soldat.gather - English.pdf

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This is a manual for #soldat.gather
What is "soldat gather" anyway?
Soldat Gather is a Soldat community working in IRC. The members of the community are offered a
possibility to play Soldat with such a quality which is not affordable by public games. In Soldat
Gather you might encounter famous players and other skilled gamers who have got bored on low-
level public games.
The idea of Soldat Gather is to play training clanwars with other community members.
Soldat Gather is an easy way to learn the basics of Clan gaming and at the same time to gain
valuable experience by playing against skilled players.
How does the Soldat Gather work?
The activity of Soldat Gather has been centered on the channel #soldat.gather in irc network of
Quakenet. To be able to join the channel you must be authed.
After managing to get to the channel it is a good idea to take a look what's happening
on the channel before doing anything. Many have succeeded at destroying other peoples joy by
breaking the rules of Gather. The core rules are introduced in this guide later.
By overwatching the actions on the channel for a while you have probably noted the
soldatgather bot, informing the status of the servers, beginning games, games which have been
played already and some statistics. The bot gathers the people (who have earlier reported their
interest on playing) to matches. In addition, the bot sends server information to players and tells
them which team they are going to play in. The Soldat Gather bot also takes care that the old game
on the server has come to its end before new game takes place there. The basic commands of the bot
are recommended to be learnt.
In the game server you should play by the rules of the game, teams set by the bot and
respect the other participants. Remember that the meaning of the game is to train co-operation and
gaming skills. You receive a three-man team from the bot, you being one of the troopers of this
squad. The goal is to play better than the opposing team.
After the match you may freely sign up for another starting gather immediately or just
stay idle on the channel. Gather is also a great way to get to know the Clan activity as some players
of almost all professional clans are present on the channel. If you are looking for a clan or just
willing to gain experience the Gather is for you. Soldat Gather also offers a possibility to gain fame
and pride (by playing unbelieveable well) or to get connections to pro-clans.
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Soldat Finland
If you are new on the channel and wondering why you cannot participate on some games, the
reason is in your channel status. Only the users with the +v (voice) status may take part in Gather+
games. So how does one get +v? It must be earned. The only way to receive +v is to sign up
(beforehand) on "project Kane." Kane is played like any other Gather matches but with admins
spectating the game and observing the skills of the participants. Admins also nominate the players
permitted to continue on the next rounds and the ones who drop out. In the end the remaining
players fight against the team formed by the admins. So the +v is gifted only to good players who
earn the title by playing well against the admins in Kane and proving themselves along their skills
worthy. This is the only way, by whining and crying and screaming for +v on the channel you might
be given +b instead.
Commands of Soldat Gather
!status - Informs if a new game is starting or if players are seeked for one.
!overkill - Informs the status of all servers.
!add - By this command you sign up for a next game.
!del - Deletes your former signup. Not usable after the game has already started.
!kane - Gives you the link to the kane topic on Gather's forums.
!sub <the server number> <the amount of players dropped out (1 or 2)> If a player leaves the game
before it is completed by this command you get the bot to seek a possible substitute.
!on - Bot begins to seek players for a new gather match. (Works only if there are empty servers
Rules of Soldat Gather
- Do not advertise. No other channels, websites, especially not other gathers!
- Do not join game if you haven't got enough time to complete it. Be sure you have at least 40
minutes before typing !add.
- Do not beg for +v from the operators.
- Do not mass-highlight other people.
- Do not overwhelm the bot (if someone has !overkilled a bot before you don't have to do it again)
- Do not post vague links on the #soldatgather channel.
Game rules:
- One round lasts for ten minutes.
- The game is won by the team who has the most victories after three rounds. (if a team wins two
rounds in a row they win the game immediately)
- A round is won by a team who has managed to capture most flags inside the time limit.
- Bot randomly generates the teams and you are placed to either Bravo or Alpha team. You may not
change team during the game.
- The Alpha team decides the first map, the second is named by Bravo. If the result after these two
is draw, a tiebreaker round is played in a map informed by the bot as the game was about to start.
- Never ever leave the game before it has been finished!
- Do not use hack devices or benefit from the bugs.
- When choosing the map of your squad you must respect the opinions of your teammates as well.
Remember that Soldat Gather is a private project and the admins are spending their own time and
money for it. So don't whine and argue continuously. If you are punished for some reason, crying
over it doesn't help.
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Brought You By
Soldat Finland
Stupidities to be made during the game (and bad co-operation)
- Complaining to other players
- Running around the map without a proper goal or purpose (this is not a public server)
- Gathering frags continuously by camping or playing passively. This is a match of flag capturing
and the flags won't come for you.
- Ignoring the use of taunts.
- Abandoning your gaming place without a note for your teammates (bouncing from lower routes to
upper ones all the time)
Useful links: (Gather homepage)
If you have something in your mind and cannot find an answer for it in the guide or links above,
contact an operator on the soldat.gather #channel.
Made By
Brought You By
Soldat Finland
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