
(38 KB) Pobierz
{8}{28}Previously on...
{83}{148}Renee was charmed by the new neighbor.
{188}{280}Trying to protect Gaby,|Carlos committed murder.
{286}{373}We are never gonna be able|to tell anybody about this.
{373}{418}Are you gonna be able to live with that?
{418}{490}And the women swore to keep the secret.
{503}{566}But then Bree received a warning.
{750}{793}When I was alive,
{793}{886}Bree Van De Kamp was one|of my closest friends.
{910}{1009}Maybe that's because we|had so much in common.
{1038}{1133}Like Bree, I also received|a menacing letter...
{1155}{1233}One that threatened to|shatter the perfect life
{1233}{1290}I had worked so hard to create.
{1337}{1443}You see, I had once committed|a desperate act of my own.
{1476}{1561}And despite my best|efforts to conceal it,
{1585}{1691}someone found out and|was determined to expose me.
{1737}{1797}I thought about telling my friends.
{1837}{1901}But I decided not to burden them.
{1952}{2029}I had hoped that with one final act,
{2030}{2092}I could consign my deeds to history.
{2110}{2172}But I had forgotten that history...
{2199}{2262}has a way of repeating itself.
{2376}{2409}Something interesting?
{2471}{2552}No. No, just a... letter...
{2559}{2645}from a friend who I haven't,|uh, heard from in a while.
{2669}{2694}You okay?
{2700}{2725}I'm fine.
{2752}{2792}I'm just annoyed
{2792}{2902}because the, uh, postman left me|Gaby's water bill again.
{2911}{2974}You go in. I'll just|put it back in the box.
{3001}{3022}All right.
{3440}{3463}Oh, Karen.
{3466}{3529}You scared me. What are|you doing out so late?
{3530}{3603}What am I, a cat?|I'm allowed to be out past 10:00.
{3603}{3710}I'm sorry. Have you seen|anyone near my mailbox?
{3719}{3754}What's the problem?
{3779}{3827}I just... got a letter.
{3863}{3894}An obscene letter.
{3900}{3925}That's all?
{3929}{3996}You oughta be happy that someone|still finds you obscene.
{3996}{4079}Last week, I got called|"Sir" three times.
{4079}{4114}Karen! This is serious.
{4114}{4180}I need to find out who put|this letter in my mailbox.
{4200}{4250}Wow, you're really shaken up.
{4266}{4293}Yes, I am.
{4324}{4360}This is very upsetting,
{4360}{4393}and I don't know what I'm going to do.
{4403}{4479}It's just a note, Bree. Let it go.
{4558}{4676}Yes, Bree Van De Kamp and|I had so much in common.
{4692}{4746}We shared similar lives.
{4775}{4838}And now Bree found herself praying
{4857}{4939}that we wouldn't share a similar fate.
{5276}{5335}In the divided world of the suburbs,
{5335}{5415}everyone is looking|for a way to connect.
{5431}{5524}They fend off loneliness|with casual conversation.
{5565}{5645}They share old treasures|with a young friend.
{5694}{5787}They help a neighbor|make a difficult move.
{5846}{5903}But for Carlos and Gaby Solis,
{5903}{5965}the only connection that mattered
{5969}{6017}was the romantic one.
{6040}{6105}And when it came to maintaining it,
{6105}{6201}Gaby was willing to|pull out all the stops.
{6263}{6296}What are we celebrating?
{6300}{6384}A new record. It's been|38 days since we last had sex,
{6384}{6432}and that streak is ending tonight.
{6433}{6461}Seriously, it's been that long?
{6461}{6521}38 days.
{6522}{6573}That's like three years in hoo-hah time.
{6597}{6629}Sweetie, I would love to,
{6629}{6667}but I have way too much work to do.
{6667}{6728}Unh-unh. No, no. No excuses.
{6732}{6788}I changed the sheets, shaved my legs,
{6788}{6832}and dumped the kids at McCluskey's,
{6832}{6887}so drop your pants,|cowboy, and saddle up.
{6938}{6965}Yes, ma'am.
{7208}{7263}Don't feel bad.|It happens to lots of men.
{7295}{7357}Not to me. Not to us.
{7428}{7467}Well, it has been 38 days.
{7467}{7514}Maybe the poor little|guy forgot what to do.
{7514}{7547}Not helping.
{7574}{7654}Listen, you've been under|a lot of stress lately.
{7654}{7691}So relax.
{7703}{7744}How about I give you a nice massage,
{7744}{7811}we finish the champagne,|and later we try again?
{7811}{7864}Gaby, thanks, but it's|not gonna work, okay?
{8099}{8228}Like Carlos, Susan Delfino was|also feeling disconnected.
{8230}{8345}Her guilt made the world|a strange and scary place...
{8414}{8503}where she could be|exposed at any moment.
{8528}{8578}Hey! Hold it right there!
{8629}{8659}I know what you did.
{8693}{8744}Yeah, and you're not|getting away with it.
{8750}{8794}You thought you could walk|out with a case of soda
{8794}{8824}and no one would notice?
{8866}{8921}Oh. Uh...
{8934}{8981}I-I forgot those were down there.
{8981}{9048}Yeah. Right. I've never|heard that one before.
{9053}{9099}Ma'am, I'm gonna ask you|to step away from the cart
{9099}{9140}and keep your hands where I can see 'em.
{9144}{9176}Everything okay here?
{9176}{9217}If you consider larceny okay.
{9239}{9267}Mrs. Delfino,
{9267}{9361}on behalf of Fairview market,|I'd like to apologize for Kevin.
{9362}{9401}Seems we're all paying the price
{9401}{9457}for his rejection from|the police academy.
{9457}{9528}Oh, well, excuse me for not|wanting to live in a world
{9528}{9562}where people can commit crimes
{9562}{9603}without suffering the consequences.
{9621}{9673}You are a criminal.
{9679}{9765}I've known Mrs. Delfino for years.
{9771}{9840}She pays for the grapes|she eats in the produce section.
{9840}{9897}She would never do anything bad.
{9916}{9954}Sure, I would.
{10005}{10046}You don't know me at all.
{10059}{10132}I'm a very bad person.|I did a horrible thing.
{10134}{10179}I deserve to be punished.
{10188}{10256}Let me cuff her. I have cuffs.|I brought 'em from home.
{10256}{10290}No one's getting cuffed.
{10290}{10355}Just... pay for the soda|next time you come in.
{10355}{10423}No, no, no. No,|you need to march me inside
{10423}{10489}- and make me pay now.|- Mrs. Delfino...
{10489}{10519}I'm serious.
{10544}{10642}Make an example of me|to deter other criminals.
{10725}{10770}- Fine. Take her in.|- Copy that.
{10820}{10910}Yep. Did the crime. Doing the time.
{10920}{10966}Dead man walking.
{11090}{11119}So what's the damage?
{11119}{11170}An arm and a leg? Just an arm?
{11175}{11238}Not even a finger.|It's a cracked fitting.
{11238}{11275}I swapped it out. It's no charge.
{11275}{11318}Really? The first guy I called
{11318}{11359}said I had to re-pipe the whole house.
{11359}{11394}Oh, it's a scam.
{11394}{11438}These pipes are top-of-the-line copper.
{11438}{11481}The guy that put 'em in did a great job.
{11482}{11538}How do you know? It was me.
{11580}{11621}You just saved me 10 grand.
{11628}{11685}No wonder people say such|good things about you.
{11750}{11786}What are neighbors for?
{11796}{11831}Need anything else, just holler.
{11865}{11904}Actually, there is one thing.
{11946}{11982}I'm a real estate developer,
{11986}{12035}about to break ground on a new project,
{12035}{12084}and, uh, I'm looking for some help...
{12090}{12132}local guys that I can trust.
{12147}{12175}You interested?
{12444}{12499}Hey, Mike. Got a minute?
{12499}{12540}Um... Hey, Renee.
{12545}{12582}We're friends, right?
{12619}{12671}Oh, come on. You fixed|my toilet for free.
{12671}{12738}Um, that wasn't free. I sent you a bill.
{12738}{12775}You just haven't paid it.
{12887}{12968}Ahh. Anyway, look, here's the deal.
{12968}{13072}Uh, Ben likes me.|He just doesn't know it yet.
{13074}{13146}Now I need to find that|thing that we connect on.
{13159}{13231}You've been on the inside.|What can you tell me about him?
{13251}{13323}Well, he's got copper pipes.
{13324}{13363}Something personal.
{13372}{13447}I saw a box of cheerios...|and a coffeemaker.
{13447}{13502}He must like coffee.|Unless it's for guests.
{13502}{13567}Oh, my god. I got more|out of the cable guy,
{13568}{13595}and he's deaf.
{13595}{13685}Does he have any photos?|Artwork? Think, Delfino, think!
{13703}{13744}Okay. Um...
{13758}{13803}There was this plaque from the mayor...
{13803}{13852}Something about his|work with the elderly.
{13900}{13937}He likes the elderly?
{13972}{14009}Well, I like the elderly.
{14025}{14055}Since when?
{14055}{14116}Oh. Old people are adorable.
{14116}{14174}I love their little raisin faces
{14174}{14237}and those tennis balls|they put on their walkers.
{14246}{14294}Thanks for the tip...
{14501}{14538}Hey, how was your day?
{14538}{14598}Awesome. Dad's hotel is so cool.
{14598}{14648}We went swimming in|the pool and played marco polo
{14648}{14685}and cannonballed off the diving board.
{14685}{14713}Why don't we have a pool?
{14713}{14759}And then we got hamburgers|and french fries
{14759}{14796}and super-sized cherry cola slushies.
{14796}{14871}Ah. Sugar and caffeine.
{14871}{14922}I guess you figured|they were too young for meth?
{14930}{14962}It's just a slushie.
{14962}{15018}On a school night.|She's gonna be up till 2:00 A.M.
{15019}{15053}Just 'cause you couldn't say "No."
{15053}{15091}You're blowing this out of proportion.
{15091}{15129}Who wants to play mega monopoly?
{15129}{15191}It's just like regular|monopoly but with more stuff.
{15193}{15237}You just keep playing and playing
{15237}{15282}and playing and playing and playing...
{15282}{15333}Yeah. Way out of proportion.
{15333}{15406}Look, now that we're really separated,
{15406}{15458}I refuse to be the bad guy all the time.
{15458}{15501}You have got to learn to say "No."
{15501}{15545}I say it.
{15545}{15585}Tonight when we walked|past the pet shop,
{15585}{15646}they wanted a spider monkey.|I said "No."
{15646}{15714}I'm serious. Things are different now...
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