Rinpoche, Lama Zopa - Padmasambava Prayer To Eliminate Obstacles.Pdf

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Prayer to Guru Rinpoch to Clear Away Obstacles on the Path
Prayer to Guru Rinpoche to Clear Away Obstacles on the Path
Precious guru, embodiment of all buddhas of the three times;
Great bliss, the lord of all accomplishments;
Wrathful power, who dispels all hindrances and subdues demons;
Pray bestow your blessings.
Please remove the outer, inner, and secret obstacles and grant your blessings to accomplish wishes
Du sum sang gyay guru rinpoche
Ngo drup kun dak de wa chhen poi zhap
Bar chhad kun sel dud dul drak po tsal
Sol wa deb so jyin gyiy lap tu sol
Chhyi nang sang wai bar chhad zhi wa dang
Sam pa lhun gyi drup par jyin gyi lob
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