightly peer
beneath their beds for burglars, but also to the general public, down whose
communal spine a slightly chilling sensation is apt to pass. Thus it is the purpose
of this book to find out just what that something could be the authorities do not
wish us to know. And the result of this Pandora-like curiosity is to land ourselves
with a splash in Stygian waters, well out of our depth, and out of the depth, too,
we think, of the authorities, governmental and scientific, who would be loath to
consider such possibilities. Nor is it really their business to do so, for when
governments start plumbing the river Styx, the results are not always beneficial to
the governed.
However, having wet ourselves in its alluring waters we have, undaunted,
dropped our little plumbline, and in the course of our survey made some quite
unexpected soundings, usually in places where the few existing charts say: ‘No
bottom’; and at others, where the depth is confidently given, the line has
practically run out of our hands into some unfathomable abyss. The following
chapters will present the findings as they came.
A word in passing, and a warning. This book is neither intended for, nor humbly
dedicated to, the statistician, nor anyone else who mistakes figures for facts, nor
does it aim to please the followers of what is called Popular Science. A
proponent of the latter once took considerable pains explaining to
G. K. Chesterton that the diamond was exactly the same as a lump of coal. At
the end of it all Chesterton replied: ‘Any fool can see it isn’t !’
It is to this sort of fool; to the lonely heretic who likes to walk alone down strange
untrodden paths; to him who believes that all things are possible, particularly
those things held by other men to be impossible; to him who leaves no stone
unturned, and to him who gives a second chance to ‘the stone rejected by the
builders’, that this book is dedicated.
To these I offer some very curious stones for the turning; taking no responsibility
whatsoever for anything they may find beneath.
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