Deadlands - Rascals, Varmints & Critters 2 - The Book of Cur.pdf

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By: John Goff
Rascals Varmints & Critter II: The Book o’ Curses
Written & Designed by: John Goff
Editing & Layout: Hal Mangold
Cover Art: H. Ed Cox
Interior Art: Paul Daly
Cover Design: Hal Mangold & Zeke Sparkes
Logos: Zeke Sparkes, Ron Spencer & Charles Ryan
Special Thanks to:
Deadlands created by Shane Lacy Hensley.
Dedicated to: George Romero and Sam Raimi for bringing the dead to unlife.
Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 10908
Blacksburg, VA 24062–0908 or
(800) 214–5645 (orders only)
Deadlands, Weird West, Dime Novel, the Great Rail Wars,
the Deadlands logo, and the Pinnacle logo are
Trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
© 2000 Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
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Printed in the USA.
Table o’ Contents
Introduction...... 4
No Man’s
Land.................. 5
Territory ....... 31
Ustrel ....................................................... 59
Wampyr ................................................ 60
Cinematic Vampires .................61
Banshee ............................................... 64
Haunts ................................................... 65
Phantom .............................................. 66
Poltergeists ....................................... 67
Shades ................................................... 68
Specters ................................................ 69
Living Houses ............................... 69
The Thing
Under the Bed ............................. 71
Utenka ................................................... 72
Gabriel Hounds ............................ 73
Little People .................................... 74
Demons ................................................ 76
Automatons ...................................... 78
Clockwork Tarantulas ......... 79
Doom Clouds .................................... 81
Patchwork Science .................. 82
Dopplegangers .............................. 84
Replicants .......................................... 85
Skinwalkers ..................................... 86
Gaki .......................................................... 86
Were-Shark ........................................ 88
Chapter Three:
Horrors.............. 91
Chapter Four:
Lycanthropy and
Vampirism .... 107
Chapter One:
The Explorer’s
Papers.................. 5
Neo-Zoology .............................................. 6
Creatures ............................................. 7
Beneath the Waves ...................12
Opportunities ................................15
The Unquiet Dead:
A Short Treatise ........................ 18
A Letter from Dr. Jensen ......... 26
Chapter Two:
Horrors of the
Weird West...... 31
Carcajou ................................................ 32
Catamount ........................................ 33
Cemetery Wolves ....................... 34
Piasa ......................................................... 35
Prarie Ticks & Queens........ 36
Terrantulas ....................................... 37
Giants of the Deep .................. 39
Blob ........................................................... 40
Devil Ray ...............................................41
Hellfish .................................................. 42
Mudsucker ........................................ 43
Nibblers ................................................. 43
Sand Viper ........................................ 44
Sirens ...................................................... 45
Bloats ...................................................... 46
Desiccated Dead ......................... 47
Feral Walk’ Dead ....................... 47
Frozen Dead .................................... 48
Orphaned Heads ........................ 49
Colony ‘Gloms ................................ 50
Skeletons ..............................................51
Mummies ............................................ 52
Undead Animals......................... 54
Nosferatu ............................................ 56
Nosferatu Ancient Ones ... 57
Penanggalen ................................... 58
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