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Przemek Wielgosz                            03/02/2012

Viruses, DDOS, Spyware etc.  – Everything what you should now about dangers in the internet.



1.    What is a Computer Virus?

A Computer Virus is very similar thing to the real virus; but computers ones are synthetic and not alive. A computer virus is a malicious program which is created to harm the computer system. They are dangerous for your OS (Operating System) and personal data. There are many types of computer viruses like:


-         Spyware / Malware

-         Trojans

-         Worms


2.    Spyware/Malware

Spyware or Spying Software (Programs) or Computer Spy; is a type of malicious software (Malware) which are installed on computer and collecting information about users without their knowledge. The virus process is always hidden and it could be difficult for the user to find it. Spyware can be harmless but annoying, because it collects information about you such as which websites you browse, which music you listen etc. When it has collected all the information it needs, then it sends you spam e.g. to buy new CD of your favourite band. There is also a dangerous type which can steal personal data such as your credit card number. The worst thing is that you’ll never know which type you have on your machine. The solution is Anti-Virus software which will find and delete them.


3.    Trojans

Trojan horse like a name suggests is a dangerous virus hidden in the different archives and linked to unknown websites. For example someone sends you e-mail and there is a link to the video from yesterday’s party. You can think “cool that is the video from the last party, it was very funny”. When you open the link then your computer may be already infected. On this website you’ll not find any video, just the virus. Those viruses can also have impact on your hardware e.g. force to use full power of the processor and in effect burn it out.



4.    Worms

Those are viruses which can replicate themselves without user knowledge and via internet sends itself to other computers. If you have too much of them on your machine then it has a negative effect on the network and computer speed. Everything is slowing down. It may also create a computer zombie which is usually used to send spam. This all happens without the user’s knowledge. Worms can also be used by someone who wants take control of your computer.  Anti-virus program protects your computer against all the viruses, malware and worms. On the market also exists “healing” software which is not an anti-virus but detects malware and removes threats from your computer.  


5.    DDoS

A denial-of-service attacks (DoS attack) or distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) is a popular attack used by hackers to make a computer resource unavailable for the users. This attack is creating virtual traffic on the chosen line which makes it unavailable for others. It is dangerous for companies like banks, which can loose million pounds because of that attack.                   

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