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Microsoft Word - SIM Editor Help Guide.doc
SIM Card Editor Help Guide
A. SIM Editor Screenshot
1. Connect!
Program will connect to Card Reader, if
program canÓt connect that, it will pop up a
window with error messages.
2. Phone book
Phone book functions group.
3. New
Open a new phone book.
4. Open
Open a phone book file.
5. Save As
Save as a phone book file.
6. Save to Text File
Save phone book data to a Text file.
7. Read From SIM Card Read phone book data from SIM Card.
8. Write To SIM Card Write Phone book data to phone book.
9. Message Short message function group/
New Open a new message
Open Open a exist message file
Save As Save as a message file.
Save to Text file Save to text file.
Read from SIM Card Read short message
Write To SIM Card Write Phone book to SIM Card.
10. Edit
Edit function group
11. Edit
Edit a record
12. Insert
Insert a new record
13. Clear
Clear a record.
14. Delete
Delete a record
15. Cut
Cut a record to clipboard.
16. Copy
Copy a record to clipboard
17. Paste
Paste a record from clipboard.
18. Select all
Select all records.
19. PIN Manager
PIN manager function group
20. PIN 1 state
Set PIN 1 State
21. PIN 1 Password
Set PIN 1 Password
22. Option
23 System configuration System configuration
24 Language
Select language
25. Help
Help function group
26. SIM Editor Help
SIM Editor help file.
27. About....
About the program.
28. Exit
Exit the program.
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IV. IV. Getting Started
1. Connect the PC and card reader.
2. Plug in the SIM card into userÓs reader with the IC chip face down.
3. Click the main menu Connect icon.
4. «Connection Successful will appear if the connection is successful. If it fails, the dialog
box «Connection Failure will appear. Please double check the connection of the reader and
PS While inserting the new SIM card, users must click the «Connect icon to let reader connect SIM card
again, otherwise the error will occur.
[Top Of Page]
V. V. Phone Book
Phone Book
Phone book editing
Open Option
Replace all the previous phone book
Append Append phone book to the previous one.
Read from SIM card Read the phone book data from the card
Write to SIM card Write the phone book into the card
Open from file
Read the data from the Disk
Save to file
Write the data into the Disk
Step 1: Click the edit button for editing the phone book.
Step 2: Click Read from SIM card or Read from file button and read the data.
Step 3: There are modify, add and delete functions in the phone book editing application.
1. 1. Edit Click twice of your left button of the mouse or select the «Modify button to enter the editor
2. 2. Insert Click the Add button to access to add window.
3. 3. Clear Clear a record for click the Clear button.
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