A Companion to Roman Britain.pdf

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A Companion to Roman Britain
In Honorem
Francis Haverfield
Robin Collingwood
Ian Richmond
Sheppard Frere
Edited by
Malcolm Todd
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© ȱ 2004 ȱ by ȱ Blackwell ȱ Publishing ȱ Ltd ȱ
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First ȱ published ȱ 2004 ȱ by ȱ Blackwell ȱ Publishing ȱ Ltd ȱ
2 ȱȱ 2006 ȱ
Library ȱ of ȱ Congress ȱ Cataloging Ȭ in Ȭ Publication ȱ Data ȱ
A ȱ companion ȱ to ȱ Roman ȱ Britain ȱ / ȱ edited ȱ by ȱ Malcolm ȱ Todd. ȱ
p. ȱ cm. ȱ ȱ (Blackwell ȱ companions ȱ to ȱ British ȱ history) ȱ
Includes ȱ bibliographical ȱ references ȱ (p. ȱ ) ȱ and ȱ index. ȱ
ISBN ȱ 0 Ȭ 631 Ȭ 21823 Ȭ 8 ȱ (alk. ȱ paper) ȱ
1. ȱ Great ȱ Britain–History–Roman ȱ period, ȱ 55 ȱ B.C. Ȭ 449 ȱ A.D. ȱȱȱ 2. ȱ Great ȱ Britain–Antiquities, ȱȱ
Roman. ȱȱȱ 3. ȱ Romans–Great ȱ Britain. ȱȱȱ I. ȱ Todd, ȱ Malcolm, ȱ FSA. ȱȱȱ II. ȱ Series ȱ
DA145.C586 ȱȱȱ 2004 ȱ
936.1’04–dc21 ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ 2003051821 ȱ
ISBN Ȭ 13: ȱ 978 Ȭ 0 Ȭ 631 Ȭ 21823 Ȭ 4 ȱ (alk. ȱ paper) ȱ
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