stans specs.txt

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5 volts x 2 amps = 10 watts

motor 1725
alternator 3500

12 gauge into cell

12 volts x 3.3 amps = 40 watts

40,000 volts x 1 millamp = 40 watts

Amps x Volts = Watts
Watts / 745.7 (one HP) = Electrical HP Produced by the Alternator
HP x 15% Efficiency Loss = HP Loss
HP + HP Loss = Total HP Used

40 watts / 745.7 = .0536hp	
.0536 x 15% = .0080 hp
.0536 + .0080 = .0616 hp

1.25"Dia .065" thick stainless tubing
1"Dia .065" thick stainless tubing 

5797 x 14 = 81158 turns secondary winding
160 primary winding

Phase-locked loop (PLL) circuit

resonant scanning circuit 

pulse indicator circuit

forced ocillation circuit voltage to go to inifinity

voltage regulator


Stan Meyers WFC injection system is remarkably similar to a plasma torch, not only in terms of the actual injector design but right down to the use pressurized fuel gas around 125 psi and the use of shielding gases to focus the plasma beam into the combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine.
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